View Full Version : Kitchen Cabinet pics

Mark Rios
04-21-2006, 9:56 PM
Here is the cabinet job that I just finished (thanks in large part to a bunch of you folks).

In the last pic, if you look close, you can see that the tenon isn't parallel to the door edges. This was from all the trouble I was having with my router set-up and bits. Well, really not the bits, even though I had to adjust them to get them to fit right, but from the router and table themselves.

The cabs are clear laquered oak with birch inside the carcasses. The third and fourth pics are kinda dark; The actual color is what's in the first pic (on the left).

Thanks again for all the help and advice I received from all of you.

(Aaron tells me that on Sunday or Monday there should be a bonus for all the fine folks here in the Creek.)

Matt Meiser
04-21-2006, 10:18 PM
Good looking kitchen Mark. Did you use pre-finished birch plywood?

Mark Rios
04-21-2006, 10:21 PM

No, the oak ply for the exposed cab sides and panel insets and the birch were all unfinished.

John Timberlake
04-21-2006, 11:07 PM
Looks great. Sometimes you just have to correct machine problems with skill like you did.

Vaughn McMillan
04-22-2006, 1:14 AM
Very nice job, Mark. Well done on getting around the router obstacles and still making it all work.

- Vaughn

Tom Pritchard
04-22-2006, 8:19 AM
The cabinets look great Mark, they are perfect in that kitchen! Just curious, how long did it take for you to complete them (not including the installation time)?

Gail O'Rourke
04-22-2006, 8:28 AM
Mark, the cabinets look great! Elegant and tasteful, I like the finish very much. It seems you are unhappy with the doors that you made but they look great. Remember, down the road, you can always replace them if you want. Conquering obstacles in the shop is how you learn more...so congrats to you.

Nice project.

Mark Pruitt
04-22-2006, 8:40 AM
Good job! I like the "drawers behind a door" concept; it's much more convenient than a mere cabinet.

As for the last pic, the tenon looks parallel to me. Did you mean to say that it's not centered? If so, that's purely asthetical. Just say, "That's how I wanted it!":D :p But if you're ever struggling to center a groove, just remember to get it as close to center as you can, then make a second pass by turning the board over. Then cut tenons to fit the grooves. But again, I like your cabinets just as they are. Way to go!:)

Steve Clardy
04-22-2006, 9:27 AM
Looks great Mark!

Pete Harbin
04-22-2006, 10:04 AM
Great job Mark!


Jim Becker
04-22-2006, 10:24 AM
Nice work, Mark. The cabinets turned out great.

Mark Rios
04-22-2006, 10:39 AM
Thanks to all for your kind words.
Tom Pritchard: The cabinets look great Mark, they are perfect in that kitchen! Just curious, how long did it take for you to complete them (not including the installation time)?
Tom, They took me about five weeks. I have my "outdoor shop" so I had to work around the rain. We had 40 days of rain in 8 weeks here in N. CA. However, I lost some time with some changes from the owner and with some tool trouble as well.

Gail O'Rourke: Mark, the cabinets look great! Elegant and tasteful, I like the finish very much. It seems you are unhappy with the doors that you made but they look great. Remember, down the road, you can always replace them if you want. Conquering obstacles in the shop is how you learn more...so congrats to you.

Nice project.

Thanks very much Gail. I'm sorry if I mislead anyone, actually I'm happy with the way the doors (finally) came out. And the owner is even more so.

There are some discrepencies in the tenon and groove joints but, after alot of work, they are very few, very small and not easily seen. They are kinda hard to see in the pic but they are definately not parallel (you're right, Mark - not being centered was on purpose). The owner had decided from the beginning that he didn't want any hardware showing and that's about the only idea that was carried out through the job. The owner is a new "We Buy Homes for Cash Fast" guy and he is kinda inexperienced as to what he wants the project to look like when it's done; more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants/decide-when-he-gets-there type of guy. It was a little frustrating when he didn't know or care about what style of doors, what type of wood, what type of finish (not too much trouble for me since I didn't have to finish them), and so forth. He just said "I want new cabinets" and I said "Okay". :D

Thanks again to all for your help.