View Full Version : West TN, Southwesten KY Head Count

Chris Barton
04-03-2006, 8:54 AM
Hi Everybody,

If you live around TN or KY you know that last night was really bad with tornados in the area and many lives were lost in the western TN/sw KY area. You folks that live around that area please check in and let us know how you are doing.

Jim Dunn
04-03-2006, 9:30 AM
Well Missouri got hit pretty hard last night too. My wife's LARGE potted bushes blew over. They've never even tipped before.

Dick Parr
04-03-2006, 10:42 AM
I hope all is well with those at the other end of the state, last night was wild. It wasn't as bad as the west end of the state but it sure was a wild night at this end, all night.

Hope all made it through.

John Hart
04-03-2006, 11:03 AM
I spent most of my morning checking the maps and the track of the storms. I too, would like to hear from everyone.

Dennis Peacock
04-03-2006, 11:15 AM
Yup....the storms blew by Arkysaw last night. I'm sorry to hear of the damages in TN and surrounding areas. My prayers are with those that went through the storms last night.

Jim Ketron
04-03-2006, 11:19 AM
Got some bad storms here too but all is well.

Ron Jones near Indy
04-03-2006, 11:32 AM
Things got nasty in and around Indianapolis too. People in town for the Final Four certainly found out why "tornado alley" isn't fun and games. No damage at home and no deaths reported in Indiana AFAIK. My prayers go out to those who suffered loss of family, friends and home.

Andy Hoyt
04-03-2006, 12:36 PM
Jeez! Where's Keith Burns?

John Hart
04-03-2006, 12:43 PM
According to the map...Keith's area got hit with storms about 15 hours ago (southeast of Memphis) But I can't find any reports.

Andy Hoyt
04-03-2006, 12:56 PM
Doh! Just checked his ID page. He was last logged on 45 minutes ago. Phew.

John Hart
04-03-2006, 1:01 PM
Gary Max was in the path too...He was logged in early this morning though.

Rob Bourgeois
04-03-2006, 1:40 PM
Got some hail here..woke me up hitting the window. Nothing damaged at my house but my wife said there was s tree down by a local church..

Going get it later today if its anything other than oak.

Tom Stover
04-03-2006, 2:24 PM
Gary Max was in the path too...He was logged in early this morning though.
I just got an e-mail from Gary and all is well with him and his place.

John Hart
04-03-2006, 2:30 PM
Good to know...Thanks Tom. And you are ok as well?

Tom Stover
04-03-2006, 2:41 PM
Thanks for asking John. We got a lot of wind and rain but little damage. A telephone pole across the street broke but didn't fall, the wires were hanging about 5' off the ground, and idiots would drive under these wires. :eek:

John Hart
04-03-2006, 2:51 PM
Yup...this is the time for idiots.

After a storm a couple years ago...A guy was trying to move some downed wires out of the way. His neighbors yelled at him to STOP!!!

He said, "I'm an Electrical Engineer...I know what I'm doing"

That was the last thing he said.

Larry Crim
04-03-2006, 3:35 PM
I'm in tipton county just north east of memphis we got it pretty bad last night but no damage, We had hail the size of large marbles and plenty of wind. The tornado's were just north of us.

Keith Burns
04-03-2006, 6:26 PM
Thanks for asking guys ! I survived without a hitch and am travelling today. Stoped at a hotel this am and logged on but then lost the signal. Travelled thru parts of Missouri that were hit but was on the interstate so didn't see much damage, just signs and trees down and towns without water. We had tornado warnings but nothing happend, at my house anyway. Thanks