View Full Version : Katrina II Pear hollow form

Travis Stinson
04-30-2006, 4:31 PM
Here's the other end of the Pear crotch that I got from hurricane Katrina. I roughed turned it during the weekend of my get-together. Luckily, Mark Cothren had the foresight to take some pictures of it in progress, since I've been slacking on taking before and after pics as some of you guys have requested.

Travis Stinson
04-30-2006, 4:32 PM
Finished buffing today. Ended up at 9 1/2" diameter by 7 1/2" tall. Natural Watco finish then buffed.

Mark Cothren
04-30-2006, 4:48 PM
I only got to see this one live thru the roughout... and now I'm sittin' here with slobber drippin' on my keyboard...

Very, very neat to see this one "appear" like it did. Great work!

Michael Stafford
04-30-2006, 4:49 PM
Man, that is so cool and I do love to see the transition from rough to finished product. Just a fabulous piece! Love it.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
04-30-2006, 4:51 PM
Travis..........That is drop dead beautiful! Between you, Jim Ketron and a few others......I'm thinking about giving up turning.......You folks have the wood, the talent....WOW!

Keith Burns
04-30-2006, 5:11 PM
Superb as always ! Ken, I'm with you, we'll hang up our tools and retire to someplace quiet:D

Frank Chaffee
04-30-2006, 5:21 PM
I do not have the ability to express the awe I experience before your work with words.

Terry Quiram
04-30-2006, 5:40 PM

Your soup is going to fall out!:D That is very nice. I love the colors. What tool do you use for hollowing?


Joe Tonich
04-30-2006, 5:47 PM
All I can say is...."Ya did it again Trav",....AWESOME piece!! :D :D

Travis Stinson
04-30-2006, 5:49 PM
Terry, I use a home-made Jamieson style captured hollowing rig with a J. Jordan bent hollowing bar. I really like the Jordan bar, very solidly built.

Jim Ketron
04-30-2006, 6:23 PM
It was something to see being roughed out!
Even better to see it finished!
Awesome piece Travis!

Dennis Peacock
04-30-2006, 6:27 PM

That's simply AWSOME!!!!! I thought it was cool and pretty in the rough, but now....it's georgeous!!!!!!!

John Hart
04-30-2006, 7:21 PM
Holy cow....You did it again. Everything you touch turns to gold. Beautiful!:)

Corey Hallagan
04-30-2006, 7:26 PM
That is very cool Travis, thanks for posting the photos.


Pete Jordan
04-30-2006, 7:29 PM

That turned out great! Do you really just throw a log on and go to work?


Ernie Nyvall
04-30-2006, 8:02 PM
I can't speak. Good I have a keyboard. That is really something Travis. Really, really, really...........


John Miliunas
04-30-2006, 8:07 PM
Ahhhhh...'Scuse me whilst I pick my tongue back up off the floor! Dang, good thing I wasn't walking when I saw that piece! :D Wow and wow and double wowow!!! :D Magnificent is all I can say. Great job, Travis! :) :cool:

Bernie Weishapl
04-30-2006, 8:40 PM
Holy Cow Travis that thing is absolutely awesome. I mean drop down beautiful. Super work.

Curt Fuller
04-30-2006, 11:10 PM
That is just amazing!

Glenn Hodges
04-30-2006, 11:20 PM
I am glad you were able to secure the pear tree, and not a burn pile. This is a beautiful piece which shows an advanced level of hollowning and finishing expertise. Thanks for sharring it with us Travis.

Jim Davenport
05-01-2006, 4:35 AM
Words fail me. That is just too beautiful.
Travis, the pieces beauty is only exceeded by your skill.
Did I say how beautiful that is?
I love anything with natural edges.

Philip Duffy
05-01-2006, 6:14 AM
Super effort and a great result on the pear. Well Done, that is for sure. Phil

Travis Stinson
05-01-2006, 6:49 AM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your comments. Pete, I've had very good luck with turning these Pear pieces whole. I took a chance with the 1st one last Oct. when it was very green and it ended up with only a very small check in 1 of the 6 piths in it.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-01-2006, 7:44 AM
Boy travis, you sure seem to like to break them rules don't ya :D

Man alive is that a keeper, you should enter that one in some kind of contest, or something.

You have been only doing this HOW long......... :eek:

A Big Fat Thank you for sharing that with us.


Joe Fisher
05-01-2006, 8:03 AM
Spectacular!! I love pear, and you did a heck of a job with that form.


Mike Ramsey
05-01-2006, 1:47 PM
Man-O-Man!! Awesome!! Did you see this in your brain or did it
just happen to turn out like this?