View Full Version : Grrrrrrrrr!

Alden Miller
03-30-2006, 10:04 AM
At least that's what I imagine my dog was saying...

I was certainly saying that when I got home yesterday.

Our new dog has a taste for fine tools I found out. He ate the handles off of all five of my Lie-Nielsen chisels. He didn't hurt the leather roll but certainly went to town on the handles.

It certainly took some self control not to let him have it!

I exchanged emails with Lie-Nielsen, replacements are available so I'll be ordering those and storing the chisels out of reach!


Tyler Howell
03-30-2006, 10:44 AM
You have a lot of control my friend.
Good luck with the pooch and the LNs.

Jim Becker
03-30-2006, 10:47 AM
Ouch. But then again, at least the beast was "intelligent" enough not to chomp down on the sharp ends...that might have been messier.

Jason Tuinstra
03-30-2006, 10:57 AM
Alden, that's quite the story. We just got a dog, so I'll be sure to give him plenty of chew toys... I think I have some old marples chisels laying around... kidding! ;)

Larry Fox
03-30-2006, 11:04 AM
Well, certainly not on the same level as eating the handles off LN chisels but if it will make you feel any better you are not alone. A year or so ago we were having a large family get together - I mean everyone. My mom had made a wonderful turkey and everyone was anxiously anticipating enjoying said bird. Turkey sitting on counter, everyone out of room for whatever reason, dog seizes the opportunity. He got about 1/2 way through it by the time we realized it. Needless to say we didn't have turkey that night. To add insult to injury it was MY dog - I felt guilty about leaving him in the house alone all day so I brought him along. Next time he stays home.

Alden Miller
03-30-2006, 12:41 PM
Thanks Larry, that made me laugh.

I feel a little better now, I just got of the phone with LN, the replacement handles are on their way. I checked with them and they have never heard of anyones dog eating the chisel handles.


Jason Tuinstra
03-30-2006, 12:44 PM
Alden, I think you should rename your dog "Hornbeam" - that'll teach him! :D :p

Robert Mayer
03-30-2006, 1:06 PM
Well, certainly not on the same level as eating the handles off LN chisels but if it will make you feel any better you are not alone. A year or so ago we were having a large family get together - I mean everyone. My mom had made a wonderful turkey and everyone was anxiously anticipating enjoying said bird. Turkey sitting on counter, everyone out of room for whatever reason, dog seizes the opportunity. He got about 1/2 way through it by the time we realized it. Needless to say we didn't have turkey that night. To add insult to injury it was MY dog - I felt guilty about leaving him in the house alone all day so I brought him along. Next time he stays home.

Thats a little like the time i chased my husky around the house when she stole an entire 36" long loaf of bread off the coffee table.

Michael Gabbay
03-30-2006, 2:28 PM
Guys I can't believe you are falling for Alden's excuse - My dog ate my chisel handles! Geez that is soooooooo old. Next he'll be telling us that his tax refund check is in the mail! :p

Alden - As a great President once said: "You can fool all of the of the people all of the time, and some of the people some of the time but.... oh hell you know what I'm trying to say." :D

Mark Pruitt
03-30-2006, 6:10 PM
Reminds me of the time in March 2001 when I was away at a conference in Denver and my then-ten-month-old Schnauzer chewed a 6" hole in the vinyl floor in the kitchen. By the time my wife heard the odd sound coming from the kitchen, it was too late.

Alden Miller
03-30-2006, 6:58 PM
Hah, check's not in the mail... It's in the bank!

I can tell I am going to have to supply some pictures here...

Alright, I'll get the camera and show proof.


John Shuk
03-30-2006, 7:23 PM
Maybe Rover would like a little ground glass in his ALPO!

Alden Miller
03-30-2006, 8:51 PM

Yes, I could have called it patina but I just couldn't bear it.


Larry Norton
03-30-2006, 10:24 PM
Guys, DO NOT believe him! I gave him those handles a while ago as a joke! And Mike was there so he can verify it.

I think the burning oil coming out of the exhaust pipe of his Dodge has affected his brain!


Tom Horton
03-31-2006, 7:34 AM
You call that chewed?!?!? That's just lightly gnawed!:D How big is your dog? I will show you some pics of what my dog, a 95 lb, black lab has done to my hammer handle..... well, I could, if the handle had anything left to it:mad: .... I'd call those marks "well broken in" marks. It at least makes one think that you've been using them to make wonderful cabinetry for years, and years, and years..... you know what I mean.:rolleyes:

Michael Gabbay
03-31-2006, 8:34 AM
He's such a baby!

You know if Thomas Lie-Nielsen finds out about this he may not sell you any more tools. Geez, letting your dog chew up hand made chisel handles. What a DISGRACE! :D :p

Alden Miller
03-31-2006, 8:51 AM
He's 17 pounds, Boston Terrier. Actually if he had a little more time he can make them into splinters.

Larry, you're still alive? Long time no hear. I've been doing a lot of charity work towing FORDS off the side of the road. I figured I'd be seeing you soon. :D


Bill Lewis
03-31-2006, 9:36 AM
What! no pictures of the dog, didn't happen!