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View Full Version : Fork and Poon - 2nd Try

John Hart
04-01-2006, 4:16 PM
Ok...I took everyone's advice and put the fork on a diet...so now it's no longer fa.... er...sorry...It's no longer "big boned";) :D

I also made a Poon to go with it...(More of a Paddle than a Spoon) I must say that I like it better slimmed up...but mamma thinks it is still a little bit chunky. Your thoughts?

Oh...and I finished these ones with the not-so-secret finish.

The bowl is 12" in diameter


Here's a pic for comparison to the one from yesterday

Michael Stafford
04-01-2006, 5:55 PM
I definitely like the svelte versions. I am curious John, are the spoon and fork wide/broad enough for effective salad serving? It seems that most of the wooden salad serving utensils I see are rather wide. That said, your set is very attractive and match. I don't think it is possible for me to turn things that match. Nicely done!;) :D

Dennis Peacock
04-01-2006, 5:58 PM
Oh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me likey this set!!! Much better IMHO!!!! Very nice John. Thanks for posting version 2 of the F&S.....Now...I can't let the LOML see those or I'll have something else to do.:rolleyes:

John Hart
04-01-2006, 6:01 PM
...It seems that most of the wooden salad serving utensils I see are rather wide...

Thanks Big Mike. I don't know really. I'm kind of a novice at this sort of thing....but the stuff that I looked up seemed about this narrow. The stainless stuff that we have is a little narrower than these pieces. I'll have to look some more.:)

Hey Dennis...this is definitely something to do for mamma. Only takes about an hour or so for the two pieces....and she'll have something to hit you with!!!!:D

Frank Chaffee
04-01-2006, 6:24 PM
The new fork and poon set are very graceful when viewed together. The skinnier, eer woops, correct that to slimmer, handles are great. While the tines on the fork may be wide enough (tho a little wider might be good too), I think that the poon’s width could definitely be increased.
When a fork and a spoon are used together in serving salad, it seems to me that the spoon’s bowl should be wider than the fork’s tines.
Just my take,

Curt Fuller
04-01-2006, 6:25 PM
I like them all. I still think you should make a spoon to go with the first fork. You just never know whether you'll be in the mood for a hefty or a dainty set when salad time rolls around.

Bernie Weishapl
04-01-2006, 6:30 PM
Very nice John. I like'm. Now what are the mesurements? I have to make some to go with the salad bowl set I am making for the kids.

Jim Dunn
04-01-2006, 6:53 PM
John you nailed it this time! The form is flawless. I like it alot.

John Hart
04-01-2006, 7:21 PM
Thanks all. Frank...Just reading what you said, I do like the idea of the wider spoon. I'll have to give that a go. Maybe in a two-piece glue up though so I don't waste too much walnut to shavings. Nah...I have plenty of walnut from Robert Mickley!!!:D I'll take Curt's suggestion and make a spoon to match the first fork.

Bernie....These are 11" long with the widest part at 2" and the Handles at 1" diameter. The narrowest diameter is dead center and 5/8" diameter.

I made spoon and fork bonkers then freehanded the spoon and fork profiles on the bandsaw....then just filed them rounded and smooth and sanded.

Here's the bonkers

Keith Burns
04-01-2006, 8:04 PM
Okay, John those look great to me. Never done utinsils before, but then again I've never done half the stuff you have. Whats next, frying pan?:D

Ed Scolforo
04-01-2006, 8:05 PM
John, I think you're close. I agree with Frank's assessment above.

Dick Parr
04-01-2006, 8:06 PM
Those new ones really look great John, very nice job on them.

Corey Hallagan
04-01-2006, 9:53 PM
Yeah, it think those look really nice John and they shoud fit the bill!! Nice work.


Paul Douglass
04-01-2006, 10:27 PM
Very nicely done.. Man that is some pretty walnut!

doug webb
04-02-2006, 12:04 AM
I like you second set.....But I still like the first better....Especially the hsndle shape. But all great

Randy Meijer
04-02-2006, 1:42 AM
...but mamma thinks it is still a little bit chunky....

John: Better; but never argue with Mamma!!! Can you put something in the picture to establish scale? It is a little hard to judge without something for reference.

Ernie Nyvall
04-02-2006, 10:07 AM
Pretty cool John. You've again given me a new project. They look nice... both of them. Having used wooden utensils though, I'd round off the notch on the first fork... just for cleaning purposes, but I do like the size.


Ned Bulken
04-02-2006, 1:29 PM
Ok...I took everyone's advice and put the fork on a diet...so now it's no longer fa.... er...sorry...It's no longer "big boned";) :D

I also made a Poon to go with it...(More of a Paddle than a Spoon) I must say that I like it better slimmed up...but mamma thinks it is still a little bit chunky. Your thoughts?

I know zilch about turning (no spinny thing just yet), and I'm not even Married yet... (soon tho, but that's another post), however even I have learned the magic response when 'Mama' isn't happy. Want to learn it? ok, repeat after me....

Yes Dear

apply that when and if you make her another set...

style wise, those look great, I bet she'll love using them. as for the slim/chunky debate, around here I make wooden spoons with spokeshaves and bandsaw, and the more popular ones are those with thicker handles, as old arty-thritis is knocking on the door. That plus in my mitts larger utensils just fit better.