View Full Version : When does the "Geezer Goblet" contest start?

Lee DeRaud
03-27-2006, 6:47 PM
Couldn't wait...more of a snifter than a goblet, kind of:
About 4.5"H x 3"D, more of that super-dry redwood (AKA "wooden styrofoam"), so I didn't get greedy with the wall thickness. ("Hey, it's my camera, I'll pick the angle the picture is taken from!") I'm not thrilled with the finish, but then again, I've never finished this wood before, so this may be as good as it gets.

Jim Dunn
03-27-2006, 7:00 PM
Wow Lee. I could start drinking again from something like that. Not really but I like it.

George Conklin
03-27-2006, 7:26 PM
That's a great looking goblet, Lee. Very nice indeed.

Jerry Clark
03-27-2006, 8:12 PM
Great form Lee, I think you did good with the redwood-- it is very soft wood and good to practice on. :D

John Timberlake
03-27-2006, 8:51 PM
Great job and nice form for a short goblet. Keep them coming.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-27-2006, 8:56 PM
Doggone Lee if I don't think you are a natural! I'm jealous.........Seeing your work won't make me give up my new found love but....I might stop posting pictures for a while!:rolleyes: :D

Lee DeRaud
03-27-2006, 9:08 PM
Thanks guys.

Ken, if by "natural" you mean "has absolutely no idea what he's doing"...yup, you just described me to a T.:eek:

"What's this 'bevel' thing you people keep talking about?"

Jim Becker
03-27-2006, 9:25 PM
Very pleasing form, Lee. Nice work!

Corey Hallagan
03-27-2006, 10:05 PM
WOW Lee, I like that! Very nice job. What did yah holler it out with Lee? Looks great!


Don Baer
03-28-2006, 12:54 AM
good job Lee, but wheres the engraving...

Vaughn McMillan
03-28-2006, 4:18 AM
Nice job Lee. You obviously have a good eye for form. It'll be scary seeing what you create once you get some practice. ;)

- Vaughn

David Fried
03-28-2006, 6:19 AM

Geezer-to-geezer, Very Nice! :D My first question was just what is a goblet, so I looked it up.

gob - let, noun
Etymology: Middle English gobelet, from Middle French
1 archaic : a bowl-shaped drinking vessel without handles
2 : a drinking vessel (as of glass) with a foot and stem

I wonder if we are allowed to turn archaic forms? :confused: In any case, you've got the stem and foot so you're all set!:D

Dave Fried

John Hart
03-28-2006, 7:06 AM
I wonder if we are allowed to turn archaic forms? :confused: In any case, you've got the stem and foot so you're all set!:D ....

Indian Jones and the Last Crusade has lots of goblet forms in it. But you must choose wisely.;)

Nice looking Goblet Lee. I think we ought to get this contest started today. Gotta check with Mr. Fitzgerald....It was his idea after all.:)

Keith Burns
03-28-2006, 8:28 AM
Nice snifter Lee. Ya done good!:) :)

Mike Ramsey
03-28-2006, 9:07 AM
Looks like a nice Brandy snifter to me! Good job Lee!

Bernie Weishapl
03-28-2006, 1:06 PM
Great job Lee. Looks mighty fine to me.

Ernie Nyvall
03-28-2006, 8:07 PM
Nice one Lee. I like that form.


Andy Hoyt
03-28-2006, 8:12 PM
When does the "Geezer Goblet" contest start? So..... Is this gonna mean that you have to be a geezer to enter, or that we have to turn something for a geezer?

Lee DeRaud
03-28-2006, 8:16 PM
So..... Is this gonna mean that you have to be a geezer to enter, or that we have to turn something for a geezer?Yes.

And no fair just hollowing out bonkers from the last contest, either.
(Mostly because I didn't think of it in time, partly because goblets aren't supposed to have spikes. :eek: )

Andy Hoyt
03-28-2006, 8:20 PM
Oh goody!

I don't know any geezers except you guys, so I'm relieved from the competition as I doubt any of you would want one of my Dale Thompson Knockoffs.


John Hart
03-28-2006, 8:27 PM
So..... Is this gonna mean that you have to be a geezer to enter, or that we have to turn something for a geezer?

Ken Fitzgerald is working up all the rules and posting it tonight. Being a young strapping lad m'self, and not knowing any Geezers, I'm starting to feel a little left out!:(

Andy Hoyt
03-28-2006, 8:37 PM
But John. Since we mostly only know each other in a virtual reality kind of way and that you'd rather have lived 100 years ago - that makes you the geezeriest geezer of all. Yup, he be geezerish all right.

David Fried
03-28-2006, 8:42 PM

Age is not an absolute number rather it is an average, parts of me are 18 and other parts are 102. I'd rather not say which parts are which! :eek: The average of all the parts is my age.

Of course, you independently discovered this on Monday!!:D So while you may be young and strapping, you are also part geezer!

Dave Fried

John Hart
03-28-2006, 8:58 PM
I think I'll make a cane tonight. I'm feeling mighty geezerly after all. Thanks guys!!:)