View Full Version : My First Vahses

Vaughn McMillan
05-11-2006, 3:11 AM
OK, they're not vahses, they're weed pots. I just didn't want to put the term "weed pot" in the subject line, in case Internet Explorer is monitoring our activities and sending it to the DEA. (It's an inside joke.) :cool:

After latheing my way through eight cosmetic rosettes for my in-progress arbor, I wanted to do some form practice, so I stuck a piece of pine branch between centers and turned a couple thingamaroos:


The pine was literally backyard windfall. LOML was getting ready to throw it out Tuesday night, and I told her to save if for lathe practice. It was a pretty small branch, though:


Having fun so far...:D

- Vaughn

Karl Laustrup
05-11-2006, 5:08 AM
Very nice Vaughn. I see that table passes the nickle test, also. :D


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-11-2006, 5:21 AM
You done good for windfall pine for sure!


John Hart
05-11-2006, 5:47 AM
Nice Form Vaughn! Amazing what a couple of sticks will reveal. What kind of blossoms are those?

John Miliunas
05-11-2006, 8:22 AM
Those are cute, Vaughn! Nice job. :)

Karl, I 'bout spit my coffee up when I read about the "nickel test"!!!:eek: :D :cool:

Keith Burns
05-11-2006, 8:26 AM
Wow Vaughn, those are great. Great form. !!!:) :)

Jim Becker
05-11-2006, 8:31 AM
Excellent, Vaughn!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-11-2006, 9:10 AM
Well done Vaughn!

Lee DeRaud
05-11-2006, 10:31 AM
"Weed-pot": turner-speak for "I'm too cheap to buy a hollowing tool." :D :cool: :p

Well done, Vaughn!

Christopher K. Hartley
05-11-2006, 6:34 PM
Nice work Vaughn. Oh, by the way, we won't tell. My guess is that someone here has tried turning a stalk or two of the stuff anyway.

Corey Hallagan
05-11-2006, 6:50 PM
Excellent Vaughn, they look great! I did one that I am working on the finish of very similar to the smaller one! Great job!


Barry Stratton
05-11-2006, 8:43 PM
Very nice Vaughn! If it wasn't for the nickel, they could pass for gigantic!!

Andy Hoyt
05-11-2006, 8:56 PM
Not Vahses - okay, I'll buy that.

But these are no weed pots.

I think they both qualify as Spliff Bifta's.

Bernie Weishapl
05-11-2006, 9:34 PM
Nice work Vaugh. I like to form and finkish.

Curt Fuller
05-11-2006, 9:46 PM
Spliff Bifta's.

Spliff Bifta's???

Excellent Spliff Bifta's Vaughn!

Ernie Nyvall
05-11-2006, 10:14 PM
Spliff Bifta's???

Excellent Spliff Bifta's Vaughn!

Curt, read it backwards and you'll get it...Satfib Ffilps... that Andy's a clever one.:D

They do look nice Vaughn. Keep'em coming.


Bruce Shiverdecker
05-11-2006, 10:16 PM
Those look great, for pine. Soft stuff hard to turn.

Not bad stealth "itty bitty" gloat, too!


Corey Hallagan
05-11-2006, 10:21 PM
I agree, doesn't look like pine at all. Almost looks like it has some curl in it!


Vaughn McMillan
05-11-2006, 10:43 PM
Curt, read it backwards and you'll get it...Satfib Ffilps... that Andy's a clever one.:D ...
I had to look up bifta, and I see Andy is being pretty clever. It's another redundant term, much like weed pot could be considered redundant (in certain vernaculars). ;) Sorta like Arena mentioning Strouhal Numbers in reference to The Vortex. :)

There's some deep stuff here in Turner Land. Exactly what that stuff is would best be left unsaid. :p :D

Thanks to all for the compliments and encouragement. I'm already eyeing the other trees in the yard to see if any dead branches need trimming. That's probably a bad sign, huh? :rolleyes:

- Vaughn

Frank Chaffee
05-12-2006, 1:53 AM
I think they both qualify as Spliff Bifta's.
Wow Vaughn,
Thet Andy is certainly one heavy duty cryptographer, as I have had to shut down and blow cooled air over my Enigma era machine several times already tonite!!!, in my effort to catch the drift, wake?, turbulence?, of his message.

Nor forwards nor backwards nor inside out nor any syncopated convu or involutated arrangements of those letters yield results.

I’m beginning to fear that his message is as basic and fundamental as Mark’s Shlamaca is, and is flying under the radar of rationally definably thot.

Sheesh, why do I always over think things?

Shoulda jes relaxed and let the smoke funnelate, turbulate, inhalealate, settleate, permeate, and enlightenate. That is truly the Strouhaly way.

Vaughn, regarding the nasty symptoms of the tree trimming/crotch/burl desire that afflicts turners, let me say that I can relate, as I recently had to fell two sixty five foot slim walnuts from a clump of three that were leaning towards where we are building a garage, and now my warm chainsaw needs firm restraint to keep it from exposing more pretty grain!


Dennis Peacock
05-12-2006, 2:03 AM
Very nice Vaughn. Pretty and the form is good too. I really like them both. Good job on the turning.