View Full Version : How many funnels have you made?........

Ken Fitzgerald
04-02-2006, 7:49 PM
I had a unique idea for another goblet. My next door neighbor and friend wanted to watch me turn. Things were going so well.........she went home to fix her husband's supper........Then I made my first funnel....I won't reveal the uniqueness of this funnel as I might use it on my next goblet.......So.....how many funnels have you made?

Robert Mickley
04-02-2006, 7:51 PM
too many to count :D Literally

Reed Gray
04-02-2006, 7:58 PM
I haven't made any funnels, but I have made a lot of lampshades.
robo hippy

Dennis Peacock
04-02-2006, 8:02 PM
I haven't made any funnels, but I have made a lot of lampshades.
robo hippy

ROFL!!!!! That's a nice way of putting it and a unique use for those wooden funnels.....I mean....lamp shades. :D

Dennis Peacock
04-02-2006, 8:04 PM
I made a couple of funnels in my time. Until I made Bill G's bowl bottom measuring stick. The use of this very simple tool has save many bowls and also allowed me to turn the bowl bottoms thinner than 1/2" thick!!!!

David Fried
04-02-2006, 8:13 PM

As a beginner, I can only claim to have made one of most things, including funnels. My first attempt at end grain hollowing produced an ugly funnel. I still have it!

George Conklin
04-02-2006, 8:58 PM
More than enough to know I don't want to make anymore, but some how I still do:rolleyes:.

Jeff Horton
04-02-2006, 9:53 PM
Well, I feel funny saying this but I have yet to turn one. :o Now, that isn't to say I haven't blown apart a few, tossed them across the room or tried some other experimental techniques that didn't work.

I guess I just use my calipers more than I should? Of course you know what is going to happen now that I went public don't you.:rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
04-02-2006, 10:02 PM
I have turned about 3 so far. Then I built Bill G.'s measuring stick and got me a set of figure 8 calipers. The first bowl I made into a funnel proudly sits above my lathe as a reminder. :p

Chris Barton
04-02-2006, 10:33 PM
Hiya Ken,

I haven't made any funnels but, I have made a lot of strainers, tubes, chards, chips, and bowls that ended up as coasters. I let you in on a little secret, my ambrosia maple entry into the geezer golbet contest broke in a couple of places but, this whole turning thing has made me a master of CA glue and saw dust patches. Sometimes the measure of an artisan is not the final product but, rather how well they can disguise their mistakes or make them look like a design feature. I bet you learned a lot from that funnel...

Andy Hoyt
04-02-2006, 11:24 PM
I think we have a plethora of liars here.

But that doesn't matter.

Because I have a challenge to you all.

See my new post shortly.

Curt Fuller
04-02-2006, 11:58 PM
I've gotta say that I have never turned a funnel. But unlike those that have or are lying about it, I have the exact opposite problem. I chicken out way before anything ever gets that thin. The bowls I've turned and given away as gifts come with a warning. "Set these down carefully, especially if you have tile countertops and please wear steel toed boots while carring them across the kitchen. I'm not liable for broke toes if you drop it."

I like Andy's challenge as a way to try to learn to turn thinner.

Rob Bourgeois
04-03-2006, 12:10 AM
none but I have only turned 5 or 6 bowls...give me time.. I usually get worse before I get better.

Jim Dunn
04-03-2006, 7:58 AM
I've gotta say that I have never turned a funnel. But unlike those that have or are lying about it, I have the exact opposite problem. I chicken out way before anything ever gets that thin. The bowls I've turned and given away as gifts come with a warning. "Set these down carefully, especially if you have tile countertops and please wear steel toed boots while carring them across the kitchen. I'm not liable for broke toes if you drop it."

I like Andy's challenge as a way to try to learn to turn thinner.
That's usually what I do too.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-03-2006, 8:29 AM
Not a one, every time I scew up, and blow something up, you would be lucky to find pieces big enough for match sticks......... :o

Dick Strauss
04-04-2006, 12:35 AM
I thought I was doing well until the last few days...

1. On a small 5" diameter 1/8" thick mulberry bowl that I was finishing, I was looking at the concave bottom and noticed I could see light through the dry wood. Oops...I guess I went a little too thin on the bottom and foot combo.

2. I had my first problem with imbedded bark. As I turned away the wood I noticed the nasty bark inclusion was more and more prominent. I stopped the lathe to look at the wood and noticed a small ant colony living under the bark. I killed the ants as they came out of hiding. I got this strange vibration after re-starting the lathe and realized something was wrong. I stepped to the side with about ten seconds to spare and kept turning with very light pressure before the 1x1x3" chunk of wood came whizzing by me. I was thankful to have a shield on even though I didn't get hit!