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Christopher K. Hartley
04-08-2006, 8:18 PM
I came accross this article and while the old timers to turning are probably up on this, some of new guys(and ladies) may not be. Since I work in the Funeral Service Industry I'd just as soon not see any of you passing through any of our facilities. http://www.mimf.com/archives/toxic.htm and another http://www.hobbywoods.com/wood_toxicity.htm

Every Day Above Ground Is A Good One!

Andy Hoyt
04-08-2006, 10:04 PM
Thanks, Chris.

Aromatic Cedar is on my list. Five minutes "without protection" and I feel like crap for 24 hours. Got a mess of turning chunks and am giving it away.

Curt Fuller
04-09-2006, 1:15 AM
Thanks for the very informative links. I've only turned a few of the woods on the list but the one that gets to me is Black Walnut. It always leaves my hands feeling like a pin cushion.

There's a relatively new wood that's becoming popular in flooring and cabinets called Lyptus. It's some sort of fast growing wood from the Amazon basin. Our local turning club meets at a shop called the Turning Post and Clead Christensen, the owner recently turned a center post for a spiral stairway from Lyptus and said it made him sick for a week. When he told us about it I had never even heard of it.