View Full Version : Grain on glue-ups

Rick Smith
04-13-2006, 5:39 PM
I haven't done any, as yet, but in deciding to glue up some woods for a segmented turning, I have some questions for you Whirling (Wood) Dervishes...
If one is glueing up 3/4" stock, and rotating each piece approx. 20 degrees, layer upon layer...
Is the fact that (eventually) you will be addressing "side" grain, then end grain, then "side" grain, etc., etc. a major issue? I have noted that several of you prefer different tools when working with end grain, whereas if the grain is parallel with the lathe, you use something else. When turning, will there be an issue of "soft spots", whether cutting or sanding, as there is in sanding some woods (remembered from the Caveman days)? What about when hollowing?

Pat Salter
04-13-2006, 8:43 PM
That's basicaly what happens when you turn bowls. the grain is across the bed so it's side grain, end grain, side etc. It also happens with segmented bowls too. It's NOT a problem, keep you tools sharp and take light cuts as you finish.;)

Curt Fuller
04-14-2006, 12:00 AM
Rick, there's a guy named Kevin Neeley that has a really great tutorial on his website about almost every question concerning segmented turning. It's worth looking at http://www.turnedwood.com/ I'm not trying to promote him and have never met him. But it's the easiest to follow method I've seen.

Rick Smith
04-14-2006, 11:07 AM
Thanks, guys. I have (so far) only attempted 1 bowl, and it had the appearance of a deranged beaver attack... I appreciate the Turnedwood website... but doubt I would have the patience to even glue that up, much less dare touch a tool to it after I did!