View Full Version : update #3,... and help

Steve Ash
04-25-2006, 8:51 PM
In continuing the progress on the Oliver 159 lathe here is update #3 and a plea for help from someone who knows how to do this.

Here is the prior update.


I got started on the motor and drive system tonight, I started off by taking the drive system apart to remove the motor. I was able to get the keepers off and the spring, outer pulley, drive belt, but got stuck on removing the inner. I am of the opinion that I need to remove this inner pulley/shaft to get to the motor out of the housing. Then there are 4 bolts to remove and the motor comes out of the housing.

I thought at first there would be a allen screw holding it in place and didn't find that, so then I thought it was a drift pin that I could tap on through...it didn't budge, but then I didn't want to whack the heck out of it if that wasn't the correct procedure. So here is where I need someones help to tell me how to remove this. I hope the last two pictures are clear enough to show my problem. The pictures show opposing sides of the shaft.

The first picture is of the motor and drive system with most of the paint off....except those cussed tight spots I need to do by hand.

Got some new accessories on the way from Hartville tool that my lovely bride ordered today, much to my surprise...she is a keeper!

Thanks again for looking.

Don Baer
04-25-2006, 8:57 PM
Is that a drift pin in the second picture at 11 oclock ?

Steve Ash
04-25-2006, 9:00 PM
Well Don, that is what I thought and I tapped on it but it didn't budge one bit.

Don Baer
04-25-2006, 9:11 PM
The thing that threw me off was the zirc fitting in the end of the shaft. I would assume that the fitting goes thru the center of the shaft. If that true then that can't be a pin since it would go right thu the grease line.

I'd remove the zirc fitting and see if you can see any place to put a bearing puller center on the shaft.. It looks like a reeves drive variable speed pulley. Maybe Lou or Dev can take a look at the pics and offer some suggestions since they're more up on old Olicers machinery.

Pete Jordan
04-25-2006, 9:24 PM
You mean it didn't come with a manual?:rolleyes:
I did some searchin on line and the only suggestion I can give is to give the Oliver Dealer in Grand Rapids a call or email. http://www.eaglemachinery-repair.com/


Steve Ash
04-25-2006, 10:16 PM
Problem solved....:D My oldest son steve Jr. came home and I showed him my problem. He grabbed a drift punch and a hammer and gave that pin in picture 2 about 3 good hard whacks and out it came. I was afraid of breaking something so I didn't hit it hard enough. (Kid is a gearhead too and has his own 69 Chevelle)

Inner pulley is now removed and the motor is now out and on the shop floor. Tomorrow I'll get the rest of that paint scrubbed off, start squirting primer on pretty quick.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-25-2006, 10:41 PM
Aren't kids great? He was not worried, if he messed it up, Dad, or Grandad would fix it, NO FEAR!! :D

Looks like you are really going to give it the full Monty, should be a real keeper when you are done!


Bernie Weishapl
04-25-2006, 11:02 PM
Steve sometimes those kids really save the day. Great story.

Karl Laustrup
04-26-2006, 5:56 AM
Young "Whipper Snappers". Don't you just love 'em. ;) :D

Glad that problem didn't slow you down too much. Still on a tight schdule you know. :)

I voted "Green & Gold", but Olly teal with gold accents would be OK too.
I do like O.E.C.


Steve Ash
04-26-2006, 7:57 AM
Just an update to the update....I went out to my shop this morning and snapped a picture of the drive assembly without the motor. (Still pretty tickled with that son of mine for popping out that pin) That is one heavy motor by the way. It should be a lot easier to work on the drive assembly now without so much weight.

As you can see I needed to get in behind the motor and get the rest of that old nasty paint off and a good cleaning in general.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-26-2006, 8:55 AM
I see you weapon of choice is the wire wheel :D

Doing a great job, but you know that! ;)


John Miliunas
04-26-2006, 9:03 AM
Awesome progress, Steve! Well, thanks to that offspring of yours! :D You're really cruising on this project, though I sure hope your boss doesn't get ticked at you for spending so much time on it!!! :rolleyes: :D :cool: