View Full Version : Me and Mr. Evil Skew.......

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-20-2006, 8:56 AM
Well, the other night, me and Mr. Evil Skew went head to head.

I gave him a new grind, the one he had was too long, and I also gave him a slight curve.

We went round and round, and made some really nice long curlies, not once did he try to bite me.

At the end of the session, we shook hands with some new respect for each other.

I'd not call him "Friend" yet, but I'd sure say we are on the same side now, and we are building some trust.

It's a beautiful thing :D


Mike Ramsey
04-20-2006, 9:02 AM
Yep just when you think he's tamed....that dog will bite you again when
your not looking!! ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
04-20-2006, 9:10 AM
Stu.........I've spent a couple of such days.....I'm going to master that tool! But.........every once in a while he jumps up and bites again.....Just about the time I'm finished with a project and then the project gets a newer smaller diameter!:( :o :D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-20-2006, 9:15 AM
Yep just when you think he's tamed....that dog will bite you again when
your not looking!! ;)

Oh, I don't doubt it, that is why I'm saying we are building trust.

One thing that is said in the Keith Rowley book (sp?) is that even when you do get a catch on spindle work (which I was doing) it is not neat, but not nearly as dramatic or exciting as on a bowl :D

Yes, I've yet to try the skew on a bowl.


Don Orr
04-20-2006, 10:56 AM
Stu, I'm happy to hear you are becoming acquainted with the skew. They can be great tools.

Yes, I've yet to try the skew on a bowl.

Please DO NOT use a skew on a bowl for anything but incising small lines or details with the long point down. Or possibly shear scraping on the outside only (acts like a negative rake scraper). They are really not meant for bowls. BAD things can and do happen. DAMHIKT!!

Great to see you making such good progress.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-20-2006, 11:00 AM
...........Please DO NOT use a skew on a bowl......

Maybe someone should tell Mr. Hart that, I was under the impression he uses his on bowls......... ;) :D

Really, I'm joking about the bowls. It is really nice to get a handle on the skew, I can see why it is a good tool to add to one's bag of tricks, sure makes for a lot less sanding!


Bernie Weishapl
04-20-2006, 11:14 AM
Stu if you want a good skew video get the one by Alan Lacer. I have only watched half of it and have learned so much. It is a awesome video.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-20-2006, 11:26 AM

...........more stuff to buy..........?

Does it NEVER end.......??????

:D ;) :D

John Hart
04-20-2006, 11:41 AM
Well yes...I do use my skew on bowls, with great success, I might add. I use it for final smoothing cuts on outer convex surfaces and I use it to define the lip and wall thickness on the inside. Oh....and I use it to cut fine details in the foot.

My skew and I are friends.:) That's because, if it acts up and gives me a hard time, I rub its face and head on a grinder.;)

Mike Ramsey
04-20-2006, 3:15 PM
Mr. Lacer is extremely good with the Skew, but if you want to be flat
out amazed get Turning Wood by Richard Raffan!

Keith Burns
04-20-2006, 3:21 PM

...........more stuff to buy..........?

Does it NEVER end.......??????

:D ;) :D

Very astute Stu, you have figured it out ! I will skip food and rent to be able to buy a new tool ! Thats addiction for ya:D