View Full Version : The two year project continued

Tom Peterson
04-13-2006, 10:23 PM
so after the garage addition, porch and bonus mudroom re-model were completed, the LOML just could not stand having this plain kitchen in between the mudroom and the porch. (That and the assessor told her that it was a "B-" kitchen comparatively speaking in how they rank houses.) So on Christmas eve day out came the demolition tools again. Between Chrismas and New Years we rewired the kitchen. The old kitchen had soffits above the cabinets we had to re-route the wires and we added a bunch of recessed lights

Tom Peterson
04-13-2006, 10:31 PM
after the drywall was complete we had a trowel finish added to the ceilings and wall. Of course we could stop at the kitchen so it went into the dinette and the family room. For a accent, the rounded top window was going to have brick veneer put on. Well the new brick didn't match the old brick on the fire place so, we went from this to this

Tom Peterson
04-13-2006, 10:37 PM
after the fireplace was bricked. Yes I know if needs a mantle, but is is low on the list of things to do as you'll see. The hardwood floor came to be installed. Best part about this was the installer used a Festool GCSS for triming. The LOML says, "Why don't you have one of those?" You should get one. Knock me over with a feather. The bricking continued on to a wall in the dinnette.. Cabinet pictures tomorrow

Steve Clardy
04-14-2006, 12:29 AM
Looking good Tom! Lots of work going on in there.

Mike Cutler
04-14-2006, 7:36 AM
Quite a project you got going on there Tom. Even though the rooms are "in the white" so to speak. It's easy to see that it's going to be something special when all the work is done.
Keep up the good work. It encourages all of us to tear our houses apart, and make them better.