View Full Version : Antler pens, bowl, roughouts.....

Barry Stratton
05-03-2006, 8:02 PM
Been busy AND without a digital camera and borrowed the one I'm using now. They don't like being dropped on a concrete floor either:( . I've found some shop time and bought a cheap 1/2 bowl gouge and cheap 1" round nose scraper - WOW, is all I can say. They make the chips fly!

First pic are two moose antler pens I made on slimline kits (along with a scrollsawed map of Alaska for a Charity Auction quilt for a different website...)

Next is my first completely finished bowl that has tons of "OOPS" visible, but hey, it is DONE!

Then a couple shots of roughed out bowls fresh out of the DNA bath. All bowls except the walnut are real small - about 3 1/2 wide. The walnut is a "monster" for me - about 8" wide.

A huge THANKS to everyone here. While I have A LONG WAY to go, I am way ahead of where I'd have been without this forum AND all your advice/input!






Corey Hallagan
05-03-2006, 8:18 PM
Awesome Mr. Stratton! Great looking stuff, you did good and have indeed been busy. I like those antler pens. I have a couple antlers in the shop but I got some questions for yah. Will PM yah so I don't steer your thread here another way.


Pete Jordan
05-03-2006, 8:31 PM
Looks very good!

Do you have access to a lot of antlers up there?

Jim Dunn
05-03-2006, 8:49 PM
Nice looking pens and bowl's Barry. I'd imagine that the antlers are not a rare find in Alaska, right?

Barry Stratton
05-03-2006, 10:02 PM
Thanks guys. Feel free to PM me Corey, but I'm no expert at all. Made them just like I used wood. Only difference was a few more trips to the grinder and the liberal use of CA on the spongy parts.

Antlers aren't to hard to come by, its the packing of the meat that they used to be attached to that is getting tougher each year....... As for quantities of antler, well, there are plenty of buyers so money talks.

Ernie Nyvall
05-03-2006, 10:29 PM
Cool pens Barry. Way to go on the bowls. They are looing good so far.


Bernie Weishapl
05-03-2006, 10:43 PM
Great looking pens and bowls look mighty fine. Barry you have been a busy boy. Great work.

Raymond Overman
05-03-2006, 10:55 PM
Great looking pens and excellent shape on the bowl. I really like those tall bowls that tuck in at the bottom. Good job.

John Hart
05-04-2006, 4:46 AM
Wow Barry! You've been busy! And you've come a long way in such a short time. Nice looking pieces all. What's the purple one?

Barry Stratton
05-04-2006, 7:29 PM
Thanks Ernie, Bernie, Raymond and John. You are too generous with your praise, but I'll take it!

John, if you mean the bottom photo (purple? I'm colorblind!) - thats walnut straight out of the DNA bath.

John Hart
05-04-2006, 7:45 PM
Thanks Ernie, Bernie, Raymond and John. You are too generous with your praise, but I'll take it!

John, if you mean the bottom photo (purple? I'm colorblind!) - thats walnut straight out of the DNA bath.

Nope...Im talking about the pic with three bowls....the bowl on the bottom-right.

Barry Stratton
05-04-2006, 9:54 PM
Nope...Im talking about the pic with three bowls....the bowl on the bottom-right.

Ooops. That one is cedar. Bought it off the big auction house from a guy in Illinois.