View Full Version : Using Mahogony in Mission Style?

Vaughn McMillan
04-21-2006, 12:43 AM
Are Mission Style pieces ever made out of mahogony? Is it a design faux pas or just a break from tradition? LOML and I want a new plant stand in the entryway, and she's indicated she likes something like this:


I have enough mahogony to make this piece, and no oak in stock. I would change a few details, but the picture shows the basic idea. Would I be laughed out of the neighborhood if I were to make it with mahogony? :rolleyes:

- Vaughn

P. S. Mods, if this post is inappropriate for the General forum, feel free to move it to the Design forum. I was hoping for more exposure for the question, so I posted it here. TIA.

Rick Doyle
04-21-2006, 1:13 AM

i'd go ahead with the mahogony if you've got it - it'll look great!

i make a lot of mission-style furniture and i usually use white ash because it costs me half what oak does. i guess oak is the official tradition of mission furniture but the pieces i make aren't for sale - they're for our own use in our own home. i asked the same questions as you when i started making mission style furniture out of ash instead of oak - now, i don't even bother.

if anyone would say to me 'well, if it isn't q/s white oak then it isn't really mission furniture'. i guess my reply would simply be 'oh well'!! that's why i call my stuff 'mission-style' not just 'mission'.

John Harden
04-21-2006, 1:18 AM
Mission style furniture of the early 20th century was made out of a variety of woods, including white oak, cherry and mahogany. People tend to think of white oak, but the other woods are just as authentic.

Also, Arts and Crafts is somewhat of a broader scope than Mission and a lot of this (think Greene and Greene) was make out of mahogany.

Personally, mahogany is my favorite wood.



Dan Forman
04-21-2006, 4:21 AM
I think you should definitely go ahead and build it, but then to save yourself the embarrassment of being laughed out of the neighborhood, just send it on to me. I've already been laughed out of mine, so no harm would be done, though I would hate to see you have to go through all of that. ;)


Gary Herrmann
04-21-2006, 8:33 AM
The bookcase I made for my son's room is Mahogany, and its kinda mission. I don't think anyone will react negatively if you use Mahogany. Most people may not even know what kind of wood it is. At least most of my neighbors never seem to.

Jim Hinze
04-21-2006, 8:36 AM
Almost all of Green & Green pieces were made from Mahagony with ebony accents.. many other A&C peices were made from not only QSWO but walnut, maple, douglas fir, etc.

Pete Harbin
04-21-2006, 9:32 AM
You guys are too easy! I was just going to tell Vaughn that small children would point and laugh, tool vendors would close their doors, it would be declared illegal for anyone to sell him anymore wood...but no, you guys have pile on with all of your history and knowledge and let him off easy. Sheesh!

Actually, I think mahogany will look great Vaughn! :D


Jim Becker
04-21-2006, 9:52 AM
Pete...that was a hoot!

Vaughn, use the species that you like for the project. The style is every bit as important as the material and Mission is very adaptable and comfortable in just about any species. Make it your own.

Cecil Arnold
04-21-2006, 9:53 AM
Vaughn, mahogany will look good, and with your craftsmanship the piece will look great. Don't worry about people laughing, after all you live in California, everyone will understand.

Vaughn McMillan
04-21-2006, 12:23 PM
You guys are too easy! I was just going to tell Vaughn that small children would point and laugh, tool vendors would close their doors, it would be declared illegal for anyone to sell him anymore wood...but no, you guys have pile on with all of your history and knowledge and let him off easy. Sheesh!

Actually, I think mahogany will look great Vaughn! :D

Pete Pete, the small children pointing and laughing is nothing new for me. I refer you to my avatar pic for evidence. :p

Thanks for all the input guys. Now I'm playing around with sketches to see what would happen if I change any details on the plant stand. This thing may end up being quite a ways off from Mission Style before it's all said and done. ;)

- Vaughn

John Bush
04-21-2006, 4:35 PM
Hi Vaughn,

I made a mission style recliner with an ottoman and used Sepele and the results were great. I used teak oil as the only finish and the wood is aging to a beautiful, rich red-brown. I think the mahogany will look good for the plant stand as well. Good luck, JCB.

Pete Harbin
04-21-2006, 4:50 PM
You want to build a Mission plant stand with...with...with maha...ha ha ha...ha ha ha...hongany?!?! Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha ha...oh, my stomach!(pointing at you right now) :D :D :D

Seriously Vaughn, I really like mahongany, so I bet you'll turn out something great. Maybe some wedges in a contrasting wood in the through tenons?

If you do as stellar a job as you did on those kitchen cabinets, it should be awesome! :D


Gail O'Rourke
04-21-2006, 4:55 PM
I love to work with mahogany, so I say yes! AND, if you are using what you already have I say, Absolutely. Oh, and please post a picture.

Lee DeRaud
04-21-2006, 5:05 PM
I promise not to laugh as long as you don't paint it Tyler-thong Purple.