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View Full Version : I'm 'fessing up....well, partially, at least for now.....

Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 8:21 PM
I spent the day working on my skew technique and the spindle table project for my wife and some of our friends. I got my full scale model of the spindle made today. While it's to my wife's very exacting specifications, it's a little too ornate for me. I, personally, like the original Shaker style candle tables but the lady who commissioned this (the LOML also known as SWMBO) likes lots of details.....so........later..........I'll post a picture.........but I stole a fellow 'Creeker's design.........see if you can figure out whose design I stole.....I'll admit it if you can guess whose design it is......it was the design the LOML and a friend liked the most........I'll post a photo later to try to make it easier..............Guess who..........In court, however, I'll admit that I changed the design at the suggestion of the LOML....I added a finial....to the bottom.........:eek: :D

20 1/2" by 2 3/8" - poplar full scale model of a table spindle..........whose design did I copy?

Chris Barton
04-15-2006, 8:48 PM
Hiya Ken,

I started out my turning day doing some skew work as well. Yours looks much beeter than mine. I agree with RR, doing egoe sticks is the best way to build skills with the sharp flat stick!

Pete Jordan
04-15-2006, 8:53 PM
I don't know whose design you lifted but you did a great job!


Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 9:18 PM
Okay.........here's an offer..........I might give you a little hint.......

Jim Ketron
04-15-2006, 9:22 PM
Dont have a clue:confused: But you did a real good job:D

Barry Stratton
04-15-2006, 9:40 PM
Great job on the table leg. It looks kinda like David Fried's bonker to me......

Corey Hallagan
04-15-2006, 9:41 PM
Awesome job on the spindle, it looks great!


John Hart
04-15-2006, 9:44 PM
so what's the hint?:)

I searched the entire SMC archives.....ok ok...a few of the archives and came up empty.

Nice spindle no matter what. Nice work!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 9:45 PM
John......John......John........I said I'll give you a little hint.....I didn't say I'd give it away yet.........

Erin Raasch
04-15-2006, 9:47 PM
I have no clue whose design it is, but you sure turned some nice beads on there. I haven't reached quite that level of proficiency with the skew yet . . . but I keep working on it!

Nice work!


Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 9:47 PM
The key word is LITTLE JOHN.........................

Curt Fuller
04-15-2006, 9:48 PM
I don't recognize the style either, but it sure is a fine looking table leg.

John Hart
04-15-2006, 9:50 PM
Rachel's Light Saber Bonker???!!!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 9:50 PM
AS IN.....ITTY BITTY........as in when I first started hassling the turners.......as in......Bill Stevener's candle stick table entry......If I can figure out how to do it....I post the picture beside the spindle and you guys can judge how accurate I was..........I really haven't looked at the photo since laying out and turning the piece..........

Erin Raasch
04-15-2006, 9:54 PM
Dang, Ken - you beat me to it by about 3 secs. I had just found it.



Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 9:59 PM
Well.......my wife and one of our friends and I looked at bunch of similar style tables and these two women kept coming back to Bill's Itty Bitty entry and pointing to it and saying....."I want"..........You know how it is...give 'em what they want.....they're happy......you're happy! IF they're not happy......well....I'd better stop there....

Anyway.....what do you think..........close enough clone?

Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 10:06 PM
Erin.........I had it on my home computer and just had to change it from a .bmp file to a .jpeg and resize it.

Now.....here's what's interesting folks..........I have a cheap....I mean cheap 2D Cad program but it will accept imported data. So...I download the picture....changed it from a jpeg to bmp file and imported it into the Cad program. Then I know that the table top of most Shaker style tables are 17-18 inches in diameter. I kept changing the scale on the drawing with the imported photo on it until I got the table top of Bills' mini to measure 17 inches. Then I used the dimensioning tools to make measurements of all the critical diameters, distances etc......breakover points of curvatures.......etc. Then I printed out the drawing with the dimensions........Made it pretty easy to make a relatively accurate duplication..........Accurate enough for a rookie turner like me, anyway.

Curt Fuller
04-15-2006, 10:14 PM
What's also amazing about that is that Bill Stevener was able to keep it proportionally accurate in a mini version.

And speaking of Bill Stevener, where's he hiding these days? I miss his fine work, words, and archive of old time lathes.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-15-2006, 10:15 PM
I don't know. I miss Bill's input too!

Bernie Weishapl
04-15-2006, 10:16 PM
Ken you are just kinda a sneaky pete. ;)

John Hart
04-15-2006, 10:35 PM
Yep...Bill missing is like a big hole in our vortex.:(

Nicely done Ken. Hope you can duplicate it ok. I'm not very good at making identical pieces.:o

George Conklin
04-15-2006, 10:44 PM
Yep...Bill missing is like a big hole in our vortex.:(

Wow. I just got in from doing a little turning, but while I was turning, I thought about Bill not being around for a while.

Someone insert the Twilight Zone music:eek: .

Ernie Nyvall
04-15-2006, 11:12 PM
That would be Bill Stevner's itty bitty. Your spindle looks good ken.
