View Full Version : Has anyone ever heard of a wood co-op?

Jason Morgan
03-27-2006, 10:22 AM
I am always thinking of ways to get cheap lumber. Cherry at $7.20/BF is almost prohibitive for projects of any size. What I am wondering is if anyone has ever heard of a lumber co-op, and if so, how was it run and was/is it successful? My idea is a bunch of people pool resources and buy "shares" in an inventory and help with the acquisition and maintenance of material. You could contribute dry lumber and obtain shares that way also. I am still thinking through the logistics. It would have to operate on a “store” type model, but the lumber would essentially be sold as “wholesale”. Any info you can point me to would be great.

Jim Becker
03-27-2006, 10:34 AM
Jason, group buying is always one way to lower material cost. If you can get enough folks who need/want material at the same time. But $7.20 is a bit high, even for cherry. Perhaps you should also shop around a little. Typical cost for cherry is in the $4.50-6.00, depending on grade and quantity, even outside of the "Cherry Belt". (I buy local air-dried cherry for about $3/bd ft...at least at my last buy)

Jim Shaffer
03-27-2006, 11:37 AM
Cherry at Northland Forest Products here in Northern Virginia (and several other locations) sell for the same $4.50 -$6.00 /bf that Jim Becker mentioned. If you want 100 bf or more, you can shop online and order from Steve Wall or Groff and Groff and get into the lower end of that range.

Jason Morgan
03-27-2006, 12:22 PM
I have heard rumors of $3-$4/BF cherry, but havent been able to find them (until about 5 min ago). Most of the stuff around here is in the $6.70-$7.20 range. I just checked on a source and he has rough for sale at $3.50-$4.00 depending on how red it is (80% to 100%). Looks like my problems are solved!

Still interested in the co-op deal though.