View Full Version : A couple more.....

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-07-2006, 11:50 AM
I got down to the Dungeon tonight for a few hours, I roughed out two more bowls.

The next donors!

Starting another blank, this one is Blue Keyaki, and at just under 23cm,
was a lot for the C-man lathe, as it was bucking and flexing to beat all get out, but I got it done!

The Blue Keyaki roughed out

A bit of a deep plate really, but the blank was not very thick.

Next was this piece of Red Keyaki, it is the biggest I've yet to turn at 24 cm (9 1/2")

Some VERY wild grain in this piece

Even a knot to make it more fun.

I was having a blast, I was stalling the motor on the lathe, and having to take lighter cuts.

I'm quite proud of myself, these are the 3rd and fourth bowls that I've done in a row, with out one catch, not even a little one, all good, all the time!!

Thanks to Bill Grumbine for the great DVD, and the point about "Rewind" :D


Ken Fitzgerald
05-07-2006, 11:55 AM
You are really getting into this Stu! Looks like you're doing good work. Bill's video is indeed a good tool! I sent him an email telling him how valuable the video was to those of us who are experience challenged! It's amazing to me.....when you get the touch and ride that bevel it's pure magic!

Corey Hallagan
05-07-2006, 12:15 PM
Very nice Stu, great looking bunch of bowl! Your doing just great!


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-07-2006, 12:23 PM
You are really getting into this Stu! Looks like you're doing good work. Bill's video is indeed a good tool! I sent him an email telling him how valuable the video was to those of us who are experience challenged! It's amazing to me.....when you get the touch and ride that bevel it's pure magic!

Boy are you right Ken, on all points! :D

When you get them shavings coming off in long strings, man, top of the world!

Corey, thanks, I'm working at it! :D

I figure I should rough out the green blanks I have now, and then dry them out, once dry, I can turn them anytime I want.

Sure do need a new lathe, that poor C-man lathe is bucking and a twisting like all get out :eek:

Quite the ride!

John Hart
05-07-2006, 12:48 PM
Nicely done Stu!

I kinda feel sorry for those poor folks who have been denied the education of the buckin' bronco...simply because they bought the big luxury machine up front. Only through the experience of having your brains beat out, can you truly appreciate the smooth joy of the big expensive machine.

....that's what I keep telling myself anyway.;) :)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-07-2006, 12:56 PM
Nicely done Stu!

I kinda feel sorry for those poor folks who have been denied the education of the buckin' bronco...simply because they bought the big luxury machine up front. Only through the experience of having your brains beat out, can you truly appreciate the smooth joy of the big expensive machine.

....that's what I keep telling myself anyway.;) :)

Sounds good to me!!!! :D

Bernie Weishapl
05-07-2006, 1:08 PM
Nice job on the bowls Stu. You are coming right along. Can't wait to see them finished.

Ernie Nyvall
05-07-2006, 1:17 PM
Good going Stu. Those are going to be nice. I like the grain in both of them.


Jeff Horton
05-07-2006, 1:20 PM
I kinda feel sorry for those poor folks who have been denied the education of the buckin' bronco...

:D I agree! I started on a C-man just like Stu's. I don't miss it either. But I would swap the education I got on it either!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-07-2006, 1:28 PM
Well since my Jet Mini VS won't turn objects as big as those C'mans.....but then again....I don't have a real BENCH......try a bucking pony on a diving board!:eek: :D

Dick Parr
05-07-2006, 4:02 PM
Great job Stu on both of those! The turning bug has you big time.:eek: :D

Barry Stratton
05-07-2006, 4:43 PM
Well since my Jet Mini VS won't turn objects as big as those C'mans.....but then again....I don't have a real BENCH......try a bucking pony on a diving board!:eek: :D

That abyss is sure something, too much fun turning to cobble together a table. You are my hero Ken!

Great job on the bowls Stu - we need a shot of al the curlies piling up!!

Christopher K. Hartley
05-07-2006, 5:21 PM
Stu...have you been hitting the brew...to knock out another two...and one of them is blue...do you even have a clue...as to the next project you will do? Don't ask me why I wrote this it just sorta came out...nice bowls!

Corey Hallagan
05-07-2006, 7:06 PM
Stu, in particular the Red Keyaki shallow bowl is going to be spectacular. I love the size and shape of it. That could be your bowl for slopping up your gruel while in the dungeon :)


Jim VanBramer
05-07-2006, 8:11 PM
Hey Stu ... you've become a turning maniac!!! :D But don't get too over-confident ...... you say you haven't had any catches ... not even a small one. Well, just be wary, cuz when you least expect it WHAM!!!:eek: it's got ya. Hate to see this be you in the pic!!!:D :D :D
(thanks Bill ... hope you don't mind)
But really Stu ... you're an inspiration to us all. Keep up the great work and we love all the pics (even on dial-up!!!:eek: )


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-07-2006, 11:17 PM
I will not get overconfident, I know there are catches waiting for me, I'm only Human (some would say barely ;)).

I'm hoping to get an answer on the DNA stuff today, sure would be nice to plunk 6 of these in a bucket of the stuff and be done with it!

Collectively all of you guys are the inspiration!

Now I need to get me a new lathe! :D