View Full Version : Walnut Marbles

Mike Wenzloff
05-06-2006, 12:15 AM
Ok, Marbled Walnut...

Patterned after a Disston No. 9 backsaw, 16" blade length, 10 ppi cross cut. 4 1/2" usable depth.



Take care, Mike

Marc Waldbillig
05-06-2006, 3:01 AM

That's beautiful work, awesome! :cool: I liked the last tenon saw too. A question about the wood. Is this american black walnut? What does "marbled" mean? Simply changing colors and a typically marble pattern look or does it imply more for working with, like curly woods as maple and sometime european walnut too, as those are harder to plane?

I admire most the contrast between the cool metal color of the blade and the warmth of the dark handle.

Usually I don't post here, but I couldn't help...:D

Regards, Marc

Jim Becker
05-06-2006, 10:07 AM
Yum! That's a beauty, Mike!!! (Always the expectation from you)

Steve Clardy
05-06-2006, 12:23 PM
Very nice Mike!!

Alan DuBoff
05-06-2006, 1:27 PM
Nice work Mike! Or as Lady Day once sang..."nice work if you can get it...and if you get it, tell me how...". :)

Mike Wenzloff
05-06-2006, 1:34 PM
Thank you for the kind words everyone!

These are fun to build. This handle style--aside from being very comfortable--is my oldest son's favorite to shape. He gets to use a couple gouges :)

These are really a well balanced saw. And a bit lighter than:


At 19" of blade length, about 4 5/8" at the toe rising a little more than 5/8" at the heel and weighing about 2 lbs, 4 ounces, it's a beast! A replica of the large tenon saw as found in the Seaton chest made by John Kenyon in about 1793.

Take care, Mike

Maurice Metzger
05-06-2006, 2:18 PM
Not only couldn't I begin to make a saw that nice, but I couldn't even take a picture of it as nicely as the one shown.

Congratulations Mike, that's a lovely saw.


Mike Wenzloff
05-06-2006, 3:05 PM
Thank you Maurice--but I cannot take credit for the photograh. That Seaton saw belongs to Chris Schwarz and he took the photo. I made two of these, one for Chris, one for another person. Here's the photo I took of both:


I'm photographically challanged, at least as far as composition. And in this picture, it illustrates that before one sends away something that one has taken pictures of, check the pictures!

These came out a little hazy and very, very yellow.

Take care, Mike

Roy Griggs
05-09-2006, 3:27 PM
Have you no shame? Teasing us with these beautiful saws of yours', if I didn't already have a couple I don't think I could stand it!!!:D
On photography try putting a white index card in the corner of your photograph, where it can be cropped-out, that way you have a baseline color for the camera to register, and also for you to make color adjustments in your photo programn...

Mike Wenzloff
05-09-2006, 3:38 PM
Hi Roy,

The main issue with the camera is my wife let my granddaughter use it and she changed settings--hey, what does this button do? I didn't know it until after the saws were sent off. I had to reset the camera to the factory settings.

But, she had a blast taking photos of bees, bugs and flowers. So I can handle that.

And besides, I wouldn't have taken the time to compose a photo like Chris does, so I got a freebie out of it!

Take care, Mike

PS, hope all is well with you and yours, Roy!

Clinton Findlay
05-09-2006, 10:15 PM
G'day Mike,
After seeing some of your examples here and on another forum, I'd been thinking about asking if you had used Walnut for your tool handles.

One of the big 'local' timber yards has just brought in Black Walnut (Jublans Nigra) from the US, so it is finally available here in Australia at a reasonable price.

So, it was good to see what one of your saws looks like with a Walnut handle, and I assume that it is the American Black Walnut?

As always, your work has me adjusting my tool purchase wish list - the extra clamps and the vacuum table I want are getting lower and "one of Mike's saws" is getting higher in the list. :D