View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
05-05-2006, 5:50 AM
It's Friday again. Cinco de Mayo at that. Margarita's for everyone. :)

So what's on the agenda for the next couple of days?

If you celebrate Cinco de Mayo tonight, Saturday could be a recovery day. ;)

It's grand-daughter's B-Day Sunday. Having a party for her Saturday with a bunch of her friends and relatives. 12 this year. 12 months until the big 13. :eek: Don't think much unpacking will get done this weekend.

Have a good weekend and keep it safe.


Tyler Howell
05-05-2006, 6:46 AM
Mornin Karl.
Splashing the boat this weekend. Heading up after lunch.
Planning a lite rail bar crawl next weekend. Going to do a dry run on Sunday:eek: :D .
Have a good one.

Matt Meiser
05-05-2006, 6:55 AM
Mowing for the 2nd time, working on some electrical "stuff" for the shop, probably taking my dad out to dinner for his birthday tomorrow, and hopefully getting started on a jewelry box for my daughter.

The electrical stuff is pretty geeky. I currently have a PLC (programmable logic controller used in industrial equipment) that I use with some software I wrote to allow me to remotely control the heating/AC in my shop. I aquired a new controller which will do more stuff so I'm going to be doing the programming on that. I deal with industrial IT at work, so its a chance to deal with some parts of the process that I don't normally get to do and customers love hearing about "cool" stuff that you've done with the technology that you are selling them.

Mark Pruitt
05-05-2006, 7:03 AM
No WWing for me. I leave for Atlanta Saturday morning where I'll be at a conference until Wednesday. At least I can hit Highland Hardware and Woodcraft while there.

Bob Noles
05-05-2006, 7:39 AM
Now that my shop rehab has reached completion, I have to move on to some honey do's around the house. Plan on pressure washing the screen porch and painting the screen panes. If there is any time left, I hope to turn a couple of pens on the lathe for upcoming graduation gifts.

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Joe Marotta
05-05-2006, 7:48 AM
We are supposed to have a neighborhood yardsale tomorrow a.m., but the weather is looking like that will be a washout. The in-laws are having a big Kentucky Derby party Saturday afternoon/evening, so we will be heading down the road for that in the afternoon.

I have a TS3650 box in the back of my truck that is calling for me to open it. As soon as I can find someone to help me get it from my truck to the basement (and I can clear enough space in the basement to set it up) I have a feeling that will take up a good part of my weekend! Unfortunately, the yard sale was supposed to help with providing the above mentioned space. It really is amazing how much 'stuff' you can accumulate!

Robert Mayer
05-05-2006, 8:12 AM
Its a poker table weekend.

8 sided as you can see. Its tough to get all the angles perfect so Im working on that. Its 1" thick figured oak.


George Bledsoe
05-05-2006, 8:47 AM
In the rough!!!!
I really don't need the lumber but I don't want to see it go to waste..
so I guess I will have to get busy and fire up the mill;)
Now just have to find a place to store it.

David Duke
05-05-2006, 8:48 AM
Hope to finish up the WWing part of the grandfather clock I've been working on and get everything finish sanded. Sunday plan on visiting with my mom and taking care of some things for her.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

(Forgot to say in the original post that what I will be doing on the clock involves "spinny" work, making the columns beside the door. The folks over in the turner forum probably smell another victim of the abyss......never happen!!!:D :D :D :eek: )

mark koopman
05-05-2006, 8:53 AM
Will be finishing up the finish on the baby cradle tonight and tomorrow. Then starting work on the change table then dinner and a movie with my wife for her 22nd Birthday. (Shes 8 months pregnant) Going to see MI:3 on opening weekend...this should be fun.

Bob Reeve
05-05-2006, 8:55 AM
We are leaving for vacation in Curacao a little later this morning. Be back in a week, hopefully rested and tan.

Jim Becker
05-05-2006, 8:58 AM
The girls' school is having a fair tomorrow, so I suspect we'll be spending some time there. The younger also has a birthday party to attend on Sunday, and the older will be at her swimming lessons. Should I get lucky to have some free time, it will likely be spending quality time with a front-end loader preparing an area for the play gym set we ordered the other day...and if I'm really, really lucky, I may try to air out the shop and putter around a bit.

Julio Navarro
05-05-2006, 9:25 AM
Sons first communion is Sat, I have family in town who I havent seen in a few years, sister, mom, and inlaw.

I hope to be able to work on the cyclone for a few hours. I am working on the filter.

Charles Hans
05-05-2006, 9:43 AM
We will going to Louisville for the Derby again this year, and will probably not pick the winner, but it will be a great time, and they are predicting beautiful weather at the track, so life will be good, and a good time will be had by all.
If you have never been there you should try to make it at least once, it's the party of all parties. Will take the next day to rest up.

Tim Solley
05-05-2006, 10:06 AM
Hope to complete the woodworking work on a ottoman/blanket chest for my soon-to-be-born son's room. I'd like to get the stain and a coat of BLO on it by Sunday night. We'll see how that goes. The wifey wants to go to a arts and crafts festival downtown. The good news is that there are usually some very fine woodworkers down there making boxes and such.


Tim Clark
05-05-2006, 10:11 AM
Hoping to finish the shop cabinet I'm in the middle of doing & re-doing.

Re-configure my TS for a 4" DC hose.

Maybe a little yard work, some Nascar and some Bo-Sox.

Don't know what I'll do Saturday afternoon and Sunday. :eek: :D :D

Pete Harbin
05-05-2006, 10:13 AM
Yard work, convert the swamp cooler, and hopefully a little pen turning practice.


Greg Narozniak
05-05-2006, 2:55 PM
Packing, Packing and more Packing. :(

Nick Englesby
05-05-2006, 3:51 PM
Ill be working on my official FIRST piece of furniture. Table saw and hand joinery. Ill post pics if I'm not too embarrassed.

Vaughn McMillan
05-05-2006, 4:33 PM
I'll be doing a variety of honey-do stuff this weekend (getting ready for out-of-town guests in a couple of weeks), but near the top of the priority list is to finish an arbor that I've been working on evenings this week. This is my first real project to use mortise and tenon joints, and so far I'm very happy with the results. Here's a SketchUp rendering...I'll post pics when it's complete.


- Vaughn

Tony Falotico
05-05-2006, 5:39 PM
and plan to bring a BS home......... help me pick one out @ http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=35928

Fred Voorhees
05-05-2006, 7:39 PM
Well, I will probably get around to some final details on the bar room interior shutters project before they are ready for some finish to be applied. Like everything else in the bar room, Waterlox will be the preferred coating. Would definitely like to get over to the township complex to load up a couple of truckloads of "FREE" mulch for the various flower beds and such around the property. Of course, tomorrow (Sat) night will be spent at the New Egypt (NJ) Speedway watching the dirt track events. This is my 43rd season of attending the local racing events.

Sunday morning, my Brother Dave and I, along with one of my buddies will be hitting the Delaware River in my boat for some fun Herring fishing. With any luck, between the three of us, we could very possibly bring, oh, around two to three hundred into the boat.

john mclane
05-05-2006, 8:29 PM
Beside the usual lawn and yard cleaning; hope to stain/waterproof the deck so we can start using, put some of the storms away and get the screens out. Finally getting some warmer weather up here.

Hopefully the WW will be some time on 2 cherry quilt racks I roughed out this week. Need to do the M&T on all the joints (about 14 in all).

Art Moore
05-05-2006, 8:41 PM
Finishing up the 27 x 20 table extension with router on my TS3650 so I can free up 24" more of bench space (Never enough room, eh?). After that, maybe yard mowing. BTW, anybody suggestions for an add-on router fence to attach to my TS3650 main fence?


Dale Thompson
05-05-2006, 9:06 PM
Hey Dells,
BEAT THIS!! Yesterday (Thursday) before noon, I had no less than THREE life-changing experiences. :eek: At 8:30, I had two new ATVs delivered! :) I have been snowmobiling since 1968 and finally gave up on the short and spotty seasons that we have had for about the last six years. :( My snow machines (almost new and near mint) will be for sale come Fall unless they are sold before then. :o

At 10:30, I had my phone interview with Social Security to activate my Part B Medicare coverage and save myself about $1300/mo. in health insurance. :D They even talked me into taking benefits at 65 (in July) instead of waiting until next March when I would get FULL benefits and about $50/mo more. :cool: :)

At 11:15, my daughter arrived from Oak Creek with Indy, the granddog, and her two rugrats, Josiah and Aliyah! :) :) By noon, I was searching the net for various forms of painless Hari Kari!! ;)

Dale T.

Vaughn McMillan
05-05-2006, 9:29 PM
...BTW, anybody suggestions for an add-on router fence to attach to my TS3650 main fence?

Art, if you want to make your own, here's one way of doing it:


I attached it to my Incra fence, but a slight adjustment in the dimensions would have made it work on my stock TS3650 fence. The stock fence is a good one, but mine's no longer on the saw, since I've upgraded to the Incra setup. If you need more pics or info, drop me a PM.

- Vaughn

glenn bradley
05-05-2006, 9:47 PM
The show is today, Saturday and Sunday. Whoo-hooo.

Joe Mioux
05-05-2006, 10:07 PM
Work and lots of it.... boy I envy you mon-fri guys.... well sometimes.

Frank Chaffee
05-05-2006, 11:01 PM
Hey Dells,
BEAT THIS!! Yesterday (Thursday) before noon, I had no less than THREE life-changing experiences. :eek: At 8:30, I had two new ATVs delivered! :) I have been snowmobiling since 1968 and finally gave up on the short and spotty seasons that we have had for about the last six years. :( My snow machines (almost new and near mint) will be for sale come Fall unless they are sold before then. :o Dale T.
Wow Pesh,
You are a consummate marketeer!
Vote for global warming and sell the dinosaurs on ebay!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-05-2006, 11:37 PM
Well.....I had a weekend planned.........and then yesterday at 3:30 the mud hit the fan!........I'm into my 3rd week installing a 3 Tesla MR scanner. Everything was going well......I completed all the necessary checks and adjustments......This installation is in a new wing at a hospital. I've known the construction supervisor since he was a young kid cutting brick for his older brother's construction company on one of my neighbor's patio. The state fire inspector had just denied them occupancy rights because the pressure in the sprinkler system was 2 psi too low. I was ribbing him.....I have an applications trainer coming in Monday to train the customer. 30 minutes after I got my "shots" in.......bad karma arrived and now I'm taking shots......I hope I've got this thing working and put together before Monday morning!:(

Frank Chaffee
05-06-2006, 12:11 AM
Well.....I had a weekend planned......I hope I've got this thing working and put together before Monday morning!:(
I envy you not one bit. I spent far too many years of my life making things happen for “the greater cause” (what means weekend, if not a time to get a start on the next work week?), and I experienced wonderful relief when I freed myself from the path of the juggernaut.


Dale Thompson
05-06-2006, 10:13 PM
Well.....I had a weekend planned.........and then yesterday at 3:30 the mud hit the fan!........I'm into my 3rd week installing a 3 Tesla MR scanner. Everything was going well......I completed all the necessary checks and adjustments......This installation is in a new wing at a hospital. I've known the construction supervisor since he was a young kid cutting brick for his older brother's construction company on one of my neighbor's patio. The state fire inspector had just denied them occupancy rights because the pressure in the sprinkler system was 2 psi too low. I was ribbing him.....I have an applications trainer coming in Monday to train the customer. 30 minutes after I got my "shots" in.......bad karma arrived and now I'm taking shots......I hope I've got this thing working and put together before Monday morning!:(


Tell him to put in a "Jockey Pump". They are small and cheap and raise/maintain the pressure at the main header. If it was a "flow" problem, that would be worse because you would need a more expensive "booster pump". The key item for the Inspector to check is the flowing pressure at the "hydraulically most remote head in the system". That happens to be 7 psi.

I hope that you are feeling better!!

Dale T.

Greg Koch
05-06-2006, 11:28 PM
Got to the Cedar lumber yard early and got a good haul of stuff...All this in the small trunk and back seat...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/th_wood1.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/wood1.jpg)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/th_IMG_2512.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/IMG_2512.jpg)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/th_IMG_2510.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/IMG_2510.jpg)

I'm getting a pretty good supply of T&G...will be lining a closet if I can keep getting stock like this.. It's not the real aromatic red cedar, but it still gives off a nice aroma and will protect your clothes. I'll run them through the planer and then clean up the ends with a fine tooth blade.

There wasn't much there in the box they had out, so I wandered into the back and spotted one that was pretty full. I asked one of the guys when they might bring it out....he winked, and said OK...hopped on the forklift and moved it out for me.

Greg Koch
05-06-2006, 11:43 PM
Made a quick jig for the TS and jointer out of the cedar I got today.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/th_Jig.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/Jig.jpg)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/th_IMG_2519.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/Woodworking/IMG_2519.jpg)

Then off to Safeco field to watch the Mariners. My old company gets a suite each year to thank the employees for helping the co. succeed. Catered with Shrimp, Crab, Salmon, Scallops...of and huge hot dogs! Open bar.

Always fun to watch Ichiro...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/MTF/th_IMG_2530.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/MTF/IMG_2530.jpg)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/MTF/th_IMG_2529.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/kgregc/MTF/IMG_2529.jpg)

Greg Hairston
05-07-2006, 8:44 AM
Took a trip with the wife to Little Rock to look at a Rojek sliding Panel Saw. Very well built machine and the folks at TechMark are ok in my book. I have heard a lot of negatives about Rojek gear but upon a very upclose and personal inspection I feel most of it is rumors by the competion. I have a Minimax combination machine and I have to honestly say the Rojek Panel saw is better built. The model I was looking at is one of their higher end machines PF-300L I was really surprised. The slider is very nice and stout. It showed no deflection with 2 grown men over 200 lbs sitting on the end. Basically it does not have all the bells and whistles of some of the other machines but it looks built to last. After all it is just a motor, blade, and sliding table. Does not take rocket science to make a good table saw. Just some attention to detail and quality control. I would say the Rojek has both. Paul C. If you see this post please forgive me... But truth be said I may be buying a new Green and Yellow machine instead of a Blue and white. :)
Now I am off to the shop to help my son make a couple of ring boxes for Mothers day. He has some ideas on what he wants but they are a bit ambitious. Will post some pics of the final projects.

Greg H

Steve Clardy
05-07-2006, 7:29 PM
Going to move some machinery around in the shop. Getting to cramped around my tablesaw.
I just know that something won't fit back in place.