View Full Version : Here goes - my first project

Joe Marotta
05-02-2006, 11:58 AM
OK. As promised, here are some pics of my latest (and first) project in use...

Since most store bought sandboxes are too small to comfortably accomodate 4 children, our family was in need of a custom play area. Since my wife has been so supportive (thus far) of my new hobby, it was only fair that I agree to make my first major project at her request.

I guess the biting, sand throwing, and general chaos of our 4 trying to use the small box they had was a bit too much for her nerves. And I glady obliged.

This was a great learning experience. Nothing too fancy, but it gave me some practice cutting large boards, and getting them to all line up square. (It took a few attempts). But it was also good problem solving practice! It certainly isn't perfect, and I wish some of the joints came together better, but it will serve its purpose quite well (if these pics are any indication)! My favorite features are the toybox/seat on the far end, and the lid storage/seat on the near end. The lid is in 4 sections. Both the toy box lid and sandbox lid are cedar so they are easier to lift that the PT lumber.

I also tried to let all 4 help out when practical (and safe). Just picture me trying to screw things together with one grabbing the square while I was screwing, another taking the screws when I was checking square (or chasing the one with the square), another grabbing the screwdriver when I was getting the screws!

Once it was all done, the sand arrived. All 1500 pounds of it! My oldest and I made short work of transferring it from the driveway to the sandbox, and within an hour, you can see that they were hard at work on some projects of their own!

All told, it took me about a month from beginning to end. I was only able to work on it for an hour or two at a time. I am sure that if I had to do it again, with what I learned, and no interruptions, I could bang it out in an afternoon.

I took up this hobby since I thought it would be a good way to relax and work with my hands. But after sitting back and watching my 4 enjoy something that I made for them. I have found the real reason that I will love this hobby!

Kyle Kraft
05-02-2006, 12:09 PM
Welcome to the creek, Joe!

Nice looking sandbox and crew of helpers. Remember that 1500lbs of sand you put IN the box? Your kids will now view it as their main purpose in life to EMPTY the sandbox, then beg you to refill it:) !

Kyle in K'zoo

Lee Schierer
05-02-2006, 12:31 PM
Looks like they are going to have 3/4 ton of fun. Good thing you made a cover to keep out the local cats. Now if you can just install a motion sensor to close it when the kids aren't around.


scott spencer
05-02-2006, 12:36 PM
Looks like the "judges" have declared it a winner! Nice work Joe!

Vaughn McMillan
05-02-2006, 1:30 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Joe, and thanks for the project pics. Nice job, and the last picture really sums it all up nicely.

- Vaughn

john whittaker
05-02-2006, 1:37 PM
Hey Joe....Nice going. And you won the sippy cup seal of approval on your very first project. Great pics and nice sand box. Welcome to the Creek.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-02-2006, 2:59 PM
Yep, that sure does look good, and a lid for keeping them cats from leaving little "gifts" behind ;)

Great job, and welcome!