View Full Version : Road Trip: Pre-Gloat, Parks Planer

John Bailey
03-27-2006, 1:43 PM
I've been looking for a Parks Planer for about a year. I wanted a small, but heavily built planer. Finally got one, but I've got to go to Long Island to pick it up. So, Thursday afternoon I'm heading out to pick it up. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but I'm really lookin' forward to it. Gonna pick it up Friday afternoon. I'm gonna visit Grizzly's in PA Saturday morning and then head home.

Any advice on the planer would be appreciated. I've got everything from the OWWM crowd, but anything from this crowd could be helpful.


Chris Rosenberger
03-27-2006, 3:28 PM
Those are nice planers. That model was my first planer & I used it for 17 trouble free years. I went to the factory in Cincinnati, OH to pick it up. I sold mine in 1995 after buying a 1967 Powermatic Model 180.
As I remember it was a little tricky to get it adjusted, but one it was setup correctly it worked great.
Have a safe trip.

Mike Wilkins
03-27-2006, 4:32 PM
Saw this post after I posted on the shop thread. I had a Parks planer just like this one for a lot of years. Fine machine. Only problem I had was the throw-out bearing in the gear box was worn. I got a replacement part from a source that still sells Parks parts. Sorry I don't have it now, but the OWWM site will have it listed. I used heavy axle bearing grease in the gear box with no problems. That parts source may also have a dust hood available; I just made my own from plywood and HVAC connections.
Fine Woodworking had an article on adjusting planers, which featured the Parks in the article. If I can remember to look it up, I will post it here for your info. You got yourself a good one. Good luck and watch those fingers.

John Bailey
03-27-2006, 4:34 PM

I would love to get my hands on the FW article. I haven't run across that yet. Let me know if you find it.


Carl Eyman
03-27-2006, 9:54 PM
John: I have the planer - Craftsman variety - and have a copy of the article from FWW in my shop to help me when I need to tune it. PM me and ask me what you'd like me to do. By the way, I believe my machine dates back to pre WWII and still works like a charm.

Dave Lehnert
03-27-2006, 11:28 PM
I have this from 1999. Have no idea if it is good today or not.

Parks Repair

John Bailey
03-28-2006, 5:54 AM
Dave, Carl,

Thanks for the info, if I need the article, I'll get back with you.


Bill Simmeth
03-28-2006, 7:04 AM
Congrats on the planer and the pending road trip. They (road trips) are good for the soul and I find them very energizing!

The article you mention was written by none other than OWWM forum regular, Bob Vaughn. A copy is lodged on the OWWM.com site (http://www.owwm.com/Parks/FWW/tuning.asp). They are nice machines.


tod evans
03-28-2006, 7:26 AM
nice score john!

John Bailey
03-28-2006, 2:35 PM
Thanks for all the input folks. I've got the article, and it is great. Can't wait to get my hands on the machine. I've got next week free, so, as long as it's in working order, I'll be trying out the tips in the article.


Reg Mitchell
03-28-2006, 5:39 PM
Nice score John.....It seems you have steped onto the road of arn......once you get use to the heavy stuff......its more repetability you won't look back....by the way make sure you get your wife something real nice to take back to her and she'll look foward to your next trip too....:D

John Bush
03-28-2006, 8:03 PM
Hi John, et.al.,

I have had the Parks 12' planer for over ten years and it has been a great workhorse for me. After reading the article in FWW by Robert Vaughan I ordered the VHS tape of a live tune-up demonstration. I have the tape but can't find my copy of that FWW issue. John, PM me and if you can find the article I'll swap you copies. (Tauton Press has no copies of the video). Thanks, JCB

John Bailey
03-29-2006, 5:34 AM

If you look at the posts on this thread, I think you'll be able to find the article. If not, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.
