View Full Version : Two more.......

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-09-2006, 2:37 AM
If you guys are getting sick of this just let me know and I'll stop :D
This is a piece Dunno wood (I hear you have this over there too!)
It was SUPER wet when I first cut it, really, it was leaking on the floor, and heavy, now it has cracked to all heck, and is light like Balsa wood :( But you know me, I'll turn anything. Turns like butter, this would be great for a newbie afraid of catches, as it is so soft and easy to turn
It might be Chesnut, but I'm not sure...

Red Keyaki, with a big knot in it, this is 21 cm, and near the limit of what I can turn on the C-man lathe. The vibrations I get out there on the edges are unreal, I do my best, but on anything but the lightest cuts, I get a lot of trouble. Here I was hogging out the bowl, and got a real bad bounce going, you could see the headstock of the lathe occolating back and forth :D

This is the pile-O-shavings pic someone asked for. :rolleyes:

Finished rough out, should be nice when done............... (cont)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-09-2006, 2:39 AM
Here is the bottom of the same rough out

and a side shot.

I'm really needing a new lathe, this little one just won't cut it :D

Well I hope I'm not boring you all, now I got to go deliver some wine.


Scott Fernald
05-09-2006, 6:17 AM
Not boring me a bit Stu! I like hearing about your "growing pains" as well as your successes. It feeds my internal Abyss while keeping me from grabbing one of the cheap C-man or brand X lathes I see show up on Craigslist at times.

I'm still going for a starter lathe (probably the Rikon for the 12" bowl capacity) unless I luck into a nice used bigger one, and your cautionary tales have brought me back to Earth everytime I see some cheapo lathe and start to ask myself "for that money, how bad can it be?" :)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-09-2006, 6:37 AM
Thanks Scott, but I'll say one thing for this C-man lathe, it has gotten me hooked, so that ain't all bad ;)

I'm sure when I get a better lathe, that I'll really, REALLY appreciate it that much more, and it teaches you to ride the bevel and take light cuts.

Still, if you can get the good one to start with, you are ahead for sure.


John Hart
05-09-2006, 6:57 AM
Rock-n-roll Stu!!! Nice looking work. I ain't bored either!:)

Dick Parr
05-09-2006, 7:55 AM
Great job Stu!:)

Bernie Weishapl
05-09-2006, 10:56 AM
Great job Stu. Keep'em coming. Never gets boring. Beautiful job Stu.

Rich Stewart
05-09-2006, 11:16 AM
I really enjoy your posts. Keep 'em comin'. I really get some motivation looking at your work. Thanks Lots!!


Mike Ramsey
05-09-2006, 2:14 PM
Aint it amazing how fast those shavings pile up!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-09-2006, 3:15 PM
John, Dick, Bernie and Rich, thanks.

Mike, I think I'll have to buy a snow shovel :eek: :D


Corey Hallagan
05-09-2006, 4:36 PM
Great looking stuff Stu, this is a turning form man, nobody going to get tired of this. Your doing great!


Bruce Shiverdecker
05-09-2006, 4:59 PM
Good start on those, Stu. I'll bet they'll be good when finished!


Dennis Peacock
05-09-2006, 6:09 PM
Hey Stu.....

The bottom pic shows a bowl with a real nice curve to it. Nice shape and good eye there buddy. :D

Vaughn McMillan
05-09-2006, 6:54 PM
Aw geez, not another Stu bowl thread. :rolleyes: Every time I turn around, there goes Stu posting pics of another bowl or somethin'. :eek: Fer cryin' out loud man, get a life...visit with the kids...see a movie...start collecting wine bottle corks...do something productive with your time. :D :p

[That's what you get for saying things like "if this is boring, let me know..."]

Cool looking bowls, Stu. I gotta agree with Dennis on the form of the bowl in the bottom picture. You're definitely getting the hang of things quickly, and your old C-Man seems to be a good teacher. Keep up the good work, buddy.

- Vaughn

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-09-2006, 8:37 PM
Aw geez, not another Stu bowl thread. :rolleyes: Every time I turn around, there goes Stu posting pics of another bowl or somethin'. :eek: Fer cryin' out loud man, get a life...visit with the kids...see a movie...start collecting wine bottle corks...do something productive with your time. :D :p

[That's what you get for saying things like "if this is boring, let me know..."]
- Vaughn


Well, you did not REALLY think I was serious did you...:rolleyes::D

Barry Stratton
05-09-2006, 9:54 PM
Great job Stu. Bored???? Not when you post piles of shavings............

Ernie Nyvall
05-09-2006, 10:57 PM
Mike, I think I'll have to buy a snow shovel :eek: :D


It helps:D

Good going Stu. Looks like you have some nicely formed bowls going.


Bill White
05-10-2006, 1:52 PM
are posting pics on SMC where I can see them. When you post only on your web, the office filter won't let me view.