View Full Version : I don't want to open it........but i need to spend money....

Josh Goldsmith
04-18-2006, 12:27 PM
About a week or two ago my pulley on my jointer wore out so i ordered a new one from Grizzly. When it came i was so excited. That was about a week ago. Well i just recieved the Grizzly industrial 2006 shopping book. It came in a plastic wrapping but i don't know if i should open it. As soon as i see whats inside i think i might be tempted to get more in debt so i can have some really nice toys:( . Do you think i should look inside or just through it away? I can't decide. So tempting......i think i should buy something.......wait i can't afford anything.......well i can charge it..........my wife is going to kill me. Is there any AA groups for obsesion of tools? How about medication?:D

Did any of you open the book? How did you overcome the temptation? LOL. You all have a good day!!!


Ben Roman
04-18-2006, 12:32 PM
Open the Book Buy lots of stuff !! Live life to the fullest

Ben ;)

Kyle Kraft
04-18-2006, 12:34 PM
If you'd like to spend some money, I'll PM you a list of stuff you can buy for me!

Lee Schierer
04-18-2006, 12:40 PM
I hope you don't get on the Lee Vally mailing list if you can't resist the grizzly catalog.

Mark Rios
04-18-2006, 12:48 PM

Tablesaws and jointers and bandsaws, Oh my.

Tablesaws and jointers and bandsaws, Oh my.

Tablesaws and jointers and bandsaws, Oh my.

MMMMmmmmmmm.....24" planer

MMMMmmmmmmm.....HUGE thickness sander

MMMMmmmmmmm.....pair of pliers.....no wait...wait....how'd that get in there?

Mike Leone
04-18-2006, 12:50 PM
buy now and seek forgiveness later

Jeff Sudmeier
04-18-2006, 12:51 PM
I recycled mine!! Can't afford any more toys.

Brett Baldwin
04-18-2006, 1:28 PM
I'd make a box with a glass front on it with the words "Break glass in case of emergency" on it and put your unwrapped catalog in there. Then when you absolutely, postively have to have a new tool to finish a project, you can have the extra fun of breaking into your emergency stash.

tod evans
04-18-2006, 1:36 PM
josh, carry it to the privy and use in the same manner as the sears catalogues of old....to spend money or just plain drool on your keyboard go here;

.02 tod

Ed Lang
04-18-2006, 2:10 PM
My wife had it out last night looking at it while I was watching TV. Today she asked me if I wanted to add anything to her order. She also said it would cost less in shipping if I just drove there and got the equipment. She did factor in two tanks of diesel fuel, lunch and my time:eek: .

So with that said, I think you should be OK to break the seal and enjoy looking. If you buy something all here will enjoy hearning what you are going to get and looking at the pictures when you get it.

If you get in trouble for ordering it, well, then I expect everyone here will remind you that you should not have opened it:) .

Oh I almost forgot..... when you place your order, remember to request lift gate service:D

Jan Williamson
04-18-2006, 2:27 PM
I stopped at this casino on the way home from taking my Army son to the airport last friday. I spun once time on a dollar machine and won......$2000.00. Well I was excited, but not near the frenzy as the trip to the home depot to pick out some of the tools I have been wanting for years. My husband had to nearly put me in a straight jacket:p I ended up with a Ridgid planer. Their 6" inch jointer (it is nice) a nice big router bit collection, and the rest is going to buy my DC ducting things. Sorry for the gloat;)

tod evans
04-18-2006, 2:59 PM
I stopped at this casino on the way home from taking my Army son to the airport last friday. I spun once time on a dollar machine and won......$2000.00. Well I was excited, but not near the frenzy as the trip to the home depot to pick out some of the tools I have been wanting for years. My husband had to nearly put me in a straight jacket:p I ended up with a Ridgid planer. Their 13 inch jointer (it is nice) a nice big router bit collection, and the rest is going to buy my DC ducting things. Sorry for the gloat;)

way to go jan! i`m one of those fellows who won`t buy a scratch-off ticket and figure i`m money ahead.....good to hear somebody beats the odds..02 tod

Bart Leetch
04-18-2006, 3:26 PM
Well I've used plastic a few times for tools but for the most part I have paid cash. Make that glass case small & mount deep inside a cabinet in a dark corner & use it for the credit cards & only break the glass for things like emergency auto repairs etc. Then go ahead & open the Grizzly catalog. Pretty soon you'll find you have cash to buy tools because the plastic is paid off.:eek: :D

Sorry I just couldn't help my self.:eek: :eek:

Frank Pellow
04-18-2006, 5:08 PM
Hey, if you really do eed to spend money, just open the catalogue to page 28 and you can spend $9,090 on a table saw :D (shipping included).

Josh Goldsmith
04-18-2006, 6:40 PM
You guys are the little voice inside my head saying "Do it, its only money which comes and goes but tools stay with you". :rolleyes: I really like the idea of the box with the glass on the front saying "break in case of emergency only" but i think i will modify the back of the box so it can be removed and gotten into without breaking the glass. That way the wife will think i have alot of self control.:D. HEHEHE. You know the more i think about it i will also put the credit cards in there too. Now i am thinking! I really have a weakness for tools cause i have all the tools i really need. I can always use some more but i am always looking at the tools i already have as if i am going to be replacing them soon. I think it is a guy DNA code that is passed down through generations of handymen. Anyways thanks for the support guys;) .

Jim Becker
04-18-2006, 9:18 PM
Josh, you're already way behind in creating some justification...perhaps a few long sessions in the "library" with the Grizzly tome will help you come up with something innovative... :D

Doug Shepard
04-18-2006, 9:29 PM
You should know better than to ask for tool abstinence help here. That's like asking the winos outside the party store for alcohol advice. They'll just tell you their favorite brands - not how to quit.:D

John Shaffner
04-18-2006, 11:04 PM
Like I told LOML a couple weeks ago after I came home from HD with a vanload of new tools and $1399+ lighter in the pocket: "It's only money, I'll make more".

Follow Nike's advice and "Just do it"!


Seth Poorman
04-19-2006, 12:02 AM
Hey Josh
Self control is all it takes to handle this machine disease...
All I do is if I find a machine that I want I will just try and talk myself out of it:rolleyes: If that doesnt work, I will ask my wife what she thinks about it which she useally says do you really need it:confused: ....Ahh huh ..!

YES I DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR YES YOU DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you understand what im trying to say ?????
Just open the book for cryin out loud !!!!! There might be somthin in there that you need.....:D

Josh Goldsmith
04-19-2006, 11:23 AM
I did it!!!!!!! I tore that cover off the book like it was christmas for the first time. WOW there is so many cool toys!!!!!! I want that one, and that one and that one. Heck i just want 1 tool from each page:D . I almost forgot. Last night i showed my wife this thread and how much fun this site can be. She told me that when i finish one of my side jobs i can take half the money for my self. Thats $200-250. Now this catalogue just got much more interesting. What should i buy? I'll let you know what tool i choose! Thanks Josh

Roger Los
04-19-2006, 9:50 PM
I have the tool weakness, too, and have barely started.

My weakness also extends to orphaned British cars & motorcycles...those take up a lot more space and aren't good for anything other than using your tools on. ;) My wife would be estatic if all I did was bring home more tools.