View Full Version : Santa Turner Came Early This Year

Brad Hart
05-08-2006, 7:09 AM
Just stepped out side to consider mowing the grass which is a weel overdue do to the large amount of logs I dumped in back yard 10 days ago. I spent most of my weekend cleaning up this mess stack, trimming milling all so I could go cut the grass and what do i find. Some arselocher has decided to dump a bunch of beech tree trimming in my yard. Most of it just twigs and small sticks not worth the time to do anything but throw in the burn pile. But low and behold what do I see at the bottom of the pile but some serious turning logs all 12" or bigger and much to my surprise something I have never seen, a large beech burl, 6" deep 12" wide by nearly 2 feet long.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-08-2006, 7:30 AM
Well that scoundrel! The kind of person that would dump in somebody's elses yard.........they'd never have dropped the burl if they'd known it was any value! Good luck with the beech.....let us know how it turns!

Corey Hallagan
05-08-2006, 8:26 AM
Beech turns well, I have some dry tiger flamed beech I will be turning today.


George Conklin
05-08-2006, 8:36 AM
No pics,,,never happened. You know the rules.:D

Pat Salter
05-08-2006, 8:47 PM
No pics,,,never happened. You know the rules.:D
Sic em george!!!;)