View Full Version : Finished the Doll Cradle

Ron Fritz
04-20-2006, 7:42 PM
Just finished my Granddaughter's doll cradle for her upcoming 2nd birthday and turned it over to my wife to add a pad and blanket and a couple of cute decals. My plans for the cradle are here.

John Timberlake
04-20-2006, 8:44 PM
Very nice job. Your Granddaughter is really lucky. Like the contrast between the paint and the natural wood.

Jack Ferrell
04-20-2006, 9:22 PM
Looks real good Ron. You have an excellent family tradition going there.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-20-2006, 9:34 PM
Ron....Did you make that for the little doll Granddaughter you have.....or was it for your granddaughter's doll?:rolleyes: Nice cradle! I hope you signed it somewhere.......it's a family heirloom!