View Full Version : Spraying Oil Based Enamel - Round #2

Todd Burch
08-22-2003, 7:51 PM
Well, I thinned some more and did another test. Here's the test results.

The gun performed better (I think it was a bit dirty on the first test run). No spitting or sputtering. I had 10lbs fluid pressure and 35 PSI triggered.

Here's a picture of my test board. I little too much orange peel for my taste. This is 3 coats. I'm doing the test vertically to get my "touch" down, and most items I'll be shooting will have more vertical sides than flat. Plus, it's much easier to lay a nice wet coat down when the work is flat. If I can master vertical, I figure the horizontal will be a no-brainer.

The first coat was about a 50% coverage. I tried a full wet coat in an earlier test, but runs and sags occurred. After about 10 minutes, I sprayed a second coat, 100% coverage, but still thin. After yet another 10 minutes, I applied the 3rd coat, still heavier again. No runs, no sags, just a bit of contour in the orange peel (rolling hills, not craters). I tried to take a raking light/ reflection picture to show you.

Any suggestions on reducing the orange peel? Anyone wanna take a wager that it will flatten out when dry?

Todd Burch
08-22-2003, 7:59 PM
Well, after 30 minutes it has leveled out some. While still tacky, the paint has shrunk down some and is starting to take the surface form of the MDF - which, I guess is about all you can ask. I would like to be able to actually read "YELNATS" (you know what I mean) in the reflection though.

And WHAT IS IT WITH THESE FRIGGIN' GNATS? What is it in paint that causes these #@$^ stupid flying insects to be attracted to slow-sticky-death? Why can't someone invent "flying insect be-gone" to add to paint? Sheeeeze...

Steve Clardy
08-22-2003, 8:13 PM
Try reducing the enamel a little more, and then reducing your gun pressure by maybe 5 pounds.
As for the little critters, I have one of those $80.00 bug light zappers, works great. It will even zap wasps, mud dobbers. But I notice you are spraying outside? Hmm. Maybe put a fly strip around your forehead, and stand close till it dries? lol.

Bob Reilly
08-22-2003, 8:27 PM
[QUOTE=Todd Burch]Well, I thinned some more and did another test. Here's the test results.

The gun performed better (I think it was a bit dirty on the first test run). No spitting or sputtering. I had 10lbs fluid pressure and 35 PSI triggered.

Like Steve said ,30 pounds should just about eliminate the orange peel.

Phil Phelps
08-22-2003, 9:13 PM
...Yeah, reduce paint and air pressure for the orange peel. You can also put a little Penetrol in the paint. Thinned enamel is #%#& to spray vertically. The airless is the best way to go. And those lovely bugs. Think how hard it is to paint new construction with oil enamel. I think that's one of the main reasons a contractor likes latex over oil. Keep at it ol' boy, you'll master it in no time.