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View Full Version : Cracked Panel Repiar Question

Keith Starosta
04-09-2006, 11:09 AM
My father-in-law is hoping to strip and re-stain an old hutch he has for use in his dining room. Before re-finishing, he wants to fix the defects that currently exist in the piece. Below is a picture of one of the raised panel doors that needs repair. As you can see, a pretty significant crack goes all the way through the panel. Is there a way to repair this defect, or will he just need to replace the door altogether?


- Keith

Jim Becker
04-09-2006, 11:24 AM
I'm wondering if it is really worth trying to fix as taking the door apart would likely be difficult. Perhaps he should consider refinishing the piece with some "character" and leverage the "damage" into that plan... ;)

Steve Clardy
04-09-2006, 11:35 AM
That would be a tough fix.
Best way to fix would be to remove the panel. Rip the panel through the crack and join back together, adding a strip back to the side of the panel.
But will the door come apart.
Is it cope and stick, or mortise and tenon?

Edit. I now see what appears to be plugs on the front top stiles?

Joe Unni
04-09-2006, 12:41 PM

What about routing the "stick" off the back of the rails and stiles, remove and repair the panel, then drop the panel in from the back and secure it with a tiny molding? I guess similar to securing a glass panel.

Good luck,

Mark Singer
04-09-2006, 1:32 PM
You can glue in a filler ripping on each side and sand or scrape flush...try to match the wood..

Steve Clardy
04-09-2006, 1:36 PM

What about routing the "stick" off the back of the rails and stiles, remove and repair the panel, then drop the panel in from the back and secure it with a tiny molding? I guess similar to securing a glass panel.

Good luck,

Good idea!

Keith Starosta
04-10-2006, 7:55 AM

What about routing the "stick" off the back of the rails and stiles, remove and repair the panel, then drop the panel in from the back and secure it with a tiny molding? I guess similar to securing a glass panel.

Good luck,

OK, I think that I like this idea, but would like to get a little more clarification before I go ahead with it. Could you explain this in a little bit more detail? :o :confused:

I appreaciate all of the suggestions thus far!!

- Keith

Steve Clardy
04-10-2006, 12:36 PM
Keith. Theres a 1/8 x 3/8 or 1/2 lip on the back of door frame that holds the panel in. Remove it with a router, or a utility knife. This will free the panel.

Keith Starosta
04-10-2006, 1:09 PM
OK, I see. Removing the "lip", even from the two stiles and bottom rail, will allow me to hopefully repair the crack and put back in place, with little or no damage to the actual door frame. Cool...

Thanks, guys! I appreciate it!!

- Keith

Steve Clardy
04-10-2006, 1:20 PM
Good. You could leave one lip, say the bottom one, and the panel still come out. Just a thought

Joe Unni
04-10-2006, 4:36 PM

Steve beat me to it!!

Good luck.
