View Full Version : Creeker Visit

Andy Hoyt
04-10-2006, 3:45 PM
Had my very first official Creeker Visit today when Glenn Clabo drove up in the nicest lumber hauler to ever grace our driveway. A truly amazing rig - even had windshield wipers on the headlights. Sheesh! What'll they think of next - power sunvisors - full size spare tires?

We had a most enjoyable time hanging out in the shop talking about tools, Creekers, wood, Creekers, politics, Creekers, submarines, Creekers, the Navy, Creekers, and more Creekers. Yup - we talked about YOU. What a bunch of gossips!:D

Tried to get him to do a little turning on my mayo flavored machine, but he was content to simply sit on it and absorb its many wonders through osmosis. One of the nicest, most generous, and easy-to-talk-with guys I've met in a long while.

36234 36235

So, should this stranger come knocking on your door bearing gifts, be sure to let him in. That's a nice little chunk of cherry burl that has a hollow form hiding inside. And those other three vessels? Those are Rhode Island Growlers. And the label says that the contents must be consumed within 72 hours for the "full effect". So if I don't make much sense over the next few days, you'll know why.

Thanks, Glenn. Happy to know you and look forward to seeing you again one day - perhaps in the shadow of Breeds Hill.

Karl Laustrup
04-10-2006, 5:30 PM
Ah yes, Creeker visits. They are a joy unto themselves. :)

Glenn I'm assuming that your vehicle has GPS and it must have had some clue where Maine was, much less Benton Falls. ;) :D

It is good to know that there really is an Andy in Benton Falls. Well at least I think there is. Of course we only have Mr. Hoyt's word that he had a visitor. He is a master with photo shop.

He might have sampled those jugs before he posted about a visitor also. :eek: It may just be a figment of his imagination.


Jim Becker
04-10-2006, 9:32 PM
That looks like it was a fun time!!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-10-2006, 9:40 PM
Well.....there's another meeting I'd like to have attended! Andy.....hope you don't consume all that within the 72 hours recommended! Hangovers hurt more than they did years ago! DAMHIKT

Andy Hoyt
04-10-2006, 10:11 PM
Ken - I'm just gonna keep at it til it's all gone. That'll mean it's just one morning after that I have to contend with.

Glenn Clabo
04-11-2006, 7:23 AM
First of all...if anyone decides to venture to the northeast corner of the USA...don't pass by the Hoyt Hacienda. It's a sweet little place that has a most welcoming host that goes by the alias Andy.

However... be forwarned...make sure your GPS satellite is able to overcome the spy satellites that have been rerouted to watch over the most active launching platform on the east coast.

Karl...He tries to test his visitors by telling people he lives in Benton Falls...but maybe it really is Waterly? Of course these folk down here really don't care what their towns are called...they know it's a little piece of heaven.

Ken...be sure...you were part of our conversations. AND he actually let me touch THE Bonker Originale.

Bottom line...I got out of the car...after a shake of hands...I felt about at home as this southerner (southern New Englanders speak different ya know) has ever felt in another man's place of work. It was a real pleasure and I'm sure we'll find other reasons to find more time to solve the rest of the worlds problems.

Andy...you continue to prove that you are a true newenglandah...Breeds Hill? The place where the battle of Bunker Hill was really fought?

Thanks Andy...that was fun. Please be careful and stay off that John Deere while taste testing

John Miliunas
04-11-2006, 8:31 AM
Well, Glenn, I'm jealous!!! The Hoyt Ponderosa is on my "short list", even though long-distance traveling isn't anywhere on the rador for some time. :( Looks to have been and, sounds like a wonderful visit! Wow, you even got to sit on the venerable "White Thang" and placed hands on the sacred #1 Bonker!!! :D Way cool! :) :cool: