View Full Version : Help! Oil-rubbed bronze hardware finish

Carl Hill
04-26-2006, 10:37 AM
Howdy All! First time posting here, but I've been reading for quite a while. Well, I'm building a gun cabinet for my brother's son-in-law. After much searching we found matching hardware (hinges, drawer pulls, knobs and latches) but were unable to find any good quality cylinder locks that matched the style and finish. Ended up buying brass cylinder locks which seem to be pretty good quality. We can paint the locks to match but are concerned about the paint coming off with use. Anybody have any good ideas how to accomplish the oil rubbed bronze finish besides paint? Maybe some kind of stain or chemical coloration?

Anybody else have this hardware problem before? I"ve used most of the major hardware suppliers, but always seem to have trouble finding all matching pieces.

Thanks for any ideas,

Carl Hill
04-27-2006, 10:16 AM
Man, I feel like I just walked into Home Depot, not even a hello and noone has a clue what I'm talking about.:) (this is really just a stealth bump)

Larry Fox
04-27-2006, 10:29 AM
Carl, welcome to the Creek - awesome place with many accomplished craftspeople willing to share their seemingly endless experience and knowledge.

As far as help with your original request, perhaps a picture of what you are trying to acheive will help get you more responses. Have you tried Lee Valley, they have a nice selection. Also, if it something that you would like made custom perhaps Ball & Ball in Exton PA can either do it for you or recommend a place that can in the event they cannot.


I live in close proximity to them and they have a very nice little shop and do outstanding work.

Anyway, good luck and sorry I don't have a more helpful answer for you.


Charlie Kocourek
04-27-2006, 2:40 PM
Check out Birchwood Casey. They sell products for blueing gunstocks and other metal finishes.

Vaughn McMillan
04-27-2006, 5:53 PM
Carl, welcome to the Creek, and please pardon the gang for not noticing your post earlier. I'm not familiar with oil rubbed bronze finishes, but like Larry said, a picture might get some other folks thinking of solutions for you. The gun blueing approach sounds like it might be the right direction.

- Vaughn

Ken Garlock
04-27-2006, 8:01 PM
Hello Carl.:)

Don't let this slow start discourage you from making more posts in the future. I suspect that the Creekers didn't have a good answer for your problem and didn't want to lead you on a wild goose chase.:confused: In any event, welcome to the creek, visit frequently and jump in.

How about some pictures of the cabinet.:cool:

Bruce Shiverdecker
04-27-2006, 10:45 PM
Evenin' Carl.


That is QUITE a question. I'm going from memory here (Remember....OLD cogger..................Senior moments, etc.) but I seem to remember that there IS a chemical process to give you the Rubbed Bronze finish.

Does it look Brown with some green in it? That is the look, I remember.


Gary Breckenridge
04-27-2006, 11:27 PM
I have a great deal of trouble finding just the right hardware. I do better with Lee Valley. :cool: My idea would be to go through the Yellow Pages and find a place that does brass plating. Call them up and talk to them. After plating and a spray finish you will have what you want. Price is another thing.:D

Carl Hill
05-01-2006, 12:46 PM
Howdy Folks! Well, here's a couple of pictures to show what I'm up against. Hopefully you can see that the pulls are pretty dark brown (oil-rubbed bronze) and the locks are brass.

Thanks for any help,

37648 37649

Larry Fox
05-01-2006, 1:56 PM
Carl, I did a quick search around and did not find much of a match in any of the places I typically look. However, the link below might lead you to something.


People restoring old houses really have this problem more frequently than most and I would think that one of theor suppliers will be able to help. After seeing the picture I still stand by my original recomendation of Ball & Ball. They can likely replicate pretty much any finish. Cheap it will NOT be but they can likely do it.

BTW: Very nice looking piece you have built there.


Jim Becker
05-01-2006, 2:16 PM
Welcome to the 'Creek, Carl. A great place to hang out.

I have to admit, until you posed the pictures, I had no idea what you were asking about, as I thought by "oil rubbed finish" in the thread title you were asking about finishing the wood. Unfortunately, I also don't have a solution for you. Painting could get you the look as long as there is no close scrutiny, but if the keys are used often, which by definition, they must due to the cabinet purpose (!), anything you apply that is "paint-like" is going to leave some gleaming gold showing as soon as the keys "miss the mark" and scratch the surface. It looks like Larry has a lead for you, however...

Carl Hill
05-01-2006, 3:10 PM
Yes, sorry for the vague topic title. I realized it was vague or misleading after I posted it but didn't know how to change the title. Oh well, you can at least see my dilema.

Thanks again,

Jim Becker
05-01-2006, 3:55 PM
I realized it was vague or misleading after I posted it but didn't know how to change the title.

Just edit your original post...you can change the title from that function.

David Duke
05-01-2006, 4:00 PM
Maybe this will do what you need, I think it is basically the same as gun blue gut gives an antique brass look. http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=978&filter=73808

Philip Glover
05-01-2006, 4:29 PM
I think copper sulfate (CuSO4) may work.
You could try this too http://www.yglass.com/1446.html


Dale Thompson
05-01-2006, 7:51 PM
I've had very good luck with a product called, "Brass Black - metal finish". It is used to "Blacken or Antique Brass, Copper or Bronze". It is made by a company named Birchwood (www.birchwoodcasey.com). It should be an off-the-shelf item at most gun shops. :) Good luck!! :D

Dale T.

Dev Emch
05-02-2006, 12:50 AM
Hi Carl...
Welcome. Sorry but I am insanely busy these days. Counting sleep on one hand literally!

My lead project ironicly has the same problem. The cabinets are natual shaker style maple and the hardware is oil rubbed bronze. Mannnn did I have issues finding the hinges in the right style and color! Customer settled on a hinge that appears to be made from steel and then copper plated and then processed in some kind of chemical reaction. They look blackish but they have copper highlights showing through and the black is no goopy paint job. Its an oxidation process of sorts.

So it would help us all if we can figure out how this affect was achieved. Right now I am very tired and my brain is on strike so I am no help here. But any info others can supply will be greatly appreciated.