View Full Version : First NE

Keith Burns
04-16-2006, 5:31 PM
From the Madness in Mississippi last weekend I was taught how to do a NE. A large Black Cherry was started, put in a DNA bath and still has a week left to dry. So today I couldnt wait any longer so I took a piece of Bradford Pear that Rob B. gave me and decided to try out what I learned. Don't know where this one will end up. May warp, crack, or.... as I started it green about 3 hours ago, only time will tell. It is 2-7/8" tall x 5" wide x 6-1/4" long. Walls are 3/16" thick. Thanks to all in Mississippi but a special thanks to Travis and Dennis P. for showing me how.

Travis Stinson
04-16-2006, 5:42 PM
OH YEAH! That's too cool Keith.:D
I want to see a pic of your shop now, covered in wet shavings!:eek: :D :D :D

Jim Davenport
04-16-2006, 5:52 PM
That is just too beautiful for words. I love natural edge stuff. You did a great job.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-16-2006, 5:56 PM
Keith.....it's looking good! Report back with more pictures as it "unfolds"!

Bernie Weishapl
04-16-2006, 6:13 PM
Yup Keith that is one nice NE. I like the form. Nice work Keith.

Corey Hallagan
04-16-2006, 6:20 PM
That's very nice Keith, it looks great. I hope it stay in good shape for you!


Jim Ketron
04-16-2006, 6:24 PM
Oh yea Nice Job Keith!

Bruce Shiverdecker
04-16-2006, 6:25 PM
Outstanding POTATO CHIP there, Kieth!


Dennis Peacock
04-16-2006, 10:19 PM
Yes'sir-ree Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a keeper there Keith!!!!!!!!! Great job, and you're welcome. You were a great student and I guess you figured out that I love to teach folks about woodworking. :D

Rob Bourgeois
04-16-2006, 10:23 PM
Nice bowl... Cant wait to see what it does if it twists up or not.

That wood was almost a year old and the piece I turned recently only split at the very bottom where I left it thick. I am going to have to do a natural edge piece now...

That bradford came from our church in teh same storm that you guys called "hurricane Elvis"...I think we are cutting the rest of bradfords down soon. If want any more let me know before the next turning meeting I come too.(May)

John Hart
04-17-2006, 7:24 AM
Awesome piece Keith. This is why we all expect so much from you. Everything you touch turns to gold!!! Very nice. Hope she behaves while drying.:)

Jim Becker
04-17-2006, 8:49 AM
He does a "smilie"! Nice job, Keith.

Don Orr
04-17-2006, 8:54 AM
Wow, beautiful!! If that is your first, you must have had excellent teachers, and more than a little talent of your own. Looking forward to seeing the final results of the cherry piece.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-17-2006, 8:56 AM
That is sweet, I have some chunks of log left that I could do a NE with.............

Looks like fun :D

Mark Cothren
04-17-2006, 9:14 AM
Great work, Keith!!! You are now officially converted to a green wood turner.

Mike Ramsey
04-17-2006, 10:36 AM
That is awesome Kieth!! Very nice indeed!

Ed Scolforo
04-17-2006, 12:21 PM
Like everyone else said, really nice work, Keith!

Mike Burkeen
04-17-2006, 1:13 PM
Vey Cool. So when you going to show me how to make one? :D

Keith Burns
04-17-2006, 4:56 PM
To all, thanks for your kind comments. This was definately a fun piece to do, lots of curls. Didn't even get a knuckle with the bark, how lucky was that? I am so looking forward to finishing my Black Cherry one.

Mike, perhaps next week.

Glenn Hodges
04-17-2006, 5:19 PM
Yes sir, I agree with everyone. I belive you have it.

Ernie Nyvall
04-17-2006, 6:35 PM
Great job Keith. Looks like it came nature-all to ya.


Dick Parr
04-17-2006, 9:45 PM
Great job Keith, you did pay attention;)