View Full Version : Can you say 'Demolition'? I thought you could...

Ned Bulken
05-07-2006, 4:52 PM
to quote Ty Pennington (of Extreme home yada yada yada) 'Let's do some Demolition' Was the phrase today. I've had a honey-do item on my plate for a few months now, and I finally got around to dealing with it. Our front porch has seen better days, and even PT will eventually have issues. The porch isn't much to speak of, just 5x 6 with a wider 'step' of about 4' by 4' just below it. The main platform had a couple of boards which were rotted right away as it turns out. One I knew about, but it wasn't in the flow of traffic so I could ignore it for awhile. Today though, I rolled up my sleeves, took a pry bar and hammer to the boards in question and went to town. I picked up just enough boards to replace the worst offenders, but next week I'll do the rest of the boards and the railings so it will look better for when the folks are in town. Took me about an hour and a half to do everything. I'll post pics next weekend when I get all of it done.
One board looked solid, but when I went to pull it up, I had a heck of a time, because it was rotted right back through the core. Now I have to dispose of all of the PT crap. I may salvage some of the boards and use them for planters for the LOML's garden, as they're weathered on the 'top' but the plants wouldn't mind.

Ted Jay
05-07-2006, 5:08 PM
....... I've had a honey-do item on my plate for a few months now, and I finally got around to dealing with it. ....

Ah yes, the "honey-do" list. Ned.... have you actually seen "The List". My wife tells me there is one, and she's keeping track. As a matter of fact, she congratulated and told me how proud she was of me for finishing one of the items on the list.:D Then she had to point out that it only took four years to complete. :eek: Damned if you do, Damned if you don't!!:rolleyes: