View Full Version : a larger mini cup (#4)

Stephen Hibbs
04-16-2006, 1:35 PM
Well, this was the champagne flute that I referenced yesterday. However, it's not as big as it seemed at first, so I'm going to classify it as a big mini cup, another present for my stepmom most likely (along with MC #2). 4.5"T X 2.25"W Consistent thickness at a little less than .25", I followed the form on this one down almost into the stem. The wood is very nice on this one, though it's hard to see in the pictures, there's lots going on around the many knots. Same juniper branch that #'s 2 & 3 are from. It was harrowing hollowing this since I had shaped the stem before I hollowed and had to be very careful. Finished with Danish oil and polyeurethane top coat that seem to have just soaked right in.


Ken Fitzgerald
04-16-2006, 1:48 PM
Your forms and projects seem to get better each day! Keep up the good work.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-16-2006, 2:31 PM
Looks nice Stephen, is that a green wood turning?

Is the pith in the middle?

Nice job!

Bernie Weishapl
04-16-2006, 6:29 PM
Stephen you are getting better every day. Keep up the good work. I like the cup. Looks mighty good.

John Hart
04-17-2006, 7:06 AM
Nice goin' Stephen! I Guess that'll learn ya to wait on doing the stem first eh?:D But nothing broke so all's well that ends well.;) That's a nice cup!:)

Stephen Hibbs
04-17-2006, 6:12 PM
Looks nice Stephen, is that a green wood turning?

Is the pith in the middle?

Nice job!
Yup, this is fairly wet green wood with the pith in the middle. At first I was worried, but this juniper doesn't crack at all at the pith, and the heart wood makes it much nicer. Thanks for the compliments.