View Full Version : Filling a void in a cabinet end panel

Tom Peterson
04-05-2006, 9:55 PM
For my ongoing kitchen cabinet project, I have encountered a problem. I am using a white laminate for the interiors of the cabinets. This has worked out great so far, but now I am to the wall cabinets that have an exposed end. My design is the use of a raised panel for the side. The back of the raised panel has a recess that is approximately .150" deep. If I put the laminate over this, it will leave a soft spot void. Would you think I could put a spacer in this area to fill the void area? Any other suggestions.

Jamie Buxton
04-06-2006, 12:07 AM
Answer #1 -- Don't fill the hole. Let the laminate bridge over the hole. It will be supported on all four sides, so it isn't going any place. And it is on the inside, where nobody will be seeing it or touching it anyhow.

Answer #2 -- If you're obsessive, fill the hole. However, don't glue the filler to the existing panel. Y'see, the existing panel is solid lumber, and wants to expand and contract. Laminate doesn't do that, so you don't want to fasten the laminate to the panel. You can bond the laminate to a plywood filler, and neither the plywood or the laminate will breathe.

Steve Clardy
04-06-2006, 8:40 AM
How about lamaniting a piece of 1/4 ply, then attaching to the inside of the panel before assembly. Attach it to the rail and stiles only

Tom Peterson
04-06-2006, 1:20 PM
thank you for the replies. I thought of both of these. I have a sample daoor that I will try 1/8" material in. I will size it to the cavity and then just contact cement the perimeter of the panel ans see how it feels. Plan B is the laminated panel