View Full Version : My sweetie was admitted to the hospital and I thought she needed flowers.....

Ken Fitzgerald
03-27-2006, 8:44 PM
Folks.....the LOML had surgery.....we thought she'd be coming home this evening. Shortly after noon being the kind of person she is....she said "Go home....take the cordless phone. It works in the shop.....if I get released I'll call you. There's no sense both of us napping here." I took vacation this week so I could look after her following surgery. Being the kind of person she is....I'll probably have to sit on her after she does get home. Imagine our shock when she found out she'd been admitted for an overnight stay. So I took the cordless phone and went to the shop. I thought she ought to have some flowers.....of course flowers need a vase (vahse if you're from Andy's neck of the woods).......so here it is.....I'm headed to the hospital with it! Vase #2 for me...........Glued up poplar, friction polish and Beal buffing system. Critiques and comments welcome! I can't learn if you don't tell me about it!

Martin Shupe
03-27-2006, 8:49 PM
Very nice, Ken, and I'm glad to hear you wife is on the mend.

John Timberlake
03-27-2006, 8:50 PM
Excellent job on the "vahse" and the flowers. Nice form, execution and finish. Hope the wife gets better soon.

Richard Jones
03-27-2006, 8:52 PM
Nice looking vaaaaaaaaaaaaaase.

Hope your wife is feeling better.

Rich in VA

Jerry Clark
03-27-2006, 8:52 PM
Great vase Ken, I am sure she will like it and it may make her feel better. Hope she has a fast recovery.:D

Mark Cothren
03-27-2006, 8:56 PM
Great work, Ken! Hope and pray your wife's recovery continues without a hitch!

Thanks for the picture!

Tyler Howell
03-27-2006, 8:56 PM
Well done ken:cool:

Travis Stinson
03-27-2006, 8:57 PM
That's a beauty Ken. You did a great job on the form, finish, everything!:cool:
Give your wife our best.

Bill Grumbine
03-27-2006, 9:04 PM
Very impressive Ken, and I hope she heals up quickly. Not only is this a good turning, I think it is a very thoughtful gift.


Paul Douglass
03-27-2006, 9:09 PM
Your sweetie is getting a nice vase from a very thoughtful guy. She will enjoy the vase. Wishing her a speed recovery..

Raymond Overman
03-27-2006, 9:09 PM
It sure didn't take you long to figure that lathe out. Great looking vase. I'm sure it will put a smile on your wife's face and help speed her recovery. I hope she's well soon.

Andy Hoyt
03-27-2006, 9:17 PM
That is indeed a fine looking vaze err phazzhe err vzhassee err Flower Holder Thingie!

Git yer butt back over to the hostible, boy!

David Fried
03-27-2006, 9:23 PM
Glad all went well and you're there to take care of her.

I'm sure she'll love the vase. I think I like this one better than the first one!

Next time you slink off to Woodcraft she can use it as a bonker!!

Dvae Fried

Jim Becker
03-27-2006, 9:24 PM
Looks PERFECT for the job!! She'll be feeling better in a few days, although the internal healing takes a bit longer. And I'm sure you'll be waiting on her hand and foot... :D

Curt Fuller
03-27-2006, 9:27 PM
Beautiful vase Ken, and the flowers are purdy too. Now get her home so she can try out that new mattress.

doug webb
03-27-2006, 9:28 PM
That should help in her recovery. Great vase. MY wife says you must have cheated and had done some turning prior to getting your lathe.

Corey Hallagan
03-27-2006, 9:32 PM
Very nice Ken, that is exactly the shape I have drawn out ready to go! Nice job and sorry to hear the wife isn't feeling so well. Hope everything goes well!


Frank Chaffee
03-27-2006, 9:43 PM
That is a very lovely and graceful vase, but what is most touching is that you created it and that it will mean so much to your wife Sharon.
My best to the two of you,

John Miliunas
03-27-2006, 10:05 PM
Now that's just totally awesome, my friend!!! :) I simply can't imagine any other gift, which would be more meaningful to your bride at this time! Beautifully done, Ken and that goes for both, the workmanship and the wonderful thoughts behind it! Please, give our best to the LOYL for a quick and thorough recovery! :) :cool:

Jim Ketron
03-27-2006, 10:40 PM
Hope she gets well soon!
Ken, You have done a great job on that vase!
Beautiful form and finish!
Awesome Job Bud!

Jim Dunn
03-27-2006, 10:54 PM
She's one lucky woman Ken. I can see a steady rest and a whole bunch of new tools in your future:)

Joe Mioux
03-27-2006, 11:53 PM
Ken, Hope Mrs. Ken is on the mend..

Nice vase, but ditch the silk flowers and get some real ones;) .


Don Baer
03-28-2006, 12:05 AM
Ya done good Ken

Dennis Peacock
03-28-2006, 1:26 AM
Very nice vase there Ken!!!! Tell the LOYL that we're all pulling and praying for her speedy recovery.

Vaughn McMillan
03-28-2006, 4:15 AM
One look at the vaaahse, and I could tell it was made with much more than your hands. Your heart was doing most of the work, and it shows. It's perfect. All the best to the little missus, and here's to a speedy recovery.

- Vaughn

Michael Stafford
03-28-2006, 5:57 AM
A beautiful vase and a wonderful sentiment. I am sure you paid for all your tool purchases with that nice gift. As long as she gets first pick from all your turnings she will allow long walks through the woodturning section at Woodcraft and other stores. So glad she is feeling better.

Glenn Clabo
03-28-2006, 6:12 AM
Just cool...

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-28-2006, 6:24 AM
Yep, that is a keeper!

Hope your wife is back home and healing fast!


Ed Scolforo
03-28-2006, 6:24 AM
Ken, I hope she recovers quickly. The vaase is well done, good form and finish.

John Hart
03-28-2006, 7:16 AM
Nicely done Ken...I'm sure Sharon will love it. I hope for her speedy recovery. Your vahhhhse is certain to help.

Critiques? Sure. It's very nice and the overall shape and proportions are very pleasing. You have a flat spot toward the middle that is a hard thing mentally to correct. (I know I had trouble disciplining myself to stop doing that) What helped me, was to put a pencil mark on one spot where I wanted the widest point, then stairstepped away from that mark to both sides of it...then smooth the stairsteps with a skew.

That's my way...I bet there's a dozen other techniques out there.

Keith Burns
03-28-2006, 8:23 AM
Ken, you nailed the form on this one:) :) Great finish as well. I know your wife will be pleased with it. Hope she gets better soon.

Glenn Hodges
03-28-2006, 9:04 AM
Best wishes for your wife. Good form and finish on the vase.

Mike Ramsey
03-28-2006, 9:10 AM
Nice job Ken! I know your wife will get better as soon as she sees it!!
Ken, asking for critiques in the same sentence that you tell us about
you lovely wife being in the hospital......ain't happening.....;) .

Bernie Weishapl
03-28-2006, 1:03 PM
Ken tell that sweetie of yours gets to feeling better. Your flower vashe is stunning Ken. You did a excellent job on that piece. Great work.

John Shuk
03-28-2006, 5:00 PM
Very nice Ken. I like the form and It is a nice gift. I hope all is well.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-28-2006, 5:15 PM
Okay folks.........Momma's home .....Now if I can just get her to take it easy! We've been down this road before with her!

John ....thanks for the critique and the suggestion! I'll give it a try on the next one.

Dave Fifield
03-28-2006, 8:34 PM
Glad to hear she's home Ken. Don't let her over do it. I like the vase - nice simple form, clean lines, great finish on it too.

All the best,
Dave F.

Andy Hoyt
03-28-2006, 8:41 PM
Ken - Run out to the shop and turn a small bell and set it next to Sharon. She can use it to ring you when she needs some help. You know, stuff like:

Turn off the lights
Turn down the comforter
Turn up the radio
Turn over
Turn the channel on the tv
Turn a new leaf

Yup, you'll be turning all during her convalesence.

Welcome Home, Mama Fitz!

Corey Hallagan
03-28-2006, 8:50 PM
Ken, glad the wife is feeling better!


Ernie Nyvall
03-28-2006, 9:17 PM
Wishing her a speedy recovery Ken. The vase and the thought that went in to making it should certainly help in that. Nice work.
