View Full Version : Tru-Grind Sharpening System

Scott Donley
04-30-2006, 12:29 AM
Hi,Well made it back from the WWS today. Bought a couple Henry Taylor bowl gouges ( so far ) While there I got to try out the tru-grind, putting an Irish grind on my new gouges ( with help ) Seemed like a nice system, well built, heavy duty, with a learning curve I might be able to learn. Any one have an opinion on it before I go back in the morning and spend more money. Thanks

Joe Melton
04-30-2006, 10:47 AM
I bought the Tru-Grind and never could get it to work well. Sent it back and got a Wolverine. The Wolverine seems better built and is easy to use. I remember when I opened the Tru-Grind, I said out loud "Why the heck did this cost that much"?
The two systems cost about the same, and I think there is a reason the Wolverine is so much more popular.
Just my opinion.

Jim VanBramer
04-30-2006, 11:36 PM
Scott ... that was one of the things I got when I went back on Sat.. They're back ordered from the factory down in Australia/New Zealand, so they'll be shipped out in a couple weeks. I watched the sharpening seminar where he used one, and also watched the guy from Craft Supply use it a couple of times and it looked like it should be something I can handle. I'm pretty excited about it ... but who knows, it could turn out to be a big disappointment too. Let me know what you decided.

Scott Donley
05-01-2006, 2:39 AM
Scott ... that was one of the things I got when I went back on Sat.. They're back ordered from the factory down in Australia/New Zealand, so they'll be shipped out in a couple weeks. I watched the sharpening seminar where he used one, and also watched the guy from Craft Supply use it a couple of times and it looked like it should be something I can handle. I'm pretty excited about it ... but who knows, it could turn out to be a big disappointment too. Let me know what you decided.
JimI couldn't make up my mind.I like the Wolverine base and the Tru-Grind variable attachment, just seemed better built than the Vari Grind, the T-G also accepts up to 1 1/2 inch tools. So, that's what I bought, The Wolverine base and the T-G attachment. After I ordered it the guy at Craft Supply said that is the setup he uses in his home shop. Who knows ? Guess I will find out if it was a good choice or not