View Full Version : Resaw Question

Tony Falotico
04-30-2006, 4:45 PM
How many 1/8" resaws should one expect from a 4/4 rough saw board ??

Brad Olson
04-30-2006, 5:07 PM
4-6 depending on a lot of factors such as

Actual thickness of the 4/4 after jointing (my lumberyard usually gives you 4/4 with 1/8-1/4" extra thickness)

Kerf of you bandsaw blade

How smooth your cut is and/or wheter you are even bothering to remove the bandsaw marks for veneering

If you are re-jointing between slices

If your board warps a lot after it gets thinner (this is usually the worst culprit for yield)

Charlie Mastro
04-30-2006, 5:11 PM
Well the first thing I would do is get it out of the rough sawn state. I joint and plane the board leaving it as thick as possible then mark out 1/8" and resaw. Thake remainder to the planer and clean it up, mark 1/8" and repeat. This way I always have at least 1 side of the veneer planned. Then I can clean up the other side before or after I glue it to the substrate. You might be lucky and get 5 - 1/8" venners but maybe not.

Tony Falotico
04-30-2006, 6:29 PM
Well the first thing I would do is get it out of the rough sawn state. I joint and plane the board leaving it as thick as possible then mark out 1/8" and resaw. Thake remainder to the planer and clean it up, mark 1/8" and repeat.

That's what I'm doing, I'm getting three, maybe four -- Qualified with the fact that my toy bandsaw is a -- well, it's like trying to do a man's job with a boy's toy...............

Bandsaw fairy ... Where are YOU ?? Please leave one in my shop tonight -- I promise I'll be good and eat ALL my vegetables ....;) ;)

Brad Olson
04-30-2006, 8:38 PM
If you are only getting 3 per board you can consider cutting the veneers at 1/8" and then surfacing down.

Frank Chaffee
04-30-2006, 9:09 PM
I have never done this veneer sawing thing, but would it make sense to glue the 4/4 stock to another jointed board with a glue that could be released?


Tony Falotico
04-30-2006, 10:08 PM
I finished fighting with the maple boards, and started resawing the black walnut........ WOW what a difference !! I was able to get 5 (yes 5 !!) great 1/8" resaws from a 4/4 black walnut with minimal planing afterward .....

My problems, as I see them.......

never done this before (in-experience)
trying to work on old toy bandsaw
using inferior BS blade (goes with saw)

Anyway, LOML told me at supper to quit fooling with the old saw and GET MYSELF A GOOD ONE...... (That's why she's the LOML :) :D )

If I can get by the cost factor, there may be BS in the near future :D :D

Thanks to all for the responses, will keep ya'all posted on how it's coming....... Tony

Tom Hamilton
04-30-2006, 10:18 PM
Ah, a new tool! Yahoo! I'm in the market for a first bandsaw. So, perhaps we can compare notes and impressions. I don't want to start a firefight over which is best, but just what would work for our individual needs.

So, which brand, size, capacity, budget appeals to you?

I'm thinking, buy once, for a learning casual woodworker. 12" resaw capacity, 2hp motor. $1000 with tax and delivery. Delta 28-682, Griz 513X are on the short list. At this point Delta is a local purchase with sales tax, and Griz is tax free. Slight advantage to Griz.

What are you thinking?

Of course, others can jump in and your input is welcome.

Best regards, Tom

Tony Falotico
04-30-2006, 10:36 PM
I was in Woodcraft Friday, they had an 18" Delta, Jet and Rikon. The Jet was middle in price, and stood out in my mind. I liked the resaw fence with the steel dowel, very nice feature IMO. Also, if I remember correctly there was a sign about a 10% off all Jet tools sometime in May. I'm going to call tomorow and ask for details.

The Grizzly G0513X 17" 2 HP Extreme Series Bandsaw looks real nice on the web site, and the price is right, but I really have this thing about buying without seeing it in person, plus the shipping thing doesn't appeal to me (have to take a day off work to wait for it, then figure out how to get it off the truck and into my shop... Then they call at end of the day to reschedule...you know the routine !!)

I'll continue looking for a good used one, but the few that have appeared have been in the southern part of the state, by the time I can get to them
they are usually gone. The good ones go FAST. The ones that are still available by the weekend are usually still available for a reason!!

I'm having trouble with the thought of putting out $1000 for one, but unless you want the new Craftsman 14", everything else gets pretty pricey. A standard 14" Delta, Jet or PM will set you back $750+ by the time you get the rizer block. Even the Grizzly 14's add up.

Tom Hamilton
05-01-2006, 10:02 AM
Thanks, Tony, you've confirmed what I thought I had learned. Thanks for the tip about a Jet promotion this month. I'll check at the local dealers and see what they are offering.

The Griz sight unseen is a bit of an issue, but Dell made that concept work for years. So I'm persuading myself that if Griz were not making a useable product the backlash, here and on other forums, would be loud and strong.

I suspect there is not much difference between the Jet, Delta, Rikon and Griz functionally given the same size motor and internal components. Perhaps a promotional offer, or additional accessory, (resaw fence?) or sales tax savings, tips the scales one way or the other. Or the lack of delivery issues with a local purchase.

If you would keep me in the loop as you decide I'd be grateful.

Best regards, Tom

Dennis McDonaugh
05-01-2006, 10:17 AM
Do you guys rejoint the board after resawing each piece?

Tony Falotico
05-01-2006, 12:28 PM
Do you guys rejoint the board after resawing each piece?

I didn't, but I hand hold a speed square and keep the workpiece flat against it. I use this as my fence, it makes it very easy to adjust for blade drift.

Tony Falotico
05-01-2006, 12:34 PM
Tom, good point about the Dell computers, I never looked at it from that perspective. Then again, I did have a Dell at work way before I bought my personal one.

Also, as a beginner saw, don't discount the new Craftsman 14" Pro model. NO, it is NOT a Rikon, Jet, Delta, MM or Laguana BUT, for $479 it is pretty impressive. It will be on sale for $399 starting next Sunday. If 8" resaw is sufficient, it's worth looking at. Several SMC'ers have reported good things about the 12" version. I might pop for one, have not decided for sure yet.