View Full Version : Shop Visit

Corvin Alstot
04-29-2006, 10:59 PM
Today, Tom Hamilton and I got to share a couple hours visiting at my
shop. If anyone remembers 6 weeks ago, I went over to Tom's well
equipped shop. At that time, neither Tom or I took any pictures but we
had a great time anyway.

Well, . . . the reciprocal visit will be the same, there will be no pictures of
Tom and I cutting wood or posing around my machines. We did get to try
to make my MM20 bandsaw hiccup when Tom and I took turns making
some test cuts on a 12" thick log. I also got to show off a few projects
still under construction.

Everyone will have to wait for the next visit. But for those insisting on a
picture, attached is a picture of one of our dogs - Moose. He is our shop
guard dog but Tom got by unharmed.

Thanks for coming by Tom.

John Miliunas
04-30-2006, 9:41 AM
Creeker visits are all the best!!! Nothing beats a couple (or more) fellow SMC-ers conversing or getting some hands-on with a subject they enjoy! :) However, if there are further visits, pics of the visit will be required!!! :D Glad you guys had a good time! :) :cool:

Mark Pruitt
04-30-2006, 9:46 AM
Yup, I envy you guys that live in relatively close proximity to one another. I'm kinda "out here" by myself it seems, or maybe I just haven't looked closely enough. Give Moose a scratch behind the ears for me. I love dogs!

Tom Hamilton
04-30-2006, 10:09 PM
Thanks, Corvin, and Moose, for your hospitality.

We had a great time, toured Corvin's two part shop, power tool garage and hand tool extra bedroom workshop, saw his beautiful inlaid box for his father-in-law and got to meet Moose.

Lest it go unnoticed, Corvin is the only person I know of, with a two part shop. Garage for MM Bandsaw, DJ20, Uni, Big Jet Floor Drill Press, and other assorted electron eaters.

Once the stock is squared up, it travels inside to a nice air-conditioned (it's Houston after all) extra bedroom for treatment by a full compliment of Bedrocks, Marples, Bucks, and other assorted sharp edged critters. All with a choice of FM, CD, or Cable. Bathroom and Fridge close by.

Pretty nice set up.

So, the picture we really need, is not the two of us standing by another big jointer, but Corvin's fabulous box for his FIL.

How about it Mr. C, post a pic of that beauty.

Thanks for the tour and great conversation.

Best regards, Tom

Alan DuBoff
05-01-2006, 1:54 AM

Do me a favor, give your dog a big fat BBQ'd t-bone! :D