View Full Version : Eli Avisera Two day Demo Pics!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-26-2006, 10:45 AM
So it looks like I'm going to become a member of the Far East Woodturners Society, FEWS, they bring in regular guests to Demo. This Saturday I'm going to see a demo with Francious-Jean Escoulen, and on July 9th and 10th Mr. Eli Avisera will be in Tokyo from Israel.


Looks like he does things in the LARGE scale.

I'll also be attending one day of a two day "Hands on workshop" in May.

Now, which lathe to buy...... :D

Keith Burns
04-26-2006, 11:24 AM
Looks like you are in for a real treat Stu. Wish I could go to this one with you.:) I'm jealous !

Ken Fitzgerald
04-26-2006, 11:46 AM
And now you know why the call it the Abyss! Congrats Stu!

Andy Hoyt
04-26-2006, 11:47 AM
Well done. Both of these guys have a worldwide presence. Their influence on you should be most profound.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-26-2006, 11:57 AM
Well, I'm hoping to be a little extra lucky, as I speak English (sort of) and so do they, while most of the Japanese guys will not, so I'll get it straight from the source, not translated :D


Bernie Weishapl
04-26-2006, 1:17 PM
Congrats Stu. Looks like you have a summer full of fun ahead of you. Wish I could find something like that. Have fun buddy and enjoy. I hear a Nova DVR calling. :D :p

George Troy Hurlburt
04-26-2006, 1:49 PM
These guys are good. Eli does segmented turning both small and large. He also has his own line of tools. You can spend a lot of bucks here. GT

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-26-2006, 2:24 PM
Congrats Stu. Looks like you have a summer full of fun ahead of you. Wish I could find something like that. Have fun buddy and enjoy. I hear a Nova DVR calling. :D :p

Ya, I looked at stretching the budget for the Vicmarc VL300, but.... in the end it will cost me A LOT more money.

I think for the $3000 I want to spend, I'll get the DRV XP, the Nova 2 Chuck, and various other things, pen mills, mandrels, etc etc, heck even a bowl gouge or two :rolleyes:

With shipping, to me.

Much better I think.


Bruce Shiverdecker
04-26-2006, 4:46 PM
Stu. You will truely feel the spirit flow through you after your sessions with those inspirations.


Glenn Clabo
04-26-2006, 5:10 PM
I'm a little late in this discussion...life is busy as it can be right now....but you'll love the DVR. I looked and looked and decided to go for it also.

If you PM or email me an address...I'll send you a new DVD owner traditional gift. If you decide to go with the Oneway Talon (Canadian built chuck eh)...I'll add something to the package.

Andy Hoyt
04-26-2006, 5:50 PM
Umm, Glenn. Chances are that the large majority of Creekers are DVD owners. Stand by - we're gonna load up your mailbox and expect action.:cool:

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-03-2006, 5:30 AM

I'm getting ready to go and see this demo, on Sunday and Monday, I guess Eli does not work on Saturdays, being the Jewish Sabbath and all.

Some of the Japanese guys were really scratching their heads over that one!

I've volunteered myself to come early and help set up, they have a VL300 to move into the space, and some strong backs were needed.

Should be fun, and yes, I'll take some pics!


Steve Ash
07-03-2006, 7:38 AM
as I speak English (sort of)

Well your posts are certainly in English...:D

Have fun Stu and post some "informative" pictures;)

Michael Stafford
07-03-2006, 7:47 AM
Stu, when you are seeing the Aversera demo you should pay close attention to the tools he has made himself from 1/2" HSS bar. He grinds some unique tools from round bar stock. You may find it interesting to do the same.

Escoulen will be showing how to do eccentric turning I imagine and I would love to see that....;)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-03-2006, 8:42 AM
Michael, this is an old thread that I've bumped, so I've already seen Francious-Jean Escoulen in action, and you are correct, it was very much worth the time!

You can see that thread here Francious-Jean Escoulen (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=35334&highlight=Francious-Jean+Escoulen)

I've heard that Eli makes some cool tools, sadly, I doubt that there will be any for sale.

Don't know if the guy organizing the event carries Eli's tools or not at his shop, I'll have to find out.

Should be fun!


Jim Becker
07-03-2006, 9:20 AM
Looks like Eli is into miniatures... :D

Demonstrations are wonderful things...no matter what the style, you can always learn something new to apply to your own work.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-03-2006, 9:27 AM
Yeah, I can't wait!

I've only ever seen one other person turn, besides Bill G's DVD that is.

It is two days worth, 8 hours each day! :eek: :D :)

Ernie Nyvall
07-03-2006, 7:33 PM
That sounds great Stu. Congrats.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-10-2006, 7:23 AM
Just a quick note here, the two day demo was amazing, Eli is a super nice guy, a great teacher, and one talented, innovative turner.

I'll post more later............

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-11-2006, 2:43 AM
Stu, when you are seeing the Avisera demo you should pay close attention to the tools he has made himself from 1/2" HSS bar. He grinds some unique tools from round bar stock. You may find it interesting to do the same.
Boy Michael, were you right, the tools that he uses, and the way he grinds, and presents the tools to the work is amazing!

I put two days worth of pics up at my site....

Eli Avisera Demo Day One (http://www.ablett.jp/workshop/eli_avisera_demo_day1.htm)

Eli Avisera Demo Day Two (http://www.ablett.jp/workshop/eli_avisera_demo_day2.htm)

Boy can he turn, and teach too.

One very nice guy, open, patient, and oh so innovative!!

His inlay turnings and how he does them are just unreal, his long skinny gravity defying stuff is really cool, and his method of doing so is so simple, once you see it in action.

How he sharpens and uses his tools is not something I've been exposed to before, and the cuts he was making in hard, bone dry, Birdseye Maple were so smooth, that they needed VERY little sanding at all.

Once again, I learned a lot and was exposed to so many new (to me) ideas, that my head was spinning!!

I took about 10 pages of notes, as well as many hand drawn diagrams for myself, and near 100 pics.

Sure was worth the effort, in a big way!



Just a pic to prove it happened! :D

Barry Stratton
07-11-2006, 2:55 AM
SWEET!!! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what comes out of the dungeon off that DVR now.

Mark Rios
07-11-2006, 3:19 AM
SWEET!!! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what comes out of the dungeon off that DVR now.

I want to see a 1/4 size Godzilla turned in the dungeon now, Stu! COMPLETE with the smashed Volkswagon under his foot.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-11-2006, 3:31 AM
SWEET!!! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what comes out of the dungeon off that DVR now.
You and me both! :D

I think my X-Y vice thing is going to get some additions on to it....:rolleyes:

This is a special X-Y vice thing that Eli has his friend make for him, it is very cool.

The router head moves back and forth to make the cut, the lathe is on the index pin and is also unplugged, Eli suggested this, as he himself has actually turned on the lathe while doing this, as we are kind of programed to turn th lathe on while standing in front of it.

here you can see the laminated pieces being glued up. He used some of the Jelly CA, which he had not used before, and really liked!

All glued up and ready to turn flat.

Here it is turned, looks nice eh?

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-11-2006, 3:53 AM
Then Eli went and drilled some holes, into these he put some "Eyes", these were pieces of Ebony that were drilled, and then a piece of white Corin was inserted, this is then turned round, cut off, and inserted into the form.

Using the drill

Another drill shot

Gluing in th eyes

The top and bottom were glued together, with a piece of laminate between the pieces, and then turned to the shape he liked. Sanded and a finish applied, and then he drilled a hole in the top, and turned the neck. He then used a jam chuck to hold the top, while he turned the bottom. The Jam chuck was made from green wood, which he said is the best for making Jam chucks.

All done, sure is nice.

Usually he would have done a similar type of thing on the bottom half, but he was pressed for time.

Just amazing what this opens up for ideas on the lahte is really amazing! :D

Yep, going to have to get my X-Y vice out and see what I can do with it..... ;) :)

Vaughn McMillan
07-11-2006, 4:49 AM

Just a pic to prove it happened! :D
Man, it's not too hard to pick you and Eli out of that crowd of folks, Stu. And please tell me the tall guy in the back is standing on a box. :p

Sounds like a great learning experience. I know I got ideas just from looking at the few pics you posted here. I'm gonna wait until I have some time to go through the pics on your site.

- Vaughn

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-11-2006, 6:39 AM
Man, it's not too hard to pick you and Eli out of that crowd of folks, Stu. And please tell me the tall guy in the back is standing on a box. :p

Sounds like a great learning experience. I know I got ideas just from looking at the few pics you posted here. I'm gonna wait until I have some time to go through the pics on your site.

- Vaughn

Yes, that is Alex, he lives near Tokyo, fellow Canuck and woodworker/spin junky :rolleyes:


Alex is standing on a stool in the group shot.

I've got to go over my notes, and write some more stuff while I can still remember it.

I should really get a video camera and set it up on a tripod to tape these events, and just watch them again and again, so I can try to get some of the techniques right.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-11-2006, 7:19 AM
This is one of my favorite shots...........


Eli is making a jamb chuck to show us all how he makes balls.

The lathe is spinning at about 3800 rpm, the long strings off of the green wood where shooting across the room, and he was doing this with his roughing gouge....

Neat stuff

Corey Hallagan
07-11-2006, 8:59 AM
Very cool Stu! Looks like it was a great time and you got to see some neat stuff in action.


Ken Fitzgerald
07-11-2006, 10:23 AM
Boy Stu you are right! This just really opens one's mind as to what is possible with turning............