View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
05-01-2006, 10:08 AM
Well, it was a rainy weekend but we sure did need the rain, so no real complaints from me. :D

Spent some time on getting three bowls done for the LOML for wedding presents. First one was delivered yesterda and everyone feel in love with it. Got the other 2 buffed out last night.:cool: :D

I also started prepping material for this computer desk that I'm working on for a guy at work. This will be the Black Lacquer Computer Desk with Walnut/Ash legs.

I'm oncall this week :( , so It will be hard to get time to be in the shop until next week, but I'm going to see what I can do.

So, what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Keith Starosta
05-01-2006, 10:24 AM
I was able to get all of the wood trim around the perimeter of the house scraped/cleaned up and primed. It's ready for a nice bright white topcoat...something that didn't get done last Spring, but needed to. :(

I was hoping to bust out the power washer and finish up the fence, but I just plain ran out of daylight.

- Keith

Steve Clardy
05-01-2006, 10:30 AM
Got the 600' of base finished and ready to install for a customer.
Got most of my files transferred, sorted out on my new puter.
Trying to figure out how to get it tied to my old puter now with a cat5 cable.
Thought with winxp pro it was supposedd to be easy. But-------
Neither computer will reconize each other. I must have a male and female computer. Lol

Jim Becker
05-01-2006, 10:37 AM
I thought about woodworking...does that count?? I showed a visitor my shop...does that count for "getting in the shop"?? LOL!

At any rate, it was a busy weekend. Aside from recovering a little from my little jaunt to Dallas and Mexico City this week on business, the lawn got mowed, a lamp replaced, a few new plants plopped into the pond to keep the fishies cool, swimming lessons for the girls at the Y, etc. We also had a visit on Saturday afternoon from a family that recently adopted a girl from the same Internat (boarding school) that Nastia and Alesya used to live in. Kristina was a friend of Nastia (and Alesya, although to a lesser extent) and it was good to see her again. (I hand delivered a package to her last November when we traveled) The humor of it was that at first, our girls were having trouble "remembering" their Russian, despite the fact that they still speak it to each other and when they are angry with us), but Alison jump-started things by talking a little with Kristina in that language. Suddenly, everyone "remembered" just fine and the rest of the day had a lot of play and fun. (Kristina understood a lot of English already, too...with new 6 sisters and a brother, that's not surprising. Kids learn from other kids quickly) Outside of that...it was a weekend and it's back to work today.

Jim O'Dell
05-01-2006, 10:37 AM
Friend's daughter's wedding on Saterday. Watched the Mavericks win game 3 Sat. evening. Worked on sprinkler system Sunday and watched the Stars lose in overtime....again. Got all the sprinkler heads up to the surface in the front yard, about 30 of them. Still have about 7 in the back to adjust, and 1 to move into the yard from outside the back fence, and 1 to add on to where the fence cuts it's arc in half. Maybe next weekend for those. Have a GREAT week everyone! Jim.

Bob Noles
05-01-2006, 10:55 AM
I did exactly what I said I would do last Friday.

I FINALLY finished the shop rehab and re-arrange. Three ongoing weeks of it was long enough and I put everything I could muster toward completion this weekend. Now maybe I can start working "in" the shop instead of "on" the shop :rolleyes: I am really happy with the outcome and extra working space I gained.

I'll post some pictures as a revised tour as soon as I can get the LOML to shoot some. :)

Ryan Ricks
05-01-2006, 10:58 AM
Started on the bookcases. Spent 45 minutes trying to figure out how to run a large panel through the jointer. Finally figured if it takes me this long to work it out, I probably have no business doing this. Clamped the panel to the workbench, clamped a straight edge to it, and used the router with a pattern following bit. Much easier, much less hassle, and much safer for this panel.


Mark Cothren
05-01-2006, 11:26 AM
But-------Neither computer will reconize each other. I must have a male and female computer. Lol

I'm glad I'm not at home so my wife can hear me laughing, and then make me explain why I'm laughing...:D

Ed Breen
05-01-2006, 11:37 AM
Took a page from Dennis' instructions re DNA. Did my first attempt at a turning, its small but nice out opf a hunk of fresh cypress. let it soak for 24 and wrapped it in brown paper themn marked the date.,
Also on the way back from lunch on Sunday, 0n main street right by the mall was a small p[ile of logs, Bradford pear. LOML jumped out and grabbed three hunks for me to do something with. All in all a good weekend

Frank Pellow
05-01-2006, 11:44 AM
Mowed the lawn for the first time this year.

Dug over (by hand) about 300 square feet of our vegetable garden

Planted lettuce and snow peas..

Installed then painted shelves as part my garage makeover project.

Finished making a ring toss game for my grandson Ethan’s 4th birthday (today). I post a thread about this later.

David Duke
05-01-2006, 11:45 AM
Was able to get in shop time all dat Saturday and half a day yesterday, I have appx. 90% of the WWing done on the clock I'm making. It rained too much Saturday morning so I wasn't able to get the yard mowed yesterday. Went to see my mom but didn't get to see our grandson :(.

Ed Lang
05-01-2006, 11:47 AM
Spent Wednesday thru Saturday in Durham, NC at the Shopbot Jamboree. Meet new folks, saw folks I knew, put faces with names and ran into a couple I know from SMC. Great time and lots of fun and information.


Thanks Aaron for taking the picture. We never got around to getting your picture with us but there is next year.

OH, do you all know that Aaron is a fantastic piano player? A couple of guys were talking about how good this young guy was playing last night and they wished he would stop back by again tonight. Well it was not long before the piano was being played and it sounded wonderful. Made dinner great I must say. After dinner I waled right past the piano and didn't even know it was Aaron until later.

Thanks Keith for the "care package". I'll post pictures soon of something.

On Saturday evening after everything was over I decided to take a nice country ride from Durham back hove via US Rt. 15. It was a welcomed change from the Interstates and nice to drive slow and enjoy all the scenes along the way.

Today it is back to work but I'll be taking is a little slower now and enjoying ride. I am not going to get all twisted up in rush rush rush any longer! (I hope I can keep this up)

Scott D Johnson
05-01-2006, 12:03 PM
Finished the carcass glue-up of a base cabinet I am making for our church. Started the doors, but my cheap HF rail/stile set may need to be replaced. The cabinet will go against a wall with a baseboard hot water type heater, so we decided to custom make it with a "back toe kick 9" high". I figure the raw materials for the case will be around $200 with an inexpensive countertop.
We would like to run water to it for making coffee
Guess what the plumbing estimate comes in at? $1,000 to run water and drain lines from the bathroom (which is directly below the library where my cabinet will be).

Scott Coffelt
05-01-2006, 12:25 PM
I installed drawer and door hardware on the master bathroom vanity, mounted the new medicine cabinet carcuss to the wall, began milling up the doors for the medicine cabinet. Installed some new swings on the playset.

My nephew had his first communion on Saturday night and his 9th birthday on Sunday.

Trimmed some branches and cleaned the wirly birds off my deck in between rain storms.

Chuck Saunders
05-01-2006, 12:34 PM
I took each of my kids down to show them the new lathe, of course they each wanted to turn something (or at least watch). Son (11) has big plans for lathe. Also got my honing jig built for scary-sharp. Of course with all the rain and my basement shop is name "A River Runs Through It" I didn't do much more.

John Shuk
05-01-2006, 1:02 PM
Came back from a week in Disney with my oldest son. Just the 2 of us. had a good time but both of us were tired. Did a bit of yard work and had friends over for The Sopranos to round things out Sunday.

Art Mulder
05-01-2006, 1:20 PM
my what a busy weekend.

My wife and I spent Friday and Saturday in Hamilton (Ont) at a Home Education conference. The four kids were spread amongst friends and had a grand time on their own. In fact, on Sunday morning at church our youngest (aged 2-and-a-half) threw a minor fit about going into the babysit room, since he'd missing seeing the family where he and his sister had spent the last two days.

Also got to spend a few hours (and then some) in the shop on Sunday afternoon working on a bookcase -- a type of dollhouse bookcase -- for the two youngest. The basic carcass is done, and the fiddly measuring/angles of the roof structure is now occupying my time.

We also got out for a bike ride through the neighbourhood. The local university (University of Western Ontario) is now officially out, and so the kids are all in the throes of moving. The piles of garbage and abandoned furniture on the side of the roads are truly impressive. We always like to keep an eye out for scrounge-worthy items.

and thats all for now.

Maurice Metzger
05-01-2006, 1:25 PM
Made some shavings, smoothed the top for a small chest:


On the first pass I charged in without taking a test cut, so I'll be getting reacquainted with my scraper this week...


Steve Clardy
05-01-2006, 1:26 PM
my what a busy weekend.

My wife and I spent Friday and Saturday in Hamilton (Ont) at a Home Education conference. The four kids were spread amongst friends and had a grand time on their own. In fact, on Sunday morning at church our youngest (aged 2-and-a-half) threw a minor fit about going into the babysit room, since he'd missing seeing the family where he and his sister had spent the last two days.

Also got to spend a few hours (and then some) in the shop on Sunday afternoon working on a bookcase -- a type of dollhouse bookcase -- for the two youngest. The basic carcass is done, and the fiddly measuring/angles of the roof structure is now occupying my time.

We also got out for a bike ride through the neighbourhood. The local university (University of Western Ontario) is now officially out, and so the kids are all in the throes of moving. The piles of garbage and abandoned furniture on the side of the roads are truly impressive. We always like to keep an eye out for scrounge-worthy items.

and thats all for now.

Sounds easier than my normal dumpster diving.:rolleyes: :D

Mark Pruitt
05-01-2006, 1:41 PM
Dennis, You got all the rain and we got all the sunshine--sorry 'bout that! Can't you tell? (Actually we're way behind on rain and could use it.)

Got all the pieces milled for the base of my workbench, broke out the chainsaw and cut up a few lathe blanks, mowed the lawn, relaxed a bit and it was all over. Zoom. Gone. Next weekend's a wash--conference in Atlanta. At least I get to visit Highland Hardware.....and I'll be in a van--hmmm, maybe next weekend won't be so bad after all.

Norman Hitt
05-01-2006, 2:14 PM
I "FINALLY" got about 30 minutes help Saturday from a friend and made a glue up of one section of the parts I've had cut for over a month for the Large Aquarium Stand/cabinet I'm making for my Computer GURU. He's been swamped at work and hasn't been able to help any. Mowed the front lawn and my part of the back alley as well as those of three of my neighbors, (It's not that I'm such a nice guy,;) but If I keep the alley mowed, then those pesky mosquitos don't all migrate into my shop and hide, awaiting every opportunity to make me a blood donor).:mad: Took the LOML & MIL to dinner for a nice steak. Sunday, gave up waiting for help to turn the Aq Stand over to glue two sub assy's together and did it by myself, (BIG MISTAKE:( ...Back and leg started ACHING about an hr later....first time since the back surgery nearly two yrs ago). Fitted and glued the remainder of the main case pieces, and MOST of the structural bracing but had to quit because it was getting too heavy to move by myself considering the back/leg ache problem.

Today.......Considered calling a wrecker to haul me out of bed:rolleyes: so I could take the LOML's car for it's first service, and a little touchup where someone has already put 4 scrapes on it. It sure doesn't seem like this paint/clearcoat is as tough on this new Merc as that on the old Lincoln and previous cars was. Maybe it's just the color that makes it show so much. Think I'd better just kinda take it easy today & see if the back will settle down.;)

Joe Marotta
05-01-2006, 2:56 PM
Lets see, where to begin...

Well, I started off the morning shovelling 1500 lbs of play sand into the new sandbox I built. (Pics to follow in a separate post). After basking in the glory of watching my kids enjoy their new play space, it was off to HD to purchase a TS3650 and ROS before the Gift Card promotion expired.

Unfortunately, they were out of the 3650 :( . Since there was noone on duty in hardware, it took multiple phone calls and questions to determine if they would be getting any more in. :mad:

Eventually I was able to talk to someone in Hardware, who said that they have 6 on order and that hopefully they will be coming in Monday Night/Tuesday morning. I hope they do, cause I would really like to get that $125 gift card...

Finally, I borrowed a pole chainsaw branch trimmer to do some pruning in our back yard. Let me tell you, it is really easy to get carried away with one of those, our trees are looking a little bare... :cool:

Hopefully the TS3650 will be instock this week, so that I can spend next weekend assembling it/making sawdust!

Don Baer
05-01-2006, 4:24 PM
Didn't get any shop time in this weekend spent saturday cleaning up the side yard and a trip to the dump. Then I moved about 2000 lbs of dirt from next to my driveway and into the bed of my Silverado. It realy did'nt like all of that weight. Sunday after church I went and took all the dirt to the dump and shoveled it out. Now today my body is telling me that I need to be a little easier it. I got tennis elbo in both elbos from all of the shoveling.

Matt Meiser
05-01-2006, 6:02 PM
Spent Saturday doing family stuff and some time Sunday on misc. stuff around the house. Other than that, not too much.

Dave Fifield
05-01-2006, 6:06 PM
I put the Jointech digital router lifter (that I bought at The Woodworking Show a short while back) together and installed it in my router table. I made some other adjustments to my router table at the same time to make things easier to use. Now, with the Incra fence, I have repeatable 0.001" accuracy in the horz and vert directions = excellent! :)

I will be selling my "old" router lifter in the classifieds - look out for it!

Oh, and I got a new car too.....found it underneath the caked-on winter dirt when I washed it properly for the first time this year!

Dave F.

Dick Bringhurst
05-01-2006, 7:38 PM
Finished another box. This one is for my granddaughter's birthday.

Fred Voorhees
05-01-2006, 10:51 PM
Some final milling and sanding of the 24 seperate shutter panes that will go into the bar room got completed this weekend between Friday night, some of Saturday and Sunday morning. The winter was horrible to my lawn and I managed to "patch" a bunch of bare spots and that will require watering each night for a week or so. Finally got a large pile of cut firewood (from back in December) picked up and stacked and off of the back portion of the lawn. Took in my usual Saturday night dirt track racing and with Sunday's NEXTEL event from Talladega rained out, a buddy of mine and myself hooked up the boat and drove a mile down the road to the Amwell Lake and managed to say hello to about eight trout and ten bass.

Mark Rios
05-02-2006, 12:28 AM
I finished a fence replacement for a repeat customer as well as pouring a 10 x 10 slab for his shed. He and his wife are kicking arond redoing their kitchen after the shed. It's that time of year! :D

Gail O'Rourke
05-02-2006, 7:07 AM
I had a great weekend! I spent 2 days at a carving workshop with sign maker Paul White....it was awesome. There are some pictures on my website - http://www.hometownwoodworking.com/Paul%20White.html

I have a lot to learn, but I really enjoyed it and hope to practice over the summer

Jim Becker
05-02-2006, 9:03 AM
... a buddy of mine and myself hooked up the boat and drove a mile down the road to the Amwell Lake and managed to say hello to about eight trout and ten bass.

I expect you also invited them home to dinner after saying "hello"??? :D :D :D

Mark Rios
05-02-2006, 9:11 AM
Originally Posted by Fred Voorhees
... a buddy of mine and myself hooked up the boat and drove a mile down the road to the Amwell Lake and managed to say hello to about eight trout and ten bass.

I expect you also invited them home to dinner after saying "hello"??? :D :D :D

I think he may have introduced a couple of them to his lathe also. :D :D :D

Jeff Horton
05-02-2006, 9:14 AM
I didn't get to the shop to do any work till Sunday afternoon after Church.

Saturday a group of us from the Church went to Mont Eagle Tennessee to work on a sister Church. They were hanging sheetrock. (Something I hate doing). I started in behind the hangers screwing the boards down.

After a couple of hours I heard my name mentioned. The straw boss :) wanted someone that could use a sawr. Told me most of the helpers there didn't know how and he was afraid they would get hurt. OK, great. What do you need done?

I ended up ripping up scrap into small pieces so we could burn it. :( But it needed to be done so I won't complain. They seemed to appreciate it too.

Sunday I piddled with the smaller pieces on the DeWalt sanding and getting ready to paint them.

Michael Gibbons
05-02-2006, 10:02 AM
Friday started out waiting for the septic guy to come over and pump out the tank, found out we waited too long. He said I need to use more of that rid-ex type stuff. Caught it just in time.

Saturday got up early to go pickup my new Arctic Cat 650 ATV. It is replacing a 500 that got stolen. Rearranged the shed to house the new unit. Took me all day. It's really amazing how much stuff one collects and can store in a 8'X10' building.

Sunday found me, after having an artery clogging breakfast, cleaning up the basement( see shop) after finishing the kid's 4th grade lighthouse project. Still have lots to rearrange in the dungeon. Maybe next weekend?