View Full Version : It's somebody's fault.........and I don't know who to blame......

Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2006, 8:27 PM
Folks ..........the Bomb has caused a real first in my marriage!

For the 1st time in 37+ years..........SWMBO put a "Honey Do" list on the refrigerator this morning!..........I wonder.........Does she think I 've been spending too much time turning?:eek: :D

Carl Eyman
04-06-2006, 8:30 PM
I think you know some or most of the people that got you into this. Now divide that list up and let each of them do their fair share.

Bernie Weishapl
04-06-2006, 8:31 PM
How come it is the first time in 37 years?????:mad: I have had a honey do list for 39 years.:mad: Do you suppose a guy is spending to much time turning when the SWMBO comes out and says would you please come watch a movie with me????:eek:

Chris Barton
04-06-2006, 8:36 PM

It's like I tell my wife; Vietnam (my fault), recession in the 70's (my fault), global warming (my fault), the middle east problems (my fault), starvation in Africa (my fault), high taxes (my fault), Clinton and the blue dress (my fa... now wait just a minute!!!).

Bob Noles
04-06-2006, 8:40 PM
I'm taking the fifth on this one :) I got enough of my own past due honey do chores looking at me :eek:

Lee DeRaud
04-06-2006, 8:41 PM
I have had a honey do list for 39 years.:mad:Probably about time you started doing some of them, isn't it?:rolleyes: :p

Tee it up a little higher, I didn't get a full swing at that one...

Barry Stratton
04-06-2006, 8:43 PM
So is it safe to assume that there are no bowls, pens, goblets, spindles, bonkers, funnels, etc... on that honey-do list?

Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2006, 8:56 PM
Barry you are indeed safe!:rolleyes:

John Miliunas
04-06-2006, 9:05 PM
Uh,ohhhhh....Ken! Quick! Hide all your bonkers!!!! :eek: :D :cool:

Andy Hoyt
04-06-2006, 9:14 PM
Ken - You got your timing all bolluxed up.

Should never have had that discussion about upgrading the bomb to mayo or mustard. Stealth my friend - stealth. You're supposed to ask about upgrading only at the very point in time when you know for certain that there's absolutely nothing she wants from you. There obviously was

Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2006, 10:45 PM
One down..........We have 2 water systems here. Domestic or potable water for use in the house and irrigation water (untreated) for use outside. The irrigation water comes from a lake near town fed by some lakes in the surrounding mountains and a canal system. We have one outside faucet that is domestic water and we use it to fill the tanks on our 5th wheel camping trailer and washing the cars. The outside faucet has leaked since we moved in 23 years ago. It is one of those "freeze-less faucets" and is outside the family room in the basement so I found the line feeding it in the utility room. I installed a ball valve in the utility room. When I wanted to use it ...down to the utility room ...turn it on.....finished turn it off......Did I mention......the line is in the ceiling of the utility room? At 6'1" I can reach it......Sharon at 5'2" can't............Well...........it's only taken 23 years to fix the faucet and now we can leave the valve on during the summer months.....Sheesh! It wouldn't have been 24 years until August!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Paul Douglass
04-06-2006, 10:53 PM
At least we know she is feeling better. She can put you to work! Mine aren't called "Honey Do" lists anymore. The term is not quite so endearing

Cody Colston
04-06-2006, 10:57 PM

I once knew a retired fella that would write his wife's honey do's on a strip of paper, fold them up and place them in a jar. Every day he would draw a strip out and whatever it said, that's what he did for that day.

The catch was that for every honey do that got added to the jar, he would write "play golf" on three more strips. That way, he had a 75% chance of drawing a play golf note instead of a honey do.

You might need to initiate something like that substituting "turn something" for "play golf."

Good luck. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2006, 10:58 PM
Paul..........I couldn't help but notice in the picture of the tractor you posted recently.......the surrounding scenery..........I live in Lewiston Idaho......where do you live in SE Washington? The scenery looked familiar in that photograph.

Travis Stinson
04-06-2006, 11:27 PM
Don't you know? It ALWAYS Joe's fault!:D