View Full Version : Where are our ladies?

Chris Barton
03-31-2006, 10:35 AM
Seems like I haven't seen many post by Carole and Shelly lately. Where are our lady friends?

Andy Hoyt
03-31-2006, 11:09 AM
Been wondering about that too. Add Pat Jeddy to the list.

And while we're at it - where's Bill Stevener?

Ed Scolforo
03-31-2006, 1:01 PM
I see that Carole has been pretty active on Wood Central. Don't know about the others.

Lee DeRaud
03-31-2006, 2:05 PM
Normah is MIA as well.:eek: :p

Tyler Howell
03-31-2006, 2:11 PM
You spin heads drove them off. Just as they were bringing a little class to this place.:(

Jim Dunn
03-31-2006, 2:23 PM
Don't add me to the list of spin heads who drove all the ladies off,(I don't really think we did). I kinda like ladies/turners as it keeps my language in line.

Steve Ash
03-31-2006, 3:50 PM
You spin heads drove them off. Just as they were bringing a little class to this place:rolleyes: ;)

....and they had a newbie just the other day, and she only got Mr. Hart's attention. oops...also Bernie.

shame on you guys :D .

Just kidding, you are all fine upstanding gentleman....:)

John Hart
03-31-2006, 5:47 PM
Carole told me in a PM that she is swamped at work and trying to reduce her face-time with that DANG COMPUTER!!! :D :D

Guess she's busy.:)

Dennis Peacock
03-31-2006, 6:53 PM
Carole told me in a PM that she is swamped at work and trying to reduce her face-time with that DANG COMPUTER!!! :D :D

Guess she's busy.:)

Sheesh!!!! I need to do that as well...!!!!! :D

Andy Hoyt
03-31-2006, 7:19 PM
But if computers ARE her work and she's reducing the amount of face she gives to the computer, how can she be swamped?

Frank Chaffee
03-31-2006, 9:01 PM
I cannot answer your question with surety, but I will offer you my theory.
• Someone pointed out that the emperor had no clothes.
• Some averted their eyes.
• A very few publicly concurred with that observation.
• No small number (especially from the turning community), viciously attacked the person who originally stated her observation.
• Medical opinions and advice were dispensed by one who had no qualifications to do so regarding the chemical and psychological condition of the original observer.
• SMC members (and the internet community at large), were allowed to observe and/or post to the thread for many hours after it violated our TOS.
• Some women SMC members either observed this travesty of the TOS application or heard of it through the grapevine, and were so appalled and threatened by the conduct of male Creekers in said thread that they have chosen to keep company with woodworkers on forums that respect women rather than the Creek where immature over the hill men have been slipping in their drool in their laughably self-demeaning efforts to faun before any woman who posts here.

Frankly Chris, I see the Creek as a (the?), most wonderful resource for people at all levels of woodworking expertise to come together and share questions and knowledge. I post this because I am terribly concerned that your question points to a vital aspect of the Creek’s evolution that must be addressed. People can be seriously hurt in the exchanges we have here, and I hope we will all wake up to that.


Chris Barton
03-31-2006, 9:20 PM
I cannot answer your question with surety, but I will offer you my theory.
• Someone pointed out that the emperor had no clothes.
• Some averted their eyes.
• A very few publicly concurred with that observation.
• No small number (especially from the turning community), viciously attacked the person who originally stated her observation.
• Medical opinions and advice were dispensed by one who had no qualifications to do so regarding the chemical and psychological condition of the original observer.
• SMC members (and the internet community at large), were allowed to observe and/or post to the thread for many hours after it violated our TOS.
• Some women SMC members either observed this travesty of the TOS application or heard of it through the grapevine, and were so appalled and threatened by the conduct of male Creekers in said thread that they have chosen to keep company with woodworkers on forums that respect women rather than the Creek where immature over the hill men have been slipping in their drool in their laughably self-demeaning efforts to faun before any woman who posts here.

Frankly Chris, I see the Creek as a (the?), most wonderful resource for people at all levels of woodworking expertise to come together and share questions and knowledge. I post this because I am terribly concerned that your question points to a vital aspect of the Creek’s evolution that must be addressed. People can be seriously hurt in the exchanges we have here, and I hope we will all wake up to that.


Thanks Frank. I did get some personal communications from some of the ladies that echoed exactly what you said. And, sadly I was suspecting something of that nature to be the case. I was unaware of the original situation that precipitated this so I was a bit clueless at first. I agree with your observations entirely.

Ladies, please come back! We aren't all bad. And I promise that at least most of us are interested in your woodworking skills and unique perspective. We need your diversity!

John Hart
03-31-2006, 9:36 PM
hmmmm. I just went back and found that thread. Wasn't aware of it at the time.:(

Ken Fitzgerald
03-31-2006, 9:57 PM
What a shame! I, for one, miss their postings and hope I wasn't involved in driving them away. I vaguely remember the thread...........:(

Frank Chaffee
03-31-2006, 10:03 PM
hmmmm. I just went back and found that thread. Wasn't aware of it at the time.:(
I did not report the first waytoofaroutthere post as a bad post because I thot that it would speak for itself and deflate the negative arguments of some cruel posters. Unfortunately, I learned the next day, that was not the case, and the thread continued for quite some time in a very negative manner before being removed.
If you are interested in this subject John Hart (and in my book you are referred to as “the esteemed John Hart), you may use your moderator status to also read the thread I began the next day titled “A sign of the times”, which was also moved to the moderators forum.

Paul Douglass
03-31-2006, 10:15 PM
Boy, this is sad. Like Ken I sure hope I wasn't a part of it. I don't remember the thread or I missed it but if someone knows any of the ladies personally and can get word to them, please send the message that they are needed back. We need to all do a better job of nipping this sort of think in the bud. I have left other forms because of this sort of thing.

John Hart
03-31-2006, 10:16 PM
Found it. Your analogy was accurate Frank.

Esteemed?:confused: :rolleyes:

Jim Dunn
03-31-2006, 11:12 PM
Well I for one don't have any idea what is going on with a thread that offended the ladies. May have been gone at the time. It's a shame as I enjoyed their input and talent on this forum.

Rich Stewart
04-01-2006, 12:49 AM
hmmmm. I just went back and found that thread. Wasn't aware of it at the time.:(

What the heck happened?

Dennis Peacock
04-01-2006, 12:51 AM
What the heck happened?

Well....I really don't know myself......

But I do know that I do miss the ladies posting their wisdom and pics of their projects around here.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-01-2006, 1:40 AM
The first thing I want to say is that I do not like adding labels to members, calling some one a "_____ member" is not the best way to do things, but, I understand that sometimes it is the only way to describe a group within our group.

Now about the thread in question, was this the thread where one long time lady member had some not kind words to say to a new lady member, and a general kerfuffle ensued?

Well if that is the case, and that drove the ladies away, well, I'm at a loss.

I remember I showed that thread to my wife, (and she is a lady) and she just rolled her eyes and made a comment something like "Oh they do that kind of stuff at the PTA meetings too"...

I think that we have only a very few number of lady members, because in general there are a lot less lady woodworkers. The few that we have seem to me to be VERY talented, thus I bet they are VERY busy people.

I also think that the format for talking about woodworking here is such that the ladies are not as interested as us guys.

What do I mean by that?

Well, I think as guys, we like sitting around shooting the breeze jawing on whatever the subject it, now I know that ladies like to talk (after all, I'm married to one, and when she gets together with her friends, they can TALK) but I think the way they chat is not the same as the way we chat.

Obviously I'm talking in generalities here, and I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone, I'm just trying to make sense of the question of "Where did the Ladies go?"

I too very much enjoy the ladies take on things, which is usually somewhat different from the take that most of us guys have.

so, why are we differentiating between members based on gender?

We do not do it for race, or sexual orientation, national origin etc.

I have to tell you, if I were a lady, and you guys added "Lady" to the title woodworker, I'd be not very happy with that, I'd want you to just look at me as a woodworker and leave the gender/race/national origin labels behind.

Just my two cent's worth, and some observations.


John Hart
04-01-2006, 5:58 AM
I agree with Stu that the differentiation between gender, race...etc is completely unnecessary....although the differentiation between individuals, perspectives and opinions is paramount. I love the diversity that everyone offers to the table. Perspective is something that is uniquely our own and, when shared and valued, is the one thing that creates the most growth for each of us. Personally, I find myself missing a lot of people who seem to have gone away....and I wonder if I did something to cause it.

tod evans
04-01-2006, 8:15 AM
franks analogy from what i know is 100% on target.. those of us who read some of the statements made before the thread was jerked will understand my statement. i tried to post to that thread as soon as i read it but apparently my one fingered typing was to slow and the moderators beat me to the punch.
i must say had i born the brunt of some of the comments made i would have hopped a plane and taken care of the differences in opinion face to face! those who have come to know me during my short tenure here know that i really try to mind my p`s and q`s while posting, but the thread frank spoke of was enough to get my blood boiling so it`s probably a good thing the post i tried to make never hit the forum.
so if ya`ll want to know why the female woodworkers haven`t been posting it`s because 1) they have a little too much class to get into public xxxxxxx contests. and 2) they fear if they do try and contribute nobody will have the guts to stand up for them when they`re in the right.

personally i don`t know that jerking the thread was such a good idea? statements where made that where left unrebutted, i think that given enough exposure folks true colors would have shown through. would that have been good for the forum as a whole?

think about it! .02 tod

Frank Pellow
04-01-2006, 9:41 AM
I agree with John and Todd that Frank's summary and his conclusions are correct.

I posted at least two responses within the thread admonoshing members for "crossing the line" with their comments and send used the "notification" button to send a note to the moderators.

I am sorry that this thread drove Shelley away, but I am sure that it did. Maybe, in time, she will forgive us and return.

Andy Hoyt
04-01-2006, 9:41 AM
I think it's safe to say that all of us would like to see the ladies return; and that we'd like to see more ladies participate. But not because they're ladies, but because they're woodworkers and perhaps even turners, too - just like us. They do indeed have so much talent and wisdom that they are conspicuous by their absence. The loss is ours.

All of us have opinions, sensitivities, hot spots, and idiosyncrasies which make us unique unto ourselves; and it it our social obligation to respect these elements at all times. Especially when we're nudging someone in the ribs with a big guffaw. Sometimes our nudge is a bit off-target, and if so, that just proves we're human.

Geez! Can you imagine what this place would be like if we weren't able to poke fun at one another; tease a bit (okay, a lot); and relax among our online friends. Sometimes an effort goes astray and misses the mark, or is simply misread or misinterpreted. When that happens in the real world; we hopefully get educated by the event and forge ahead.

Carole, Pat, Valerie, Shelley - I hope you're listening.

To Cindy (who just joined in the other day) and others who are lurking and thinking about climbing aboard - I can't help but imagine what thoughts must be running around in your head about us guys, but trust that we hope to learn from you and we hope that we'll soon learn from you too.

Don't hide. Stand up. Be counted. Express yourself through your turnings. Participate. And smack us with a bonker when needed.


Dennis Peacock
04-01-2006, 9:44 AM
i must say had i born the brunt of some of the comments made i would have hopped a plane and taken care of the differences in opinion face to face! those who have come to know me during my short tenure here know that i really try to mind my p`s and q`s while posting, but the thread frank spoke of was enough to get my blood boiling so it`s probably a good thing the post i tried to make never hit the forum.
so if ya`ll want to know why the female woodworkers haven`t been posting it`s because 1) they have a little too much class to get into public pi##ing contests. and 2) they fear if they do try and contribute nobody will have the guts to stand up for them when they`re in the right.

personally i don`t know that jerking the thread was such a good idea? statements where made that where left unrebutted, i think that given enough exposure folks true colors would have shown through. would that have been good for the forum as a whole?

think about it! .02 tod

Good Morning Tod,

I have to agree that way too much "stuff" got out of hand, but allowing the thread to stand would have only fed the fire even more.

While leaving a thread for others to rebutt other comments made would have been fine in my opinion.....but human nature will be human nature....there are folks that will jump in the middle of a fight just because it's there to see how much more crap they can stir to keep the flames hot and high. It's because of those types that the moderators pull a thread before it gets too far out of hand.

While I know that this is the exception and not the normal rule, we still have to do what is an attempt to keep things from really getting out of hand.

I just wish the ladies would come back and ignore the ruckus stirrers and play wood with the rest of us. .02 :D

tod evans
04-01-2006, 9:56 AM
mornin` dennis, that`s why you wear the moderator title not i..........and that i`m sure is a wise move.:)

i too miss their contributions, we`ll see what happens? .02 tod

Jim Dunn
04-01-2006, 9:57 AM
I just wish the ladies would come back and ignore the ruckus stirrers and play wood with the rest of us. .02 :D
Me too:o Please come back as you keep me honest in my posts. With only Andy, John and Ken here to harness me I'm liable to get out of hand real quick like;)

Rob Bourgeois
04-01-2006, 10:58 AM
one note: one other sites when some one comes out and attacks a member they are usually banned for a period of time..if the trouble makers are still here and posting maybe they should be banned. Usually when they return from "banned camp" they are better posters that dont attack people.

Actually any violation of the TOS results in a warning.. then if you do it again 2 weeks "banned camp". 3 screw up on the same thing reults in a undetermined amount of time in banned camp. Most people unless they are really and truly idiots dont get to 3 strikes--and then who would really miss someone that cant play nice with others after being warned 3 times. In general it results in less work for the mods..becuase no one wants to screw up.

// I was a mod at the site during the 3 stirkes rule start up. Less work after and an increase in members also.

George Conklin
04-01-2006, 11:00 AM
I'm guessing the thread that y'all are talking about wasn't on this forum:confused: . This forum is pretty much the only reason that I joined SMC and Carol was one of the main reasons that I chose to purchase a DVR as my lathe. I saw the beautiful work that she produced and thought this person is very talented and alway enjoyed reading her posts. I joined SMC and she disappeared:rolleyes: .

I too, sincerely hope the ladies will return. I also hope I had nothing to do with them leaving.:(

George Conklin
04-01-2006, 11:10 AM
Especially when we're nudging someone in the ribs with a big guffaw. Sometimes our nudge is a bit off-target.

Geez! Can you imagine what this place would be like if we weren't able to poke fun at one another; tease a bit (okay, a lot); and relax among our online friends. Sometimes an effort goes astray and misses the mark, or is simply misread or misinterpreted. When that happens in the real world; we hopefully get educated by the event and forge ahead.

Carole, Pat, Valerie, Shelley - I hope you're listening.

No more ice cream bowls for Andy! We'll have a tough time being on target when we try to nudge him in the ribs:D .

Chris Barton
04-01-2006, 11:21 AM
The first thing I want to say is that I do not like adding labels to members, calling some one a "_____ member" is not the best way to do things, but, I understand that sometimes it is the only way to describe a group within our group.

Now about the thread in question, was this the thread where one long time lady member had some not kind words to say to a new lady member, and a general kerfuffle ensued?

Well if that is the case, and that drove the ladies away, well, I'm at a loss.

I remember I showed that thread to my wife, (and she is a lady) and she just rolled her eyes and made a comment something like "Oh they do that kind of stuff at the PTA meetings too"...

I think that we have only a very few number of lady members, because in general there are a lot less lady woodworkers. The few that we have seem to me to be VERY talented, thus I bet they are VERY busy people.

I also think that the format for talking about woodworking here is such that the ladies are not as interested as us guys.

What do I mean by that?

Well, I think as guys, we like sitting around shooting the breeze jawing on whatever the subject it, now I know that ladies like to talk (after all, I'm married to one, and when she gets together with her friends, they can TALK) but I think the way they chat is not the same as the way we chat.

Obviously I'm talking in generalities here, and I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone, I'm just trying to make sense of the question of "Where did the Ladies go?"

I too very much enjoy the ladies take on things, which is usually somewhat different from the take that most of us guys have.

so, why are we differentiating between members based on gender?

We do not do it for race, or sexual orientation, national origin etc.

I have to tell you, if I were a lady, and you guys added "Lady" to the title woodworker, I'd be not very happy with that, I'd want you to just look at me as a woodworker and leave the gender/race/national origin labels behind.

Just my two cent's worth, and some observations.


Hi Stu,

I think that perhaps one of the reasons that some of our lady members have taken offense to such posts is because of the cavalier attitude some take toward these posts. While I can understand your wife's perception of the situation, I don't think everyone would share it.

As to the use of "lady" to describe someone of the female gender was something I was taught as part of my southern upbringing and I make no appoligies for that. In my mind, this is nothing more than a designation of respect and protocol. I don't know how to ask specifically about our lady members unless I specify to whom I am refering. Please let me know if anyone finds that to be an inappropriate as well as which term should be used.

I suppose the take away from this thread is that perhaps we all need to be aware of the diversity of our membership and do our best to be respectfull, encouraging, and supportive when we post.

George Conklin
04-01-2006, 11:41 AM
As to the use of "lady" to describe someone of the female gender was something I was taught as part of my southern upbringing and I make no appoligies for that. In my mind, this is nothing more than a designation of respect and protocol. I don't know how to ask specifically about our lady members unless I specify to whom I am refering. Please let me know if anyone finds that to be an inappropriate as well as which term should be used.

When I was a child, I remember having a conversation with my father regarding a person of the female gender. I referred to her as a "Lady". My father told me that she may be female and she may be a woman, but she may not be a lady.

I fully understand your designation of respect and protocol.

Ken Garlock
04-01-2006, 1:17 PM
This thread could go on for quite a while, sports fans.:confused:

I have strong opinion on most subjects, just ask some time over a cool one.:eek:

With that in mind, I believe this "politically correct" BS is exactly that, BS. As stated above, to me, the term lady is a recognition of a quality person of the female gender, a title not to be taken lightly.

I also believe that a lady is a lady until she proves herself to be otherwise. I also believe that ladies have just as much talent, brains, capability as men. I have worked with some ladies that were brilliant and very accomplished in their profession. I don't believe that any of those ladies would have objected to being referred to as a lady.

So, rather then setting around jawing about how things were, let us get moderator of the offending forum, and the person(s) that made the offensive remarks to email the lady(s) in question. The email should be simple and short containing the idea that we messed up, we are sorry, and we would like you to consider returning to the creek.

I wouldn't hurt for some of you macho clowns:eek: :D :D (said in fun with a virtual slap on the back) to exercise some gentlemanship.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-01-2006, 3:08 PM
It is not "Political Correctness" to NOT label people.

My lovely wife is Japanese, I'm Canadian, my kids hold nationalities in for both countries, but here in Japan they are called "Half", in perfectly polite company, by their teachers at school etc.

The Japanese do not mean any harm by it, in fact it is a kind of compliment, in their eyes, not in mine.

My kids are "half" nothing, if anything, they are "double" as they speak two languages, they get to celebrate two cultures etc.

Some think my kids are cute (while I think they are down right the best looking girls in town, but I'm their Dad ;) ) and some say they are cute because they are half, well that is just stupid, they are cute because they are who they are, period.

My point?

Don't label people, if you don't know their name, FIND OUT, if you want to talk about a certain group, like Shelly, Carol, Gail, Pat, and Valerie, fine, say "Shelly, Carol, Gail, Pat, and Valerie".... :D

To some, I think MOST, the term "Lady" is not a pejorative in any sense, but you ARE distinguishing them as a group, that they have no say in their membership, if you want to talk about them spinny turners, or the flatlanders, or the Neanders, fine, people take up those mantles when they join those groups, but to make distinctions just on their sex, race or nation of origin is going to get some people turned off, and this could be why some are not coming around as much.

I'll tell you this, in the recent bonkers contest, if you guys had given the prize to my girls, just because they were girls, I would not have been impressed.

I hope I'm making my point here as clearly as I can, it is 5AM here, and I'm just heading for bed (tax time you know).


Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2006, 3:26 PM
Stu ............If I may comment...........I voted to give the prize to the children and yes, your daughters too....first time turners.........I like the children am a budding turner........I simply wanted to encourage all adults to enroll their children in turning.......all children taking up turning ......all first time turners regardless of age.....to turn....to proudly display their first turnings..........and the Bonkers contest....it was something turners of all expertise could and did get involved in ...and enjoyed....and shared....and experienced! You guys started me down this twisted existance .........and I wanted to encourage and share the joy that I've found as a result of the Bomb!

Go to bed Stu!

Chris Barton
04-01-2006, 3:48 PM
Don't label people, if you don't know their name, FIND OUT, if you want to talk about a certain group, like Shelly, Carol, Gail, Pat, and Valerie, fine, say "Shelly, Carol, Gail, Pat, and Valerie".... :D

To some, I think MOST, the term "Lady" is not a pejorative in any sense, but you ARE distinguishing them as a group, that they have no say in their membership, if you want to talk about them spinny turners, or the flatlanders, or the Neanders, fine, people take up those mantles when they join those groups, but to make distinctions just on their sex, race or nation of origin is going to get some people turned off, and this could be why some are not coming around as much.

First, this thread has gone places I never intended but, that is the way it happened. Second, when I made my post asking about the ladies, I was not limiting it to the few mentioned in the quote above. So, since my original post was directed toward the question about our lady turners, how should I have posted it; "where are our turners that are not men and have two x chromosomes?"

Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2006, 3:57 PM
I, too, miss their insight and input Chris!

Shelley Bolster
04-01-2006, 5:26 PM
After much consideration and a goodly amount of encouragement, I have decided to break my silence to address a couple of issues brought forth in this thread…….which by the way Stu, has over 30 replies without the aid of any of us ladies whom, as you pointed out, like to talk .

Now I know that ladies like to talk (after all, I'm married to one, and when she gets together with her friends, they can TALK)

In fact, the original thread, the last time I looked that evening, had over 60 posts and I think over 2,000 views! I in fact, only made 2 posts throughout the entire "cat fight". (As it was deemed by a couple of you men) The other cat was on post #12 when I stopped looking…..not counting a Tom or two she had sitting on her fence. One, who knows who he is, made 7. Talk about keeping things going.
The post, which finally got removed after sufficient damage was done to my reputation….not as a woodworker but in fact as a woman, was played out over at General Woodworking so I can understand why several of you are in the dark here on the turning forum. Now, that is not to say that a few of you here where not directly involved.
I could grasp this opportunity to re-hash the whole thread…….I for one would love to see it brought back from the depths of the moderators forum, (mostly because I think few have photographic memories) but I know that is not going to happen because I think mud has replaced drool on a few faces. I hope that if nothing else comes from this situation it is that, you as men, are not blinded by chivalry when it comes to all women. Like you, there are ladies out there that are indeed interested in woodworking and they are genuine with their posts. However, every now and then someone, for whatever reason, joins a forum for purposes other than the intended use. In my opinion, this is what happened here and perhaps because I am a woman, I am able to spot the insincerity demonstrated by other women before most men. I truly believe that most men responding with advise and support to the young woman in question, were doing so out of sincere politeness due to the gallant nature men possess. Just as some men can be almost heroic when dealing with women, some women can be as equally conniving and manipulative. I am sure you have all experienced it as some time. We women are trained at a young age to use our femininity to influence men into agreeing with us, doing for us. Forgive me for going perhaps into too much depth here but hey, the subject was brought up and elaborated on by a few of you……I am trying to give as open and honest a reply as I can. Like most of you here at SMC, most women who post here do not have a hidden agenda. I think many of you would be really surprised to find out just how many women are taking up woodworking, although many still sit on the sidelines (and maybe for good reason) when it comes to posting on forums.
Now, I will not pass blame for all that occurred on the original thread to others…….I was sarcastic in tone with my first post when I said I was "confused because I thought I was on the General Woodworking Forum only to read about crocheting and silk unmentionables spread out on the bed for use after the kiddo's went to bed". In hindsight perhaps I should have notified the moderator but gee, anyone familiar with GWW knows that it is pretty efficiently moderated, why these posts were allowed to remain is anyone’s guess. I had been watching suggestive comments for a couple of days made by this newcomer…..none that had any real woodworking content, and yet not once were any posts with inappropriate remarks removed. They continued at a feverish rate in fact…..someone was obviously amusing themselves by these games. Honestly, I think it would put any man in an awkward position to chastise a woman who is openly flirting with other men in front of their peers. Think about that for a minute guys…..you are in a group of your buddies and this attractive young woman comes up and starts flirting up a storm with all of you……which one of you are going to tell her to stop because it is inappropriate behavior?? I may be wrong, I have been wrong on several occasions, but I really thought when she moved from the Turning Forum to General Wwing and I saw posts of hers remain while other posts were being moved and deleted on a regular basis, that someone had to nip this behavior in the bud and obviously no man wanted to run the risk of doing it…… in walks Shelley. My sarcasm was directed not only at the person making the objectionable posts, but at the lack of clear and consistent moderation, IMO, on some of the forums. One reason, as well as perhaps a little payback for me being somewhat opinionated with regards to administrative practices in the past, that I believe the thread was allowed to grow and fester before being finally removed. "That’ll teach ya for messin’ with us".
Now, with my willingness to bare some of the responsibility for the direction of the thread on the flipside, I am also appalled and pretty much sickened at the behavior of several men….and I use that term loosely. For days, no, weeks following this thread, I received numerous PM’s and Emails with support from members here, most whom I had never spoken to. That has been the silver lining in this cloud - I have gotten to know some really wonderful people. But……not once have I received any form of apology from any of those that led the attack, of course I didn’t expect to.
One observation that I think we can all learn from…..threads such as this one as well as the originating one, are like car accidents. Everyone says how awful and yet crowd around out of some perverse interest in the suffering of others. Or, maybe a more fitting analogy would be the school yard fight at lunchtime behind the parking lot…….everyone ruches out to have a look see……even those who had absolutely no reason to be involved yell and encourage it to continue.
One other observation I have noticed with numerous threads…….folks often have a habit it seems of jumping in midstream with their opinions. Either they can not comprehend the written word or they just don’t bother to start reading from page one because often some pretty outlandish remarks are made that have little, if anything, to do with the originating topic. Maybe we can all seek out the facts, read the threads in their entirety, before we jump in and give our opinions. Course, which is just mine.
Oh yeah……I have no objections whatsoever being referred to as "ladies". That is like you men being upset if I refer to you as "guys". Now - being called an unbalanced so and so in need of hormone therapy is most definitely NOT politically, morally or ethically correct. And……having some one suggest that I am jealous over a younger woman because the men flirt with her and not me…..

John Hart
04-01-2006, 5:37 PM
Well said Shelley. Welcome Back!!!!!:) :)

tod evans
04-01-2006, 5:42 PM
okay fine! but why did you print so small? some of us don`t have 24" monitors.....welcome back shelley.....02 tod

Dennis Peacock
04-01-2006, 5:44 PM
Welcome Back Shelley!!!!:D

Dennis Peacock
04-01-2006, 5:44 PM
okay fine! but why did you print so small? some of us don`t have 24" monitors.....welcome back shelley.....02 tod


Agree Tod....I had to break out the ol' magnifying glass!!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :D

Shelley Bolster
04-01-2006, 5:48 PM
Hey -it looked big to me...:eek: I changed it.......big enough now?

Thanks for the welcome back guys:D .......John, it particuarly means something coming from you as you took the time to go into the moderators forum and read the entire orginal thread! Thank you for that and the welcome.:)

Dennis Peacock
04-01-2006, 5:51 PM
Hey -it looked big to me...:eek: I changed it.......big enough now?

Oh yea.....that's more gooder now. ;) :D

Steve Clardy
04-01-2006, 6:03 PM
Welcome back Shelly!

Curt Fuller
04-01-2006, 6:20 PM
Welcome Back Shelley from someone who had almost no idea what any of this was all about. Now, let's all go fire up the lathes, make some stuff, shake some shavings out of our skivvies, take some pictures, post some comments, and get back to being a big ol happy family.

Don Baer
04-01-2006, 6:23 PM
Welcome back Shellie, so when are you gonna get yourself a Lathe...:D

Kevin Gerstenecker
04-01-2006, 6:26 PM
Shelley and I have been friends for a couple of years now, thru the magic of the Internet and Woodworking Forums. Although we have had our disagreements and differences, I have always respected her for the PERSON she is, and her talents as a woodworker. I am sorry this sort of thing happened to you Shelley. For those that offered the many words of support and encouragement, I say "Bravo" to you all. BTW, very well stated.......quite "Lady Like" and all! ;)

Bernie Weishapl
04-01-2006, 6:27 PM
Welcome back Shelley. As another one who didn't know what was going on I am glad to have you back and look forward to your posts. Did someone say Shelley needs to get a lathe.:eek: :D

Ed Scolforo
04-01-2006, 6:38 PM
Shelley: What Curt said!!

Jim Dunn
04-01-2006, 6:39 PM
Welcome back Shelley! Glad to have another talented person to admire. Oh and yeah when are you going to get a lathe?? We "fellows" can be quite persuasive, just ask Ken:)

Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2006, 6:40 PM
Shelley......It's good to see you posting here again!

Lee DeRaud
04-01-2006, 6:44 PM
Did someone say Shelley needs to get a lathe.:eek: :DI didn't see the "cat-fight" thread, but I suspect that's what somebody said that drove her away in the first place.:D :cool: :p

Run, Shelley, RUN!!! They're out to get you!!!

DAMHIKT :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ken Garlock
04-01-2006, 8:34 PM
Shelly, thanks for clearing the air for those of us that were ignorant of the offending contents of the deleted thread.

You are a Lady in my book.:cool: :)

Please hang around, please?

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-01-2006, 9:27 PM
After much consideration and a goodly amount of encouragement, I have decided to break my silence to address a couple of issues brought forth in this thread…….which by the way Stu, has over 30 replies without the aid of any of us ladies whom, as you pointed out, like to talk .

Now I know that ladies like to talk (after all, I'm married to one, and when she gets together with her friends, they can TALK)

It helps if you use the entire quote....

Well, I think as guys, we like sitting around shooting the breeze jawing on whatever the subject is, now I know that ladies like to talk (after all, I'm married to one, and when she gets together with her friends, they can TALK) but I think the way they chat is not the same as the way we chat.

You make it sound like I think us guys don't like to talk, which is wrong, we like to talk too, but often it just ain't the same as when the ladies (I guess that term has now been officially santioned for use here) like to talk.

How often have you seen two groups develop at a party, the guys outside by the BBQ the "Ladies" inside at the kitchen table.

Anyway, welcome back Shelley, I'm glad you gave an honest assesment of the events.

I sure hope other members who have not been around so much get the hint and come on back.


Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2006, 9:31 PM
Hey Lee.............We got you! ...........we want to assimilate everyone including Shelley!:D

George Conklin
04-01-2006, 9:49 PM
Shwoooh! (wiping sweat of brow) I'm just glad I didn't have anything to do with your hiatus:)

Paul Douglass
04-01-2006, 10:13 PM
Shelly, welcome back and I am sorry for what happened. Please contact some of the other ladies for us and encourage them to return. I'm pretty new at this turning stuff and was learning from everyones input. Hate to see this sort of thing happen.

Carole Valentine
04-01-2006, 10:39 PM
Well this is just one of the silliest threads I have ever waded through! I think I will go back to my shop, where I have been all along - TURNING and LEARNING! I have no clue what the "cat fight" was. I am so sick of "political correctness" that it turns my stomach. I am a Lady and I do not mind being referred to as such. No one "drove me away." I still check in here and if someone asks a question about turning that I think I might be able to help with, I reply. I simply don't have the time right now to join in some of the banter. I don't feel a compelling need to make "Bonkers" and I am not a "Geezer" or the female equivalent - at least not yet anyway.:) I do take my turning seriously and am busy getting ready for an event in April and am preparing pieces to try and get juried at the Artisan's Guild in May. Don't know about the other ladies, but that's my story. Case closed. Hey! Don't you people have lathes??? Why aren't you out there turning???? Now git! :D

Bernie Weishapl
04-01-2006, 10:44 PM
Hey Carole good to hear from you. Are you doing pieces for a show or to sell?

Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2006, 10:53 PM
Hey Carole! It's good to hear from you! Can a bowl look like a wide-mouthed mason jar?:confused: .............Just wondered.....I roughed out my first bowl this evening............:D

Jim Dunn
04-01-2006, 11:32 PM
Now git! :D

Yes Ma'm, I'm a gittin;)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-02-2006, 12:34 AM
Well this is just one of the silliest threads I have ever waded through! I think I will go back to my shop, where I have been all along - TURNING and LEARNING! I have no clue what the "cat fight" was. I am so sick of "political correctness" that it turns my stomach. I am a Lady and I do not mind being referred to as such. No one "drove me away." I still check in here and if someone asks a question about turning that I think I might be able to help with, I reply. I simply don't have the time right now to join in some of the banter. I don't feel a compelling need to make "Bonkers" and I am not a "Geezer" or the female equivalent - at least not yet anyway.:) I do take my turning seriously and am busy getting ready for an event in April and am preparing pieces to try and get juried at the Artisan's Guild in May. Don't know about the other ladies, but that's my story. Case closed. Hey! Don't you people have lathes??? Why aren't you out there turning???? Now git! :D

Spoken like a true turner!! :D:D:D

John Bailey
04-02-2006, 9:18 AM
Welcome back Ladies!!

I don't recall if I posted to the offending thread or not. I do recall, at some point, deciding not to read it anymore because of the direction it was going. So, I'm not sure what all was said. I, for one, will not mind getting an e-whack across my e-head if I ever do get out of line.

Again, welcome back.


Jim Dunn
04-02-2006, 9:26 AM
I, for one, will not mind getting an e-whack across my e-head if I ever do get out of line. John

An e-whack I can handle. Just don't PM my wife for a (e)-head shot, she'd do it:eek:

Travis Stinson
04-02-2006, 12:46 PM
Shelley's getting a lathe????:confused:

Oh........Yeah. So Shelley, when are YOU getting a lathe?:D

John Hart
04-02-2006, 12:49 PM
Before I git.....Just wanted to gossip a little.

....I hear Shelley's getting a lathe! :)

Shelley Bolster
04-02-2006, 1:02 PM
Sure I am getting a lathe........one day! ;) :p :p

Ken Fitzgerald
04-02-2006, 1:03 PM
Which day Shelley..........don't mean to pressure you.....:rolleyes: :D

Allen Grimes
04-02-2006, 1:16 PM
SHELLEY:eek:, Im so glad to see you are finally posting again. Now you can post more pics of all that awesome furniture that you make:D

I havent been around much lately either, as Im sure you know, but now that you are posting again, I will be sure to check out the SMC more often to see what new stuff you have made. Your work has always been some of my favorite Shelley, I'm glad you're back (insert hug smiley here)

John Hart
04-02-2006, 1:18 PM
....Now you can post more pics of all that awesome furniture that you make:D....

Round furniture;)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-02-2006, 1:21 PM
Well Shelly will have lots of logs to make blanks from.... :D