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View Full Version : Question on turning purpleheart

Ken Fitzgerald
04-03-2006, 8:52 PM
I've came into some kiln dried purpleheart. Can it be turned?

John Hart
04-03-2006, 9:10 PM
Only if you want it to be round Ken.:p

Watch for splinters. They will pass all the way through your fingers (almost)

Steve Culbertson
04-03-2006, 9:37 PM
No it cannot be turned. You should get rid of it as soon as possible...send to Steve C. my address is .......:D

Purpleheart is awsome wood, it turns well. It also gets darker or purple-er the more sunlight it gets. happy turning

Chris Barton
04-03-2006, 9:43 PM
Hi Ken,

If you haven't made any wine bottle toppers then some purple hart is a great wood to try with!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-03-2006, 9:45 PM
I'm so glad to hear that! Today I made a trip to a place in Moscow, Idaho I'd heard about....it was just a rumor.....They have wood!.......paduke....mahogony........maple ...epae.......birch.........ash......white oak, red oak, purpleheart......you name it ..........they had it.......cherry.....4/4.......8/4.........walnut ..........widths exceeding 12" in some species..........and it's only 30 miles away! ...YES!.............so......my next bowl.........8x4 maple ....4x4 purpleheart......8x4 maple.........sandwich.......I just hope it turns out.....we'll see.........my wife is excited.........she get's first pick of all my turnings......Lucky for Andy and me she wasn't too impressed by the Idaho Salmon Bonker.........I sent it to Andy so she didn't have time to get attached to it.........and then apply it to me!

I've found me a dealer for the cherry for the spindle tables........now....I think I'll turn one of the Hart cherry pieces........If it warps on me.......I've got more practice material......and I'll order a kiln dried one.

John Timberlake
04-03-2006, 9:55 PM
I turned two bowls from purpleheart at Christmas. My first time with the wood. Harder than maple or cherry and dulls the tools a little faster, but not hard to turn. Have fun.

Corey Hallagan
04-03-2006, 10:28 PM
Uh oh,... he found a wood stock a half hour away. That shop isn't ever getting finished now! I am starting to regret my part in the bombing :) Contributing to a bonafide junkie! I am glad though you found a source of wood, I was worried you would start getting the sawzall out and start hacking at the framing! That sounds like a true ice cream bowl Ken you have planned. Kinda sounds like a purple heart revel!

Bill Turpin
04-03-2006, 11:29 PM
There are several species and you will find them all at the same vender. Some turn brown or purple as reported. Some keep purple no matter how you abuse it. I have a piece in the sunshine in living room that is unchanged after three years. I think (maybe) the lavender pieces keep color better than the darker purple ones. There are also serious differences in the turning characteristics. It is so pretty that I enjoy turning all of it...bad, good, or better!

Bill in WNC mountains

Bernie Weishapl
04-04-2006, 12:52 AM
Ken the only reason you sent that bonker to Andy is so the wife can't attack you with it.:eek: :eek: :p :p Ken I will tell you that mahogany turns like a dream, sands easy and finishes very nice. Try some of that to make a bowl.

Andy Hoyt
04-04-2006, 1:45 AM
I still have it. And that's that. See? It's right up there to the left keeping me in line.