View Full Version : Lacquer Orange Peel Fix

Ernie Kuhn
04-19-2006, 2:45 AM
Sprayed Behlen Qualasole Padding Finish (lacquer) with HVLP (Preval Spray Gun Kit) on cherry bowl, many coates. Has slight orange peel. After it cures solidly, is it time for mineral oil and rottenstone to get high gloss finish and remove orange peel or should it be mineral oil wet sanded first with something like 800 grit?
Thanks in advance,

Steve Schoene
04-19-2006, 5:30 PM
While I don't think it really affected the orange peel issue, I would wonder about the use of padding lacquer for spraying. The padding lacquer is mostly shellac with oily solvents to enable padding it on similar to French polish. These solvent/lubricants evaporate, but more slowly than the alcohol is shellac. It is meant to be padded smooth as it is applied.

I would wet sand, lubricating with mineral spirits not water, since this is basically a shellac. (Test in a small place) Then you can use the finer polishing powders.

Ernie Kuhn
04-19-2006, 6:18 PM
Thanks Steve.
I was using what I had, trying to avoid more cost to salvage a cherry bowl blank since its apt to explode on me when I put it back on the lathe anyhow. Next time, real lacquer. Again, thank you.