View Full Version : Computer desk is finally finished!!

Joe Breid
05-07-2006, 10:25 PM
I started building a computer desk and library shelves last fall. It has taken me since then to finish this project. I just moved it from the shop and installed it today. I am glad to have it finished and really like the way it turned out.

The design is based on a picture that my daughter found and I modified it to fit in the space available. The units are 85" tall and consist of 9 separate pieces. The units with glass doors in them sit on top of and are fastened to the bases. I used connector bolts to connect the units together.

The flat surfaces are made from oak plywood, the faceframes are solid oak and the backs are made from oak carsiding.

This is the center of the unit. The bottom drawer on the left side is a lateral file for hanging files.
The computer CPU is located behind the bottom doors on the right.

This shows the left side of the project. The two library shelves are both 30" wide.

This is the right side. The library shelf is 48" wide.

Another view of the left side.

I put the compter in a pullout drawer so that it will be easier to get at the back side of the computer. The wires go into a cable tray which keeps them from being tangled on the floor.

Now that this project is complete, I have all kinds of room in the shop again. I do not have another project to start on so I may spend some time playing with my new lathe.

Thanks for looking,

Mike Canaris
05-07-2006, 10:32 PM
Wow! This is really beautiful...nicely executed..very nice work...

How much did this cost you in parts/wood?

Frank Chaffee
05-07-2006, 11:12 PM
10,000 kudos Joe!

Every aspect of that desk and attendant storage is very well thought out and executed.

The glazed cabinet doors provide archival protection of bound materials (valued by we who keep one foot in the Guttenberg era), the adjustable shelving allows accommodation of newly acquired books and display of artwork, the lateral file drawer blends well into the cabinetry scheme, and the routing of wires and the convenient access to the back and side of the CPU are totally enviable!!!

The warm tones of the woods of the floor, trim in the library, the cabinets, which have wonderfully substantial cast metal pulls, reside so comfortably in that deep red room, that I swear Carl Gustav Jung could move in there tomorrow and feel at home.

Seeing these pics today, I understand the source of the twinkle in your eyes when I met you in LaCrosse.

Wonderful work Joe!


Larry Cooke
05-07-2006, 11:23 PM

When I clicked on this thread I was envisioning a desk. You have done a fanstastic job on this! I don't dare let the LOML see this or I know what I'll be doing for the few weeks/months.

I really like how it all pulls together, did you trim the windows to match? Or was that already there?

Very, very well done.


Corey Hallagan
05-07-2006, 11:56 PM
Joe that is simpley a beautiful piece of funiture! Spectacular job Joe.


Lopaka Garcia
05-08-2006, 1:11 AM
Wow that's no computer desk that's for sure. A real nice piece of furniture is more like it. Will your computer do it justice? :D

Vaughn McMillan
05-08-2006, 2:39 AM
Desk? I can barely see the desk for all the other beautiful cabinet work. Very nice work, and I really admire the forethought you put into things like the slide-out computer drawer. I'll bet the entire project will be a joy to use. Great job, Joe.

- Vaughn

Brian Lindenlaub
05-08-2006, 3:49 AM
I especially like the way you put the CPU on a pullout shelf. Brian

Alan DuBoff
05-08-2006, 3:55 AM
Great desk, now get yourself a large monitor which deserves to be on that beauty! :D

Tim Burke
05-08-2006, 4:17 AM

Great looking project. I'm in the design phase for a similar desk, although slightly smaller. Your's has many of the design elements that I am drawing up, so your pictures are a big help. Thanks for sharing.

I agree about the monitor - a desk that nice deserves a nice wide screen LCD!


scott spencer
05-08-2006, 4:28 AM
Your computer must be bigger than mine Joe! Seriously, that's spectacular!

Karl Laustrup
05-08-2006, 5:19 AM
WOW! Great job Joe. That is absolutely awesome.

Now I've got another reason to stop and see you next time I'm going through Eau Claire.

Roger Everett
05-08-2006, 6:19 AM
Nice peice of work. Very thought out. Looks like you may be in the market for a fw dozen books now.

Jim dePrado
05-08-2006, 7:04 AM
Great work. I agree with the monitor idea. Get as big as you can.


Matt Meiser
05-08-2006, 7:23 AM
Excellent work!

Tyler Howell
05-08-2006, 7:31 AM
Well done Joe.
Most impressive:cool:

Carl Eyman
05-08-2006, 7:34 AM
Very well done - both design and execution. Can you give use an idea of how you made the glass doors?

Jim Becker
05-08-2006, 7:40 AM
Nice work, Joe. Looks like there are nooks and cranies for just about anything needed!!

Rick de Roque
05-08-2006, 10:06 AM
Excellent work. Good design.


Dan Clark
05-08-2006, 12:02 PM
...I put the compter in a pullout drawer so that it will be easier to get at the back side of the computer...


Great work. I wish I had your talent. However...

One issue that I'm concerned about it computer ventilation. I don't see any in the computer cabinet. Is it there but not showing in the pics?

Computer ventilation is EXTREMELY important. If the CPU cabinet is sealed, then the cabinet will get very hot and the computer will get very hot. With no ventilation, the computer will literally fry itself (in addition to damaging the cabinet).

Please tell me that there is ventilation.



p.s., I'm a computer jock (software developer) by profession.

Steve Clardy
05-08-2006, 1:16 PM
Awesome work. Very nice!!

tod evans
05-08-2006, 1:27 PM
nice work joe!

Jerry Strojny
05-08-2006, 1:51 PM
Looks great Joe!!! It would have taken me twice as long to do something that nice. I love the warm tones of the stain. What color (name) is the stain?

Wes Bischel
05-08-2006, 2:36 PM
Computer desk is a bit of an understatement!:eek: Nicely done - and well thought out. I almost hate to see any computer components covering it up!


Randy Gillard
05-08-2006, 3:09 PM
Beautiful work. Well done.

Cliff Rohrabacher
05-08-2006, 4:17 PM
Very nice. Very, Very nice indeed.

Joe Breid
05-08-2006, 7:23 PM
I will try to answer the questions that have been asked.

The stain is made by "Old Masters" and is called "Special Walnut". It is the same stain that was used on the trim in the house which is why the window trim looks the same as this project.

I did not keep track of the cost for this but it would be in the area of $2000. About $1500 for wood and $500 for parts. Of course that does not include any tools that were needed. My motto is "A new project---A new tool" Of course, this counted as more than one project!!

This was built with the future in mind so someday there will be a larger monitor to fill the space.

I do not think that ventilation will be an issue. In the cabinet that houses the CPU I left 2 boards off of the back for airflow. The cabinet is mounted about an inch from the wall which lets the air circulate out the back. There is no noticable warmth inside the cabinet after it has been closed for 24 hours.

To build the glass doors I used a CMT tongue and groove router bit set to make the doors. I then cut the back lip off of the bottom rail and the stiles in the area where the glass is inserted using a sraight bit in the router. For the top rail I cut out a curved template and used a guided router bit to remove the back lip. I used a CMT slot cutting bit to cut an 1/8" slot for the glass retainer strip to be inserted into. The grid work on the doors is 3/8'thick and 3/4" wide with half lap joits to connect them together. They are mounted on the surface of the glass and are proud of the door frame by 3/16". I glued and pinned them together and to the frame using my new Grex 23 gauge pinner. (Remember my motto?)

Karl, you are welcome anytime, as is anyone else who is in the area and would like to stop by.


Jerry Olexa
05-08-2006, 11:13 PM
A few years ago, I did a computer desk with a similiar Corner Wraparound design. Mine is much more basic and humble than yours but with a similiar approach. I liked your use of glass, pull out sections etc. Extremely nice work, Joe!! Mine is the beginners version::)

Mike Henderson
05-09-2006, 12:52 AM
Wow, that is some "computer desk". That's the Ferrari of computer desks.

Great job! Not only in the execution but also in your design. Everything really "fits" together well.

Congratulations on a job very well done!


Roger Barga
05-09-2006, 1:45 AM
Hi Joe,

You did a great job and I really like the design.


Garry Smith
05-09-2006, 10:01 AM
Nice job Joe,
I really like the divided lite doors with the arched tops.