View Full Version : Yet another clamp rack. (for k-body style)

Art Mulder
03-26-2006, 4:19 PM
Everyone else seems to come up with their own unique design of a clamp rack, so I figured I might as well also...

I was in a store a few months back and I noticed that they hung their Gross-Stabil clamps from a rod, and that idea stuck with me. It seemed a fairly quick and simple method. However, I also have a couple of quite long (40") Gross-Stabil clamps, and in my small shop it seemed like a horizontal hanging method would work better for them. I had them mounted vertically previously, and I found that the long length tended to get in the way.

So I came up with this combination method. My long clamps are up high, mounted horizontally. The shorter (24") clamps can hang vertically.

Just finished it a half hour ago, but it seems like it will work well. Ask me again in a few months...

Barry O'Mahony
03-26-2006, 6:47 PM
Art, what's that thing sticking out of the upper receptacle on the wall? 'looks weird.

Bruce Page
03-26-2006, 6:51 PM
Nice rack, simple but effective.

Matt Meiser
03-26-2006, 9:42 PM
It can also double as a towel bar for a kid's bathroom. (Spoken as a former kid who ripped a towel bar or two off the wall.)

Brett Baldwin
03-27-2006, 12:20 AM
That looks like a quick and useful clamp management system. I may have to borrow from that idea.

Art Mulder
03-27-2006, 7:26 AM
Art, what's that thing sticking out of the upper receptacle on the wall? 'looks weird.

Barry... That is one of my simple-minded safety measures. That thing sticking out is a little neon bulb (plus resistor) grafted onto the end of an old christmas light plug. The reason for it being there is that is the outlet for the table saw. The switch in the other half of the box controls the two plugs. So when the switch is on, so is the light, and the table saw has power.

I know you can get receptacles that light up, but if I recall, I found the price a bit high, and just cooked up my own free alternative.

I find that the light just gives me a bit more help in identifying that the table saw is powered. And when I leave the shop and kill the lights, a quick glance will verify that the tablesaw is also killed. I also try to make it a habit to drop the blade on the saw whenever I am done with it.

I've worked hard to cultivate good safety habits around the tablesaw.