View Full Version : Oliver lathe..update #4

Steve Ash
04-26-2006, 7:59 PM
After getting home from work early today I decided to first...pop a Ice cold brewski after pouring and finishing a garage floor by myself. Then I made my way out to the shop to finish removing the old paint from the drive assembly I didn't finish last night.

After I got the paint removed I decided to "mock up" the parts and let you all see the progress....then I thought about incorporating some SS badging, some chrome and the oliver nameplate. If it weren't for shavings gettin in behind the mesh of this 68 SS grill I could cut it, make it flat and use both the old Oliver and the "hot rod" SS396 to set off the front of the lathe, it fits very nicely between the ribs of the bed.

Then I thought since I probably wouldn't want a catch-all for shavings, and since I always seem to use Ash in my projects (although I am getting all this Ash lumber used up) I could make a plaque for the front of the lathe like the picture, but make some nice detailed edging.

I'm calling the electric motor shop tomorrow and see if they can go through the motor, otherwise I'll buy a new one.

At any rate, here it is ready for masking and primer!

Bernie Weishapl
04-26-2006, 8:33 PM
Steve it is looking mighty fine. Looks like it is coming right along.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-26-2006, 8:39 PM
Why it's an Oliver SS396..........IIRC....they didn't make many of those!:eek: :D

Jim Dunn
04-26-2006, 8:49 PM
Ken I think they made all of 3 of those. The first one went to Carrol Shelby. He sold it to Ford. They modeled the big block Mustang from it. I don't think the other 2 survived.

Nice looking job Steve. It will make a real nice lathe when you get R done.

Pete Jordan
04-26-2006, 9:26 PM

Did you find out what year your lathe was built?


Karl Laustrup
04-27-2006, 7:00 AM
Steve, now you're making progress. Back on schedule, or even maybe ahead of schedule. :)

Now we have to wait and see what color. Of course if you do it like so many other car rebuilders it should probably be primer for a few months don't ya think? :D Primer is a color. In fact there is rust red and a couple of shades of gray that I know of. :eek: :D :D


Steve Ash
04-27-2006, 7:43 AM
I know a lot of guys who test drive their cars in primer (in fact Mr. Hoyt mentioned primer) they claim that it gives them a chance to see how the gaps in the metal work look (gaps, are the area betwen fenders and doors, hood and fenders, etc.)

I haven't found out what year for certain it is but the model # is 159M and the serial #is 78354. I'll do some checking into it at some point.

EDIT*** I just called the dealer and he told me it was built in 1951-52. He also told me I can get all parts for the machine except for a motor and a switch, they still have a good supply of everything else....must be the parts never wore out if they still have a good supply.

Pat Salter
04-27-2006, 8:58 PM
Somewhere there's a guy named Olliver rolling over in his grave....in laughter :D . this is getting better and better Steve.

Corey Hallagan
04-27-2006, 9:40 PM
Awesome Steve, I can't wait to see it painted up!! Where's the gas pedal?


Keith Christopher
04-27-2006, 9:42 PM
Not to hijack this thread, but my brother was good friends in college with Mr. Oliver's son, same frat shared a room and everything. -NOW- he tells me.