View Full Version : Table top sizes?

Phil Winn
04-25-2006, 12:04 PM
Table top sizes?
Thank you all for the good ideas regarding design plans/pics for our new Tressel/Trestle
“everyday breakfast/lunch/dinner table”; now how to determine table top size…need it to seat…usually 2 (for my wife and I) and a maximum of 6 (for my wife, children, and grandchildren); would there be two different sizes for different seating arrangements of:
1. 4 in the middle with 1 on each end?
2. 6 in the middle with no one on the ends?
3. If there will be a person sitting at each end, how far should the leg upright be from the end edge of the table?
4. Possible sizes:
A. 36” x 76”
B. 38” x 78”
C. ?
D. ?

Jamie Buxton
04-25-2006, 12:41 PM
What feels right to me may not feel right to you or your wife. It is easy and instructive to mock it up. Acquire a big sheet of cardboard or hardboard or styrofoam or whatever. Cut it to what you think might be the right size, and balance it on a smaller table. Sit at it. Put place settings on it. Put it in its eventual home. Make it smaller by cutting it some more. Make it bigger by taping pieces back on to it. This approach is much more likely to produce furniture which fits you than recommendations by random folks on the net.

Phil Winn
04-25-2006, 2:26 PM
Yes, you are correct...but....we "live" in Southern CA....one of my adult children is very ill, and my wife and I may/want to move to New England to be closer to him-so we can help. We either will be buying an existing house, or will have one built----so what size will the room be? No idea.
I guess I was hoping to find some rough measurements, with a starting point of 36" x 76"....after we pick a measurement, I am sure we can adapt to it---and be very happy with the end product!
We did try using place-mats, etc., but still.....

John Hemenway
04-25-2006, 2:48 PM
FWW had an article a while back (#177). 36" square will seat 4. 30x48 will also seat 4. A 36x72 will seat 8.
They allow 29" per person on a side and 18" separation from the side person to the end person. If there is no end seating, the sides are reduced to 24" each.