View Full Version : First shot at making blanks...

Scott Fernald
03-26-2006, 7:58 PM
Scavenged some wood at the county yard waste drop off site. Mostly looking for firewood and something to make blanks from. Got some poplar and white oak logs and some other unknown (at least to me) hardwood, all green. Put together a "log holder" to help support the bowl blank cuts and went to town!

First the setup - easier on my back then bending over to work on the logs with my pitiful little electric saw! :)


My helper noticed I was "making shavings not sawdust!" I've got plenty more of the big white oak if I decide to hack more blanks out of it - I cut up one log into 2 13x14x4.5 inch blanks - a pair of slightly smaller poplar blanks, and split some smaller logs in half for the rest - coating all cut surfaces with AnchorSeal.
I was wondering what kind of wood the blanks at the top are - the dry ends of the log were a mahogany color but the wet inside wood is a yellow/orange color. The log to the right (with the latex paint ends) is the same wood if the bark helps with the "ID-ing".

The little electric did better than I thought it would. Once it dies it will be time for a real chainsaw...

Mike Ramsey
03-27-2006, 12:26 PM
Quote: (I was wondering what kind of wood the blanks at the top are - the dry ends of the log were a mahogany color but the wet inside wood is a yellow/orange color. The log to the right (with the latex paint ends) is the same wood if the bark helps with the "ID-ing".)

Looks like Osage Orange from here....