View Full Version : laquer over poly?

Jeff Monson
04-11-2006, 9:00 AM
Can I spray laquer over some spots of wipe on poly? I'm finishing my kitchen cabinets and have decided to spray my cabinets using laquer.
When assembling my raised panel doors I did apply some wipe on poly to the center panel edges, so my question is will it look uniform and will it stick?

John Miliunas
04-11-2006, 9:10 AM
Jeff, as in any other method of applying finish, trying it out on a test piece is THE best way to make that determination. Lac on top of enamel is a no-no, as the lac will actually "eat" into the enamel finish and you end up with a mess. :( On top of poly, I'm not sure, as I've never tried it. Sorry. :o Still, the best way to find out is to try it on a test piece. :) :cool:

Steve Schoene
04-11-2006, 9:27 AM
The solvents in lacquer are fairly vigorous and may well lift the varnish. ATM (Acetone, Toluene, Methanol) is sold as a paint remover. These are common ingredients in lacquer thinner, so I would be extremely doubtful that the lacquer would be a good choice over the poly.

John Mihich
04-12-2006, 3:53 AM
You might (big might) be able to use shellac over the panel then the lacquer. Use the clear shellac, adds less color. Of course test before doing it.

Steve Schoene
04-12-2006, 9:07 AM
The solvents in the lacquer will dissolve shellac even easier than they will dissolve varnish.

Easiest solution is to continue with varnish--though a good traditional resin varnish will give a nicer look than poly. It will, for sure, adhere to the poly--scuff sanded of course.

I suppose you could apply a barrier coat of epoxy or two part poly that lacquer wouldn't touch, but this is getting to be a lot more complicated than sticking with the varnish. Besides, the varnish will be considerably more durable than lacquer for kitchen cabinets. Its just more work.

Matt Tawes
04-12-2006, 9:26 AM
If you're intending to spray water-based lacquer such as Target coatings USL then you only need a couple seal coats of shellac then spray the lacquer and you'll have no problems.

Jim Becker
04-12-2006, 10:36 AM
If you're intending to spray water-based lacquer such as Target coatings USL then you only need a couple seal coats of shellac then spray the lacquer and you'll have no problems.

This is because virtually all water-bornes are acrylics, including the USL. It has "properties" similar to lacquer, but it's a different product altogether. (And I love it...)